Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Byzantine Lancers 拜占庭槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined troops used throughout the Byzantine Empire, these Lancers are well armoured and equipped. 拜占庭槍騎兵是訓練有素、軍紀嚴明的職業部隊,裝備精良,屬於拜占庭常備騎兵。
Byzantine Lancers 拜占庭槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined troops used throughout the Byzantine Empire, these Lancers are well armoured and equipped. 拜占庭槍騎兵是訓練有素、軍紀嚴明的職業部隊,裝備精良,屬於拜占庭常備騎兵。
Byzantine Lancers 拜占庭槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined troops used throughout the Byzantine Empire, these Lancers are well armoured and equipped. 拜占庭槍騎兵是訓練有素、軍紀嚴明的職業部隊,裝備精良,屬於拜占庭常備騎兵。
Byzantine Infantry 拜占庭劍士 heavy infantry Byzantine infantry unit equipped with sword, shield and mail armour. 拜占庭劍士裝備鏈甲、長劍和盾牌,作戰頗為出色。
Byzantine Infantry 拜占庭劍士 heavy infantry Byzantine infantry unit equipped with sword, shield and mail armour. 拜占庭劍士裝備鏈甲、長劍和盾牌,作戰頗為出色。
Byzantine Infantry 拜占庭劍士 heavy infantry Byzantine infantry unit equipped with sword, shield and mail armour. 拜占庭劍士裝備鏈甲、長劍和盾牌,作戰頗為出色。
Byzantine Infantry 拜占庭劍士 heavy infantry Byzantine infantry unit equipped with sword, shield and mail armour. 拜占庭劍士裝備鏈甲、長劍和盾牌,作戰頗為出色。
Byzantine Infantry 拜占庭劍士 heavy infantry Byzantine infantry unit equipped with sword, shield and mail armour. 拜占庭劍士裝備鏈甲、長劍和盾牌,作戰頗為出色。
Byzantine Infantry 拜占庭劍士 heavy infantry Byzantine infantry unit equipped with sword, shield and mail armour. 拜占庭劍士裝備鏈甲、長劍和盾牌,作戰頗為出色。
Byzantine Infantry 拜占庭劍士 heavy infantry Byzantine infantry unit equipped with sword, shield and mail armour. 拜占庭劍士裝備鏈甲、長劍和盾牌,作戰頗為出色。
Dismounted Latinkon 步行拉丁騎兵 heavy infantry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced fighters are effective even on foot. 步行拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Dismounted Latinkon 步行拉丁騎兵 heavy infantry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced fighters are effective even on foot. 步行拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Dismounted Latinkon 步行拉丁騎兵 heavy infantry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced fighters are effective even on foot. 步行拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Dismounted Latinkon 步行拉丁騎兵 heavy infantry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced fighters are effective even on foot. 步行拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Varangian Guard 瓦蘭吉衛隊 heavy infantry The Varangian guard are superb two-handed axemen, protected by heavy armour. 瓦蘭吉衛隊身穿重甲,揮舞雙手戰斧,乃拜占庭禁軍精銳。
Varangian Guard 瓦蘭吉衛隊 heavy infantry The Varangian guard are superb two-handed axemen, protected by heavy armour. 瓦蘭吉衛隊身穿重甲,揮舞雙手戰斧,乃拜占庭禁軍精銳。
Catapult 投石車 missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots. 投石車為投擲巨石的木質器械,可投擲巨石和火球。
Catapult 投石車 missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots. 投石車為投擲巨石的木質器械,可投擲巨石和火球。