This army combines massive firepower with reliable melee ability and excellent manoeuvrability. The cost of building and maintaining this army is tiny compared to the kind of elite forces this army is capable of confronting and most certainly will outmatch any army in the same cost range. As is often the case with eastern armies the best tactic is encirclement while thinning the enemy ranks with missiles, then a final morale breaking charge from all sides. Against other eastern armies the armour worn by the troops of this army does provide a reasonable degree of protection.
Custom battles 自定義費用
Recruit cost 招募成本
Army scale 軍隊規模 :
Bodyguard 早期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men dedicated to protecting the general. Hand-picked for loyalty and valour. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Sipahi Lancers 西帕希槍騎兵 heavy cavalry A better class of Sipahis, better suited to hand to hand combat than their archers counterparts. 槍騎兵為西帕希部隊精銳,與弓騎兵同儕相比,更為擅長近身搏殺。
Sipahi Lancers 西帕希槍騎兵 heavy cavalry A better class of Sipahis, better suited to hand to hand combat than their archers counterparts. 槍騎兵為西帕希部隊精銳,與弓騎兵同儕相比,更為擅長近身搏殺。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Dismounted Sipahi Lancers 步行西帕希槍騎兵 spearmen infantry Dismounted cavalry fighting on foot as competent armoured spearmen. 步行西帕希槍騎兵可步行作戰,成為精銳重裝長矛部隊。
Dismounted Sipahi Lancers 步行西帕希槍騎兵 spearmen infantry Dismounted cavalry fighting on foot as competent armoured spearmen. 步行西帕希槍騎兵可步行作戰,成為精銳重裝長矛部隊。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Card 兵種
Name 名稱
Soldiers 兵員數
Melee 肉搏
Charge 衝鋒
Missile 遠程
Defence 防禦
Custom battles 自定義費用
Exp. 經驗
Weapon 武器
Armour 護甲
Punish cost 懲罰費用
Total cost 總成本
Recruit cost 招募成本
Garrison cost 駐防費用
Heavy cavalry 重騎兵(3)
Bodyguard 早期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men dedicated to protecting the general. Hand-picked for loyalty and valour. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Sipahi Lancers 西帕希槍騎兵 heavy cavalry A better class of Sipahis, better suited to hand to hand combat than their archers counterparts. 槍騎兵為西帕希部隊精銳,與弓騎兵同儕相比,更為擅長近身搏殺。
Sipahi Lancers 西帕希槍騎兵 heavy cavalry A better class of Sipahis, better suited to hand to hand combat than their archers counterparts. 槍騎兵為西帕希部隊精銳,與弓騎兵同儕相比,更為擅長近身搏殺。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。