Mamluks 馬穆魯克重騎兵 heavy cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood and well equipped, these soldiers make formidable heavy cavalry. 馬穆魯克重騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們盔甲精良,為精銳重騎兵。
Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重騎兵 heavy cavalry These Khwarizmi are well equipped and protected heavy cavalry ready to fight for whomever can afford them. 花剌子模重騎兵裝備精良,隨時準備為高價僱主而效命沙場。
Mamluk Archers 馬穆魯克弓騎兵 missile cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood, these formidable soldiers excel at archery, but can also hold their own in melee. 馬穆魯克弓騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們箭法如神,近戰搏殺亦頗為出色。
Mamluk Archers 馬穆魯克弓騎兵 missile cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood, these formidable soldiers excel at archery, but can also hold their own in melee. 馬穆魯克弓騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們箭法如神,近戰搏殺亦頗為出色。
Granadine Jinetes 格蘭納達標槍騎兵 missile cavalry Lightly armoured skirmishers, armed with a javelin, and capable of forming a circle formation providing constant fire against the enemy. 格蘭納達標槍騎兵屬於輕裝突襲騎兵,以環陣面對敵軍標槍飛擲。
Granadine Jinetes 格蘭納達標槍騎兵 missile cavalry Lightly armoured skirmishers, armed with a javelin, and capable of forming a circle formation providing constant fire against the enemy. 格蘭納達標槍騎兵屬於輕裝突襲騎兵,以環陣面對敵軍標槍飛擲。
Ghazis 伊斯蘭殉教者 light infantry Reckless and fanatical religious warriors armed with an axe, capable of devastating attacks. 伊斯蘭殉教者是狂熱宗教戰士,使用戰斧作戰,擅長狂暴攻擊。
Ghazis 伊斯蘭殉教者 light infantry Reckless and fanatical religious warriors armed with an axe, capable of devastating attacks. 伊斯蘭殉教者是狂熱宗教戰士,使用戰斧作戰,擅長狂暴攻擊。
Sudanese Tribesmen 蘇丹部落劍士 light infantry Tribesmen from Africa armed with swords. 蘇丹部落劍士來自非洲部落,作戰極為驍勇。
Sudanese Tribesmen 蘇丹部落劍士 light infantry Tribesmen from Africa armed with swords. 蘇丹部落劍士來自非洲部落,作戰極為驍勇。
Saracen Militia 撒拉遜民兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured townsfolk, these spearmen can take care of themselves on the battlefield, and fill out any army. 撒拉遜民兵是裝備極為精良的城鎮民兵,可獨立作戰,亦可協同其他部隊。
Saracen Militia 撒拉遜民兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured townsfolk, these spearmen can take care of themselves on the battlefield, and fill out any army. 撒拉遜民兵是裝備極為精良的城鎮民兵,可獨立作戰,亦可協同其他部隊。
Levy Spearmen 徵召矛兵 spearmen infantry Levied troops, comprised of people from captured territories and the bottom rung of nomadic society, armed with spears. 徵召矛兵通常來自於征服領土上的平民和遊牧部落的底層牧民,他們使用長矛作戰。
Levy Spearmen 徵召矛兵 spearmen infantry Levied troops, comprised of people from captured territories and the bottom rung of nomadic society, armed with spears. 徵召矛兵通常來自於征服領土上的平民和遊牧部落的底層牧民,他們使用長矛作戰。
Afghan Javelinmen 阿富汗標槍兵 missile infantry Made up from fierce Afghan tribesmen, these excellent skirmishers hurl javelins at their foes, but can fight at close quarters if necessary. 阿富汗標槍兵驍勇善戰,投擲標槍極為精準,能有效殺傷敵軍,破壞對方陣型,但近戰肉搏卻非常脆弱。
Turkish Archers 土耳其弓箭兵 missile infantry Used to hunting with a bow these troops are proficient with their bows, but will melt away quickly in melee. 土耳其弓箭兵入伍前以使用弓箭狩獵為生,因此箭法出色,但近身肉搏頗為脆弱。
Turkish Javelinmen 土耳其標槍兵 missile infantry Turkish Javelinmen are light troops used to harass enemy archers and enemy flanks from a distance. 土耳其標槍兵是盔甲簡陋的輕裝部隊,通常用於遠程騷擾敵軍側翼或弓箭部隊。
Desert Archers 沙漠弓箭兵 missile infantry Hardy men from the desert, adept with the bow, but lacking the equipment for close combat. 沙漠弓箭兵熟悉沙漠地形,箭法出色,但近身肉搏頗為脆弱。
Sudanese Javelinmen 蘇丹標槍兵 missile infantry Good for weakening units and breaking up formations, but will quickly dissolve if caught in melee. 蘇丹標槍兵遠程殺傷和破壞敵軍陣型非常出色,但近戰肉搏則極為脆弱。
Mercenary Monster Bombard 僱傭怪獸巨炮 missile siege Massive Siege-Gun. Can destroy nearly any wall in one shot. Has very long range but slow reload time. 怪獸巨炮為巨型攻城炮,幾乎一炮既可轟塌任何城牆,其射程極遠,但裝填速度緩慢。
Card 兵種
Name 名稱
Soldiers 兵員數
Melee 肉搏
Charge 衝鋒
Missile 遠程
Defence 防禦
Custom battles 自定義費用
Exp. 經驗
Weapon 武器
Armour 護甲
Punish cost 懲罰費用
Total cost 總成本
Recruit cost 招募成本
Garrison cost 駐防費用
Heavy cavalry 重騎兵(2)
Mamluks 馬穆魯克重騎兵 heavy cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood and well equipped, these soldiers make formidable heavy cavalry. 馬穆魯克重騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們盔甲精良,為精銳重騎兵。
Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重騎兵 heavy cavalry These Khwarizmi are well equipped and protected heavy cavalry ready to fight for whomever can afford them. 花剌子模重騎兵裝備精良,隨時準備為高價僱主而效命沙場。
Mamluk Archers 馬穆魯克弓騎兵 missile cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood, these formidable soldiers excel at archery, but can also hold their own in melee. 馬穆魯克弓騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們箭法如神,近戰搏殺亦頗為出色。
Mamluk Archers 馬穆魯克弓騎兵 missile cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood, these formidable soldiers excel at archery, but can also hold their own in melee. 馬穆魯克弓騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們箭法如神,近戰搏殺亦頗為出色。
Granadine Jinetes 格蘭納達標槍騎兵 missile cavalry Lightly armoured skirmishers, armed with a javelin, and capable of forming a circle formation providing constant fire against the enemy. 格蘭納達標槍騎兵屬於輕裝突襲騎兵,以環陣面對敵軍標槍飛擲。
Granadine Jinetes 格蘭納達標槍騎兵 missile cavalry Lightly armoured skirmishers, armed with a javelin, and capable of forming a circle formation providing constant fire against the enemy. 格蘭納達標槍騎兵屬於輕裝突襲騎兵,以環陣面對敵軍標槍飛擲。
Saracen Militia 撒拉遜民兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured townsfolk, these spearmen can take care of themselves on the battlefield, and fill out any army. 撒拉遜民兵是裝備極為精良的城鎮民兵,可獨立作戰,亦可協同其他部隊。
Saracen Militia 撒拉遜民兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured townsfolk, these spearmen can take care of themselves on the battlefield, and fill out any army. 撒拉遜民兵是裝備極為精良的城鎮民兵,可獨立作戰,亦可協同其他部隊。
Levy Spearmen 徵召矛兵 spearmen infantry Levied troops, comprised of people from captured territories and the bottom rung of nomadic society, armed with spears. 徵召矛兵通常來自於征服領土上的平民和遊牧部落的底層牧民,他們使用長矛作戰。
Levy Spearmen 徵召矛兵 spearmen infantry Levied troops, comprised of people from captured territories and the bottom rung of nomadic society, armed with spears. 徵召矛兵通常來自於征服領土上的平民和遊牧部落的底層牧民,他們使用長矛作戰。
Afghan Javelinmen 阿富汗標槍兵 missile infantry Made up from fierce Afghan tribesmen, these excellent skirmishers hurl javelins at their foes, but can fight at close quarters if necessary. 阿富汗標槍兵驍勇善戰,投擲標槍極為精準,能有效殺傷敵軍,破壞對方陣型,但近戰肉搏卻非常脆弱。
Turkish Archers 土耳其弓箭兵 missile infantry Used to hunting with a bow these troops are proficient with their bows, but will melt away quickly in melee. 土耳其弓箭兵入伍前以使用弓箭狩獵為生,因此箭法出色,但近身肉搏頗為脆弱。
Turkish Javelinmen 土耳其標槍兵 missile infantry Turkish Javelinmen are light troops used to harass enemy archers and enemy flanks from a distance. 土耳其標槍兵是盔甲簡陋的輕裝部隊,通常用於遠程騷擾敵軍側翼或弓箭部隊。
Desert Archers 沙漠弓箭兵 missile infantry Hardy men from the desert, adept with the bow, but lacking the equipment for close combat. 沙漠弓箭兵熟悉沙漠地形,箭法出色,但近身肉搏頗為脆弱。
Sudanese Javelinmen 蘇丹標槍兵 missile infantry Good for weakening units and breaking up formations, but will quickly dissolve if caught in melee. 蘇丹標槍兵遠程殺傷和破壞敵軍陣型非常出色,但近戰肉搏則極為脆弱。
Mercenary Monster Bombard 僱傭怪獸巨炮 missile siege Massive Siege-Gun. Can destroy nearly any wall in one shot. Has very long range but slow reload time. 怪獸巨炮為巨型攻城炮,幾乎一炮既可轟塌任何城牆,其射程極遠,但裝填速度緩慢。