When France made an attack to the Southern Italy, sicilians moved majority of their forces there. They didn't know, that England was attacking to the Sicily. They raised militia there, but when the sicilians surrendered in Italy, they surrendered in there, too. Except the citadel of Palermo. The english marched there with a force with a great artillery. The first wall was bombarded down, and billmen were able to take that section easily, since it had only few soldiers. Soon they breached the second wall, and charged there. armoured swordsmen were at first pushed back, but with the support of longbowmen, they won the sicilians. But they didn't continue their attack at that day, because soldiers were tired, and they had a need to reassemble their formations. In the next day, the sicilians reinforced the defences and sharpened their weapons, knowing that they would lose in next day. They ate a little larger dinner, and then prepared for the next day. Then, english forces broke the wall in two sections. first, they weakened the sicilians with arrows, witch they could not counter, because they didn't have as good or as many archers. Soon, the engliah army attacked, first teh billmen, then, after softening the enemy for a while, they begun their last attack with their swordsmen. But then, a miracle happened: one brave sicilian swordsmen atatcked to the english lines, and got trought it. At same time, when he instilled fear to the english soliers, one arrow hit the english commander. The english routed. In next morning, the sicilian commander surrendered, because they would not have won the next attack. They surrendered theur weapons, and after that, they were free to leave. Now, the Sicily was conquered, and the last opposition to the anglo-francish alliance was destroyed. Peace would still never be long-lasting, especially, when the large, recovered Byzantine empire was near...
Custom battles 自定義費用
Recruit cost 招募成本
Army scale 軍隊規模 :
General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Heavy Billmen 重裝鉤鐮兵 heavy infantry Heavily armoured versatile infantry wielding the billhook. 重裝鉤鐮兵身穿重甲,揮動雪亮鉤鐮,刺砍鉤劈虎虎生風。
Heavy Billmen 重裝鉤鐮兵 heavy infantry Heavily armoured versatile infantry wielding the billhook. 重裝鉤鐮兵身穿重甲,揮動雪亮鉤鐮,刺砍鉤劈虎虎生風。
Heavy Billmen 重裝鉤鐮兵 heavy infantry Heavily armoured versatile infantry wielding the billhook. 重裝鉤鐮兵身穿重甲,揮動雪亮鉤鐮,刺砍鉤劈虎虎生風。
Armoured Swordsmen 重裝劍士 heavy infantry Footmen of the knightly class able to afford excellent armour and swords, they can punish most other infantry. 重裝劍士出身貴族,因此盔甲武器極為精良,能令大多數對手潰不成軍。
Armoured Swordsmen 重裝劍士 heavy infantry Footmen of the knightly class able to afford excellent armour and swords, they can punish most other infantry. 重裝劍士出身貴族,因此盔甲武器極為精良,能令大多數對手潰不成軍。
Armoured Swordsmen 重裝劍士 heavy infantry Footmen of the knightly class able to afford excellent armour and swords, they can punish most other infantry. 重裝劍士出身貴族,因此盔甲武器極為精良,能令大多數對手潰不成軍。
Yeoman Archers 約曼弓箭兵 missile infantry English freeholders are required by the King to be trained in warfare, Yeoman archers are highly skilled ranged troops. 約曼為先進方式進行管理的自耕農,一旦國家有變,他們亦會應徵入伍,成為訓練有素的遠程部隊。
Yeoman Archers 約曼弓箭兵 missile infantry English freeholders are required by the King to be trained in warfare, Yeoman archers are highly skilled ranged troops. 約曼為先進方式進行管理的自耕農,一旦國家有變,他們亦會應徵入伍,成為訓練有素的遠程部隊。
Yeoman Archers 約曼弓箭兵 missile infantry English freeholders are required by the King to be trained in warfare, Yeoman archers are highly skilled ranged troops. 約曼為先進方式進行管理的自耕農,一旦國家有變,他們亦會應徵入伍,成為訓練有素的遠程部隊。
Retinue Longbowmen 長弓衛隊 missile infantry Well armoured professional soldiers. Confident and deadly. 長弓衛隊是盔甲精良的職業部隊,戰技出色,殺傷驚人。
Retinue Longbowmen 長弓衛隊 missile infantry Well armoured professional soldiers. Confident and deadly. 長弓衛隊是盔甲精良的職業部隊,戰技出色,殺傷驚人。
Knights Hospitaller 醫院騎士 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
Knights Hospitaller 醫院騎士 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
English Knights 英格蘭騎士 heavy cavalry Elite warriors clad in steel plate armour, these men pack an effective charge, while being hard to kill. 英格蘭騎士裝備全鋼板甲,刀槍不入,衝鋒威力極為恐怖。
English Knights 英格蘭騎士 heavy cavalry Elite warriors clad in steel plate armour, these men pack an effective charge, while being hard to kill. 英格蘭騎士裝備全鋼板甲,刀槍不入,衝鋒威力極為恐怖。
Culverin 長管炮 missile siege Able to fire solid or exploding shots, the culverin is devastating against enemy walls and lethal against enemy troops! 長管炮可發射實心或開花炮彈,既能破壞敵軍防禦設施,亦可大量殺傷敵軍有生力量。
Culverin 長管炮 missile siege Able to fire solid or exploding shots, the culverin is devastating against enemy walls and lethal against enemy troops! 長管炮可發射實心或開花炮彈,既能破壞敵軍防禦設施,亦可大量殺傷敵軍有生力量。
Mortar 迫擊炮 missile siege A siege weapon capable of firing over walls and plunging shots down on enemies hiding behind said walls. 迫擊炮的曲射彈道能夠避開前方障礙轟擊縱深敵軍。
Mortar 迫擊炮 missile siege A siege weapon capable of firing over walls and plunging shots down on enemies hiding behind said walls. 迫擊炮的曲射彈道能夠避開前方障礙轟擊縱深敵軍。
Card 兵種
Name 名稱
Soldiers 兵員數
Melee 肉搏
Charge 衝鋒
Missile 遠程
Defence 防禦
Custom battles 自定義費用
Exp. 經驗
Weapon 武器
Armour 護甲
Punish cost 懲罰費用
Total cost 總成本
Recruit cost 招募成本
Garrison cost 駐防費用
Heavy cavalry 重騎兵(5)
General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Knights Hospitaller 醫院騎士 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
Knights Hospitaller 醫院騎士 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
English Knights 英格蘭騎士 heavy cavalry Elite warriors clad in steel plate armour, these men pack an effective charge, while being hard to kill. 英格蘭騎士裝備全鋼板甲,刀槍不入,衝鋒威力極為恐怖。
English Knights 英格蘭騎士 heavy cavalry Elite warriors clad in steel plate armour, these men pack an effective charge, while being hard to kill. 英格蘭騎士裝備全鋼板甲,刀槍不入,衝鋒威力極為恐怖。
Armoured Swordsmen 重裝劍士 heavy infantry Footmen of the knightly class able to afford excellent armour and swords, they can punish most other infantry. 重裝劍士出身貴族,因此盔甲武器極為精良,能令大多數對手潰不成軍。
Armoured Swordsmen 重裝劍士 heavy infantry Footmen of the knightly class able to afford excellent armour and swords, they can punish most other infantry. 重裝劍士出身貴族,因此盔甲武器極為精良,能令大多數對手潰不成軍。
Armoured Swordsmen 重裝劍士 heavy infantry Footmen of the knightly class able to afford excellent armour and swords, they can punish most other infantry. 重裝劍士出身貴族,因此盔甲武器極為精良,能令大多數對手潰不成軍。
Yeoman Archers 約曼弓箭兵 missile infantry English freeholders are required by the King to be trained in warfare, Yeoman archers are highly skilled ranged troops. 約曼為先進方式進行管理的自耕農,一旦國家有變,他們亦會應徵入伍,成為訓練有素的遠程部隊。
Yeoman Archers 約曼弓箭兵 missile infantry English freeholders are required by the King to be trained in warfare, Yeoman archers are highly skilled ranged troops. 約曼為先進方式進行管理的自耕農,一旦國家有變,他們亦會應徵入伍,成為訓練有素的遠程部隊。
Yeoman Archers 約曼弓箭兵 missile infantry English freeholders are required by the King to be trained in warfare, Yeoman archers are highly skilled ranged troops. 約曼為先進方式進行管理的自耕農,一旦國家有變,他們亦會應徵入伍,成為訓練有素的遠程部隊。
Culverin 長管炮 missile siege Able to fire solid or exploding shots, the culverin is devastating against enemy walls and lethal against enemy troops! 長管炮可發射實心或開花炮彈,既能破壞敵軍防禦設施,亦可大量殺傷敵軍有生力量。
Culverin 長管炮 missile siege Able to fire solid or exploding shots, the culverin is devastating against enemy walls and lethal against enemy troops! 長管炮可發射實心或開花炮彈,既能破壞敵軍防禦設施,亦可大量殺傷敵軍有生力量。
Mortar 迫擊炮 missile siege A siege weapon capable of firing over walls and plunging shots down on enemies hiding behind said walls. 迫擊炮的曲射彈道能夠避開前方障礙轟擊縱深敵軍。
Mortar 迫擊炮 missile siege A siege weapon capable of firing over walls and plunging shots down on enemies hiding behind said walls. 迫擊炮的曲射彈道能夠避開前方障礙轟擊縱深敵軍。