General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Noble Pikemen 貴族長槍兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured Pikemen made up of Scottish nobles preferring to fight in the infantry. 蘇格蘭貴族組成的槍兵,盔甲精良,為精銳步兵部隊。
Noble Pikemen 貴族長槍兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured Pikemen made up of Scottish nobles preferring to fight in the infantry. 蘇格蘭貴族組成的槍兵,盔甲精良,為精銳步兵部隊。
Noble Swordsmen 貴族劍士 heavy infantry Strong Scottish melee unit armed with sword and shield and wearing plate armour. 貴族劍士身穿板甲,手持長劍和盾牌,攻防能力俱佳。
Noble Pikemen 貴族長槍兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured Pikemen made up of Scottish nobles preferring to fight in the infantry. 蘇格蘭貴族組成的槍兵,盔甲精良,為精銳步兵部隊。
Noble Pikemen 貴族長槍兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured Pikemen made up of Scottish nobles preferring to fight in the infantry. 蘇格蘭貴族組成的槍兵,盔甲精良,為精銳步兵部隊。
Noble Swordsmen 貴族劍士 heavy infantry Strong Scottish melee unit armed with sword and shield and wearing plate armour. 貴族劍士身穿板甲,手持長劍和盾牌,攻防能力俱佳。
Noble Pikemen 貴族長槍兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured Pikemen made up of Scottish nobles preferring to fight in the infantry. 蘇格蘭貴族組成的槍兵,盔甲精良,為精銳步兵部隊。
Noble Pikemen 貴族長槍兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured Pikemen made up of Scottish nobles preferring to fight in the infantry. 蘇格蘭貴族組成的槍兵,盔甲精良,為精銳步兵部隊。
Noble Highland Archers 高地貴族弓箭兵 missile infantry The best Scottish archers available, armed with a bow, mail and hand axe, these archers are good in a fight. 高地貴族弓箭兵乃蘇格蘭軍中精銳,裝備戰弓、鏈甲和短斧,極為驍勇善戰。
Noble Highland Archers 高地貴族弓箭兵 missile infantry The best Scottish archers available, armed with a bow, mail and hand axe, these archers are good in a fight. 高地貴族弓箭兵乃蘇格蘭軍中精銳,裝備戰弓、鏈甲和短斧,極為驍勇善戰。
Noble Highland Archers 高地貴族弓箭兵 missile infantry The best Scottish archers available, armed with a bow, mail and hand axe, these archers are good in a fight. 高地貴族弓箭兵乃蘇格蘭軍中精銳,裝備戰弓、鏈甲和短斧,極為驍勇善戰。
Culverin 長管炮 missile siege Able to fire solid or exploding shots, the culverin is devastating against enemy walls and lethal against enemy troops! 長管炮可發射實心或開花炮彈,既能破壞敵軍防禦設施,亦可大量殺傷敵軍有生力量。
Culverin 長管炮 missile siege Able to fire solid or exploding shots, the culverin is devastating against enemy walls and lethal against enemy troops! 長管炮可發射實心或開花炮彈,既能破壞敵軍防禦設施,亦可大量殺傷敵軍有生力量。
Galloglaich 高地斧兵 heavy infantry Fierce Scottish warriors who have settled in Ireland. Formidable troops armed with large two-handed axes and wearing light armour. 高地斧兵是定居於愛爾蘭的蘇格蘭戰士,身穿輕甲,揮動雙手巨斧進行廝殺,極為驍勇善戰。
Galloglaich 高地斧兵 heavy infantry Fierce Scottish warriors who have settled in Ireland. Formidable troops armed with large two-handed axes and wearing light armour. 高地斧兵是定居於愛爾蘭的蘇格蘭戰士,身穿輕甲,揮動雙手巨斧進行廝殺,極為驍勇善戰。
Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。
Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。
Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。
Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。