the late ottoman army had moved on from the early amies of Turkish nomads and mercenaries and had instead started a new era of professional armies.
The janissary's are an example of this, they were originally captured children from Christian families that were cut off from civilization and trained for almost a decade to be an elite military force. They were trained in multiple forms of combat and were expected to lead the charge against the enemy.
The ottomans would have also used a large amount of their normal army represented here by the ottoman infantry.
the qapuluku were an elite household cavalry, drawn from the nobles and trained since boyhood these men ranked even above the janissary's.
Sipahis were basically feudal warriors who were in the army in exchange for land, they were the descendants of the tribal turkomen and used the same basic tactics.
Custom battles 自定義費用
Recruit cost 招募成本
Army scale 軍隊規模 :
Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men dedicated to protecting the general. Hand-picked for loyalty and valour. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Ottoman Infantry 奧斯曼步兵 missile infantry Hardy soldiers, well armed and well armoured, they fight with both bows and swords. 奧斯曼步兵極為強悍,盔甲精良,箭術劍法無一不精。
Janissary Archers 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵 missile infantry Janissary archers shower the enemy with arrows, weakening and breaking formations before the infantry move in. 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵率先箭下如雨,在步兵衝擊前即可大量殺傷敵軍。
Janissary Archers 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵 missile infantry Janissary archers shower the enemy with arrows, weakening and breaking formations before the infantry move in. 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵率先箭下如雨,在步兵衝擊前即可大量殺傷敵軍。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Cannon 加農炮 missile siege The typical 'cannon' is powerful and good against both units and defences. Capable of firing solid and explosive shots. 加農炮對敵軍防禦設施和有生力量都能進行致命打擊,可發射實心或開花炮彈。
Cannon 加農炮 missile siege The typical 'cannon' is powerful and good against both units and defences. Capable of firing solid and explosive shots. 加農炮對敵軍防禦設施和有生力量都能進行致命打擊,可發射實心或開花炮彈。
Card 兵種
Name 名稱
Soldiers 兵員數
Melee 肉搏
Charge 衝鋒
Missile 遠程
Defence 防禦
Custom battles 自定義費用
Exp. 經驗
Weapon 武器
Armour 護甲
Punish cost 懲罰費用
Total cost 總成本
Recruit cost 招募成本
Garrison cost 駐防費用
Heavy cavalry 重騎兵(5)
Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men dedicated to protecting the general. Hand-picked for loyalty and valour. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Qapukulu 土耳其宮廷衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite household guards, well armoured and equipped with maces, Qapukulu make for tough opponents in hand to hand combat. 宮廷衛隊乃土耳其騎兵精銳,盔甲精良,裝備狼牙棒,擅長與強悍敵軍廝殺惡戰。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Heavy Inf 蘇丹近衛戟兵 heavy infantry Trained in many weapons, these Janissaries, fight with a halberd and are protected by mail armour. 蘇丹近衛戟兵精通多種武器,但主要以長戟作戰,身穿鏈甲。
Janissary Archers 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵 missile infantry Janissary archers shower the enemy with arrows, weakening and breaking formations before the infantry move in. 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵率先箭下如雨,在步兵衝擊前即可大量殺傷敵軍。
Janissary Archers 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵 missile infantry Janissary archers shower the enemy with arrows, weakening and breaking formations before the infantry move in. 蘇丹近衛弓箭兵率先箭下如雨,在步兵衝擊前即可大量殺傷敵軍。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Cannon 加農炮 missile siege The typical 'cannon' is powerful and good against both units and defences. Capable of firing solid and explosive shots. 加農炮對敵軍防禦設施和有生力量都能進行致命打擊,可發射實心或開花炮彈。
Cannon 加農炮 missile siege The typical 'cannon' is powerful and good against both units and defences. Capable of firing solid and explosive shots. 加農炮對敵軍防禦設施和有生力量都能進行致命打擊,可發射實心或開花炮彈。