General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Conquistadores 征服者騎兵 heavy cavalry Well trained and armed with lance and sword, they make superb heavy cavalry capable of devastating attacks. 征服者騎兵訓練有素,裝備騎槍和長劍,屬於精銳騎兵部隊,衝鋒威力驚人。
Conquistadores 征服者騎兵 heavy cavalry Well trained and armed with lance and sword, they make superb heavy cavalry capable of devastating attacks. 征服者騎兵訓練有素,裝備騎槍和長劍,屬於精銳騎兵部隊,衝鋒威力驚人。
Mounted Crossbowmen 弩騎兵 missile cavalry Using smaller crossbows than the infantry, these units use their mobility to stay out of trouble while they reload. 弩騎兵使用較步兵弩更為小巧的騎弩,發射後利用騎兵優勢遠避敵軍從容裝填。
Mounted Crossbowmen 弩騎兵 missile cavalry Using smaller crossbows than the infantry, these units use their mobility to stay out of trouble while they reload. 弩騎兵使用較步兵弩更為小巧的騎弩,發射後利用騎兵優勢遠避敵軍從容裝填。
Dismounted Conquistadores 征服者步兵 heavy infantry Well armoured and equipped with a sword, Conquistadors make superb heavy infantry capable of devastating attacks. 征服者步兵訓練有素,手持鋒利長劍,屬於精銳步兵部隊,衝鋒威力驚人。
Dismounted Conquistadores 征服者步兵 heavy infantry Well armoured and equipped with a sword, Conquistadors make superb heavy infantry capable of devastating attacks. 征服者步兵訓練有素,手持鋒利長劍,屬於精銳步兵部隊,衝鋒威力驚人。
Native Mercenaries 僱傭棍兵 light infantry Armed with a club and a shield these mercenaries help fill in gaps in your battle line. 僱傭棍兵使用戰棍和盾牌,多用於填補戰線缺口。
Native Mercenaries 僱傭棍兵 light infantry Armed with a club and a shield these mercenaries help fill in gaps in your battle line. 僱傭棍兵使用戰棍和盾牌,多用於填補戰線缺口。
Portuguese Arquebusiers 葡萄牙火繩槍兵 missile infantry Effective unit, capable of giving a volley with their guns, then following up with swords. 葡萄牙火繩槍兵作戰出色,通常以火槍率先齊射,而後揮劍殺入敵陣。