General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Gendarmes 憲兵騎士 heavy cavalry Superb well armoured professional heavy cavalry armed with a lance. 憲兵騎士屬於精銳重裝騎兵,是手持騎槍的職業部隊。
Gendarmes 憲兵騎士 heavy cavalry Superb well armoured professional heavy cavalry armed with a lance. 憲兵騎士屬於精銳重裝騎兵,是手持騎槍的職業部隊。
Gendarmes 憲兵騎士 heavy cavalry Superb well armoured professional heavy cavalry armed with a lance. 憲兵騎士屬於精銳重裝騎兵,是手持騎槍的職業部隊。
Gendarmes 憲兵騎士 heavy cavalry Superb well armoured professional heavy cavalry armed with a lance. 憲兵騎士屬於精銳重裝騎兵,是手持騎槍的職業部隊。
Noble Knights 貴族騎士 heavy cavalry Made up from the cream of France's nobility, these elite warriors are deadly in the charge, and unmatched in fighting spirit. 這些出身法蘭西貴族的精銳騎士,作戰風格極為剽悍,衝鋒威力驚人。
Noble Knights 貴族騎士 heavy cavalry Made up from the cream of France's nobility, these elite warriors are deadly in the charge, and unmatched in fighting spirit. 這些出身法蘭西貴族的精銳騎士,作戰風格極為剽悍,衝鋒威力驚人。
Noble Knights 貴族騎士 heavy cavalry Made up from the cream of France's nobility, these elite warriors are deadly in the charge, and unmatched in fighting spirit. 這些出身法蘭西貴族的精銳騎士,作戰風格極為剽悍,衝鋒威力驚人。
Noble Knights 貴族騎士 heavy cavalry Made up from the cream of France's nobility, these elite warriors are deadly in the charge, and unmatched in fighting spirit. 這些出身法蘭西貴族的精銳騎士,作戰風格極為剽悍,衝鋒威力驚人。
Noble Knights 貴族騎士 heavy cavalry Made up from the cream of France's nobility, these elite warriors are deadly in the charge, and unmatched in fighting spirit. 這些出身法蘭西貴族的精銳騎士,作戰風格極為剽悍,衝鋒威力驚人。