Bodyguard 早期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men dedicated to protecting the general. Hand-picked for loyalty and valour. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Peasants 農民 light infantry In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder. 農民經常在戰時被強行徵召入伍,充任廉價炮灰。
Peasants 農民 light infantry In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder. 農民經常在戰時被強行徵召入伍,充任廉價炮灰。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Armed with a long spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their settlement. 長矛民兵不穿盔甲,使用長矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Armed with a long spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their settlement. 長矛民兵不穿盔甲,使用長矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Naffatun 那法擲油兵 missile infantry These men throw deadly pots of flaming Naphtha that can seep through any armour. 那法擲油兵奮力擲出點燃的那法油罐,其油脂可滲入敵軍盔甲猛烈燃燒。
Naffatun 那法擲油兵 missile infantry These men throw deadly pots of flaming Naphtha that can seep through any armour. 那法擲油兵奮力擲出點燃的那法油罐,其油脂可滲入敵軍盔甲猛烈燃燒。
Turkish Archers 土耳其弓箭兵 missile infantry Used to hunting with a bow these troops are proficient with their bows, but will melt away quickly in melee. 土耳其弓箭兵入伍前以使用弓箭狩獵為生,因此箭法出色,但近身肉搏頗為脆弱。
Turkish Archers 土耳其弓箭兵 missile infantry Used to hunting with a bow these troops are proficient with their bows, but will melt away quickly in melee. 土耳其弓箭兵入伍前以使用弓箭狩獵為生,因此箭法出色,但近身肉搏頗為脆弱。
Turkomans 土庫曼弓騎兵 missile cavalry Tribal Turkish nomads, accustomed to life in the saddle. These hardy bowmen have a fierce and unruly reputation. 土庫曼弓騎兵是來自土耳其游牧部落的騎兵部隊,以凶殘剽悍著稱於世。
Turkomans 土庫曼弓騎兵 missile cavalry Tribal Turkish nomads, accustomed to life in the saddle. These hardy bowmen have a fierce and unruly reputation. 土庫曼弓騎兵是來自土耳其游牧部落的騎兵部隊,以凶殘剽悍著稱於世。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Alan Light Cavalry 阿蘭輕騎兵 light cavalry Hardy horsemen accustomed to the plains and steppes of Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region. Excellent light cavalry. 阿蘭輕騎兵是出色輕騎兵,擅長在東歐和黑海地區的大草原作戰。
Alan Light Cavalry 阿蘭輕騎兵 light cavalry Hardy horsemen accustomed to the plains and steppes of Eastern Europe and the Black Sea region. Excellent light cavalry. 阿蘭輕騎兵是出色輕騎兵,擅長在東歐和黑海地區的大草原作戰。
Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重騎兵 heavy cavalry These Khwarizmi are well equipped and protected heavy cavalry ready to fight for whomever can afford them. 花剌子模重騎兵裝備精良,隨時準備為高價僱主而效命沙場。
Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重騎兵 heavy cavalry These Khwarizmi are well equipped and protected heavy cavalry ready to fight for whomever can afford them. 花剌子模重騎兵裝備精良,隨時準備為高價僱主而效命沙場。
Catapult 投石車 missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots. 投石車為投擲巨石的木質器械,可投擲巨石和火球。
Catapult 投石車 missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots. 投石車為投擲巨石的木質器械,可投擲巨石和火球。