Elephant Artillery 火炮戰象 heavy cavalry These fearsome beasts have small cannons, comparable to serpentines, mounted on their backs. 這些恐怖巨獸背負著類似蛇炮的小型加農炮。
Elephant Artillery 火炮戰象 heavy cavalry These fearsome beasts have small cannons, comparable to serpentines, mounted on their backs. 這些恐怖巨獸背負著類似蛇炮的小型加農炮。
Elephant Artillery 火炮戰象 heavy cavalry These fearsome beasts have small cannons, comparable to serpentines, mounted on their backs. 這些恐怖巨獸背負著類似蛇炮的小型加農炮。
Elephants 火槍戰象 heavy cavalry Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust. 戰象可將敵軍人馬踏為肉泥,同時背負的火繩槍兵亦居高臨下對敵人進行致命射擊。
Elephants 火槍戰象 heavy cavalry Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust. 戰象可將敵軍人馬踏為肉泥,同時背負的火繩槍兵亦居高臨下對敵人進行致命射擊。
Elephants 火槍戰象 heavy cavalry Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust. 戰象可將敵軍人馬踏為肉泥,同時背負的火繩槍兵亦居高臨下對敵人進行致命射擊。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Turkomans 土庫曼弓騎兵 missile cavalry Tribal Turkish nomads, accustomed to life in the saddle. These hardy bowmen have a fierce and unruly reputation. 土庫曼弓騎兵是來自土耳其游牧部落的騎兵部隊,以凶殘剽悍著稱於世。
Turkomans 土庫曼弓騎兵 missile cavalry Tribal Turkish nomads, accustomed to life in the saddle. These hardy bowmen have a fierce and unruly reputation. 土庫曼弓騎兵是來自土耳其游牧部落的騎兵部隊,以凶殘剽悍著稱於世。
Halberd Militia 長戟民兵 heavy infantry These townsfolk carry long halberds that can fend off cavalry and crush the most heavily armoured of foes. 長戟民兵使用長戟作戰,擅長對抗騎兵和其它重裝部隊。
Halberd Militia 長戟民兵 heavy infantry These townsfolk carry long halberds that can fend off cavalry and crush the most heavily armoured of foes. 長戟民兵使用長戟作戰,擅長對抗騎兵和其它重裝部隊。
Galloglaich 高地斧兵 heavy infantry Fierce Scottish warriors who have settled in Ireland. Formidable troops armed with large two-handed axes and wearing light armour. 高地斧兵是定居於愛爾蘭的蘇格蘭戰士,身穿輕甲,揮動雙手巨斧進行廝殺,極為驍勇善戰。
Swiss Pikemen 瑞士戟兵 spearmen infantry The most renowned mercenaries of their age. Lightly equipped, but exceptionally brave and fierce. 瑞士戟兵是中世紀最負盛名的僱傭兵,儘管盔甲簡陋,但極為驍勇善戰。
Swiss Pikemen 瑞士戟兵 spearmen infantry The most renowned mercenaries of their age. Lightly equipped, but exceptionally brave and fierce. 瑞士戟兵是中世紀最負盛名的僱傭兵,儘管盔甲簡陋,但極為驍勇善戰。
Dismounted Heavy Archers 步行重裝弓騎兵 missile infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured archers have dismounted to fight on foot. 重裝弓騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Dismounted Heavy Archers 步行重裝弓騎兵 missile infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured archers have dismounted to fight on foot. 重裝弓騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Welsh Longbowmen 威爾士長弓兵 missile infantry The first wielders of the longbow. Totally unarmoured means they need to stay out of melee. Can lay stakes. 威爾士長弓兵是長弓的始作俑者,由於沒有任何盔甲防護,他們必須竭力避免近戰。長弓兵可於陣前設置拒馬尖樁,令敵軍騎兵望而生畏。
Welsh Longbowmen 威爾士長弓兵 missile infantry The first wielders of the longbow. Totally unarmoured means they need to stay out of melee. Can lay stakes. 威爾士長弓兵是長弓的始作俑者,由於沒有任何盔甲防護,他們必須竭力避免近戰。長弓兵可於陣前設置拒馬尖樁,令敵軍騎兵望而生畏。
Welsh Longbowmen 威爾士長弓兵 missile infantry The first wielders of the longbow. Totally unarmoured means they need to stay out of melee. Can lay stakes. 威爾士長弓兵是長弓的始作俑者,由於沒有任何盔甲防護,他們必須竭力避免近戰。長弓兵可於陣前設置拒馬尖樁,令敵軍騎兵望而生畏。