Elephants 火槍戰象 heavy cavalry Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust. 戰象可將敵軍人馬踏為肉泥,同時背負的火繩槍兵亦居高臨下對敵人進行致命射擊。
Elephants 火槍戰象 heavy cavalry Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust. 戰象可將敵軍人馬踏為肉泥,同時背負的火繩槍兵亦居高臨下對敵人進行致命射擊。
Elephants 火槍戰象 heavy cavalry Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust. 戰象可將敵軍人馬踏為肉泥,同時背負的火繩槍兵亦居高臨下對敵人進行致命射擊。
Armoured Swordsmen 重裝劍士 heavy infantry Footmen of the knightly class able to afford excellent armour and swords, they can punish most other infantry. 重裝劍士出身貴族,因此盔甲武器極為精良,能令大多數對手潰不成軍。
Armoured Swordsmen 重裝劍士 heavy infantry Footmen of the knightly class able to afford excellent armour and swords, they can punish most other infantry. 重裝劍士出身貴族,因此盔甲武器極為精良,能令大多數對手潰不成軍。
Armoured Swordsmen 重裝劍士 heavy infantry Footmen of the knightly class able to afford excellent armour and swords, they can punish most other infantry. 重裝劍士出身貴族,因此盔甲武器極為精良,能令大多數對手潰不成軍。
Jaguar Warriors 猛虎戰士 light infantry A fearsome warrior, who through great skill and courage wears the jaguar uniform. Armoured with ichcahuipilli armour, chimalli shield, and wielding maquahuitl 猛虎戰士是極為精銳的部隊,只有百戰勇士方可獲准身披美洲虎皮戰袍,他們裝備棉質鑲甲、切瑪利皮盾和瑪喀霍特戰棍。
Jaguar Warriors 猛虎戰士 light infantry A fearsome warrior, who through great skill and courage wears the jaguar uniform. Armoured with ichcahuipilli armour, chimalli shield, and wielding maquahuitl 猛虎戰士是極為精銳的部隊,只有百戰勇士方可獲准身披美洲虎皮戰袍,他們裝備棉質鑲甲、切瑪利皮盾和瑪喀霍特戰棍。
Jaguar Warriors 猛虎戰士 light infantry A fearsome warrior, who through great skill and courage wears the jaguar uniform. Armoured with ichcahuipilli armour, chimalli shield, and wielding maquahuitl 猛虎戰士是極為精銳的部隊,只有百戰勇士方可獲准身披美洲虎皮戰袍,他們裝備棉質鑲甲、切瑪利皮盾和瑪喀霍特戰棍。
Jaguar Warriors 猛虎戰士 light infantry A fearsome warrior, who through great skill and courage wears the jaguar uniform. Armoured with ichcahuipilli armour, chimalli shield, and wielding maquahuitl 猛虎戰士是極為精銳的部隊,只有百戰勇士方可獲准身披美洲虎皮戰袍,他們裝備棉質鑲甲、切瑪利皮盾和瑪喀霍特戰棍。
Saracen Militia 撒拉遜民兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured townsfolk, these spearmen can take care of themselves on the battlefield, and fill out any army. 撒拉遜民兵是裝備極為精良的城鎮民兵,可獨立作戰,亦可協同其他部隊。
Saracen Militia 撒拉遜民兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured townsfolk, these spearmen can take care of themselves on the battlefield, and fill out any army. 撒拉遜民兵是裝備極為精良的城鎮民兵,可獨立作戰,亦可協同其他部隊。
Mercenary Arquebusiers 僱傭火繩槍兵 missile infantry Fired at close range, this noisy, Smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 僱傭火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。
Mercenary Arquebusiers 僱傭火繩槍兵 missile infantry Fired at close range, this noisy, Smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 僱傭火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。
Highland Archers 高地弓箭兵 missile infantry Archers from the highlands armed with a standard bow and a one-handed axe for melee. 高地弓箭兵使用標準戰弓,此外亦配備單手戰斧以備肉搏。
Highland Archers 高地弓箭兵 missile infantry Archers from the highlands armed with a standard bow and a one-handed axe for melee. 高地弓箭兵使用標準戰弓,此外亦配備單手戰斧以備肉搏。
Highland Archers 高地弓箭兵 missile infantry Archers from the highlands armed with a standard bow and a one-handed axe for melee. 高地弓箭兵使用標準戰弓,此外亦配備單手戰斧以備肉搏。
Swiss Pikemen 瑞士戟兵 spearmen infantry The most renowned mercenaries of their age. Lightly equipped, but exceptionally brave and fierce. 瑞士戟兵是中世紀最負盛名的僱傭兵,儘管盔甲簡陋,但極為驍勇善戰。
Swiss Pikemen 瑞士戟兵 spearmen infantry The most renowned mercenaries of their age. Lightly equipped, but exceptionally brave and fierce. 瑞士戟兵是中世紀最負盛名的僱傭兵,儘管盔甲簡陋,但極為驍勇善戰。
Great Cross 十字戰車 light siege Golden cross to inspire the troops, and remind them that they are on God's mission. 十字戰車極大激勵軍隊士氣,以示上帝與他們同在。