Suleiman always led his army in person, and once wrote: "Night and day, our horse is saddled and our saber is girt." (Severy, p.574) As one can see, Suleiman was willing and ready to fight and go to war at any time. In 1526, Suleiman invaded Hungary. Compared to the Hungarian Army, Suleiman’s army was a "modern war machine" (Severy, p.576). He used his brilliance by creating a military marching band with booming drums and symbols to begin a battle. It was a strategic tactic he used to terrorize the opponent (Severy, p.579). When the Hungarians charged, Suleiman’s army separated in a surprise maneuver and surrounded the Hungarians. The siege only lasted two hours and King Louis, at age 15, was found dead in the mud. Suleiman said, "I came in arms against him but it was not my wish that he should be thus cut off while he scarcely tasted the sweets of life and royalty."
Custom battles 自定義費用
Recruit cost 招募成本
Army scale 軍隊規模 :
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Janissary Archers 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵 missile infantry Janissary archers shower the enemy with arrows, weakening and breaking formations before the infantry move in. 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵率先箭下如雨,在步兵衝擊前即可大量殺傷敵軍。
Janissary Archers 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵 missile infantry Janissary archers shower the enemy with arrows, weakening and breaking formations before the infantry move in. 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵率先箭下如雨,在步兵衝擊前即可大量殺傷敵軍。
Janissary Musketeers 蘇丹近衛滑膛槍兵 missile infantry The Janissary were quick to adopt firearms and use them with the same expertise they had shown with their bows. 蘇丹近衛滑膛槍兵能夠熟練使用火槍,延續了前輩們箭法如神的優秀傳統。
Janissary Musketeers 蘇丹近衛滑膛槍兵 missile infantry The Janissary were quick to adopt firearms and use them with the same expertise they had shown with their bows. 蘇丹近衛滑膛槍兵能夠熟練使用火槍,延續了前輩們箭法如神的優秀傳統。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Monster Bombard 怪獸巨炮 missile siege Massive Siege-Gun. Can destroy nearly any wall in one shot. Has very long range but slow reload time. 怪獸巨炮為巨型攻城炮,幾乎一炮既可轟塌任何城牆,其射程極遠,但裝填速度緩慢。
Hashashim 戰場哈薩辛 heavy infantry The Hashashim are a semi-religious sect of stealthy assassins. On the battlefield they fight with sword and shield. 哈薩辛為半宗教性質刺客團體,精擅潛伏和暗殺,在戰場上以長劍和盾牌作戰。
Monster Bombard 怪獸巨炮 missile siege Massive Siege-Gun. Can destroy nearly any wall in one shot. Has very long range but slow reload time. 怪獸巨炮為巨型攻城炮,幾乎一炮既可轟塌任何城牆,其射程極遠,但裝填速度緩慢。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Elephants 火槍戰象 heavy cavalry Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust. 戰象可將敵軍人馬踏為肉泥,同時背負的火繩槍兵亦居高臨下對敵人進行致命射擊。
Elephants 火槍戰象 heavy cavalry Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust. 戰象可將敵軍人馬踏為肉泥,同時背負的火繩槍兵亦居高臨下對敵人進行致命射擊。
Bodyguard 早期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men dedicated to protecting the general. Hand-picked for loyalty and valour. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Card 兵種
Name 名稱
Soldiers 兵員數
Melee 肉搏
Charge 衝鋒
Missile 遠程
Defence 防禦
Custom battles 自定義費用
Exp. 經驗
Weapon 武器
Armour 護甲
Punish cost 懲罰費用
Total cost 總成本
Recruit cost 招募成本
Garrison cost 駐防費用
Heavy cavalry 重騎兵(7)
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Elephants 火槍戰象 heavy cavalry Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust. 戰象可將敵軍人馬踏為肉泥,同時背負的火繩槍兵亦居高臨下對敵人進行致命射擊。
Elephants 火槍戰象 heavy cavalry Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust. 戰象可將敵軍人馬踏為肉泥,同時背負的火繩槍兵亦居高臨下對敵人進行致命射擊。
Janissary Archers 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵 missile infantry Janissary archers shower the enemy with arrows, weakening and breaking formations before the infantry move in. 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵率先箭下如雨,在步兵衝擊前即可大量殺傷敵軍。
Janissary Archers 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵 missile infantry Janissary archers shower the enemy with arrows, weakening and breaking formations before the infantry move in. 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵率先箭下如雨,在步兵衝擊前即可大量殺傷敵軍。
Janissary Musketeers 蘇丹近衛滑膛槍兵 missile infantry The Janissary were quick to adopt firearms and use them with the same expertise they had shown with their bows. 蘇丹近衛滑膛槍兵能夠熟練使用火槍,延續了前輩們箭法如神的優秀傳統。
Janissary Musketeers 蘇丹近衛滑膛槍兵 missile infantry The Janissary were quick to adopt firearms and use them with the same expertise they had shown with their bows. 蘇丹近衛滑膛槍兵能夠熟練使用火槍,延續了前輩們箭法如神的優秀傳統。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Hashashim 戰場哈薩辛 heavy infantry The Hashashim are a semi-religious sect of stealthy assassins. On the battlefield they fight with sword and shield. 哈薩辛為半宗教性質刺客團體,精擅潛伏和暗殺,在戰場上以長劍和盾牌作戰。
Monster Bombard 怪獸巨炮 missile siege Massive Siege-Gun. Can destroy nearly any wall in one shot. Has very long range but slow reload time. 怪獸巨炮為巨型攻城炮,幾乎一炮既可轟塌任何城牆,其射程極遠,但裝填速度緩慢。
Monster Bombard 怪獸巨炮 missile siege Massive Siege-Gun. Can destroy nearly any wall in one shot. Has very long range but slow reload time. 怪獸巨炮為巨型攻城炮,幾乎一炮既可轟塌任何城牆,其射程極遠,但裝填速度緩慢。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。