Knights of Santiago 聖地亞哥騎士 heavy cavalry Based in Spain, the Knights of Santiago are charged with driving the Moors from Iberia. 聖地亞哥騎士團以西班牙為基地,曾積極投身於將摩爾逐出伊比利亞的光復革命。
Knights of Santiago 聖地亞哥騎士 heavy cavalry Based in Spain, the Knights of Santiago are charged with driving the Moors from Iberia. 聖地亞哥騎士團以西班牙為基地,曾積極投身於將摩爾逐出伊比利亞的光復革命。
Knights of Santiago 聖地亞哥騎士 heavy cavalry Based in Spain, the Knights of Santiago are charged with driving the Moors from Iberia. 聖地亞哥騎士團以西班牙為基地,曾積極投身於將摩爾逐出伊比利亞的光復革命。
General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Hernán Cortés 埃爾南 科爾特斯 heavy cavalry Hernán Cortés and his bodyguard. 埃爾南科爾特斯和麾下精銳衛隊。
Tercio Pikemen 西班牙長槍兵 spearmen infantry Superior armoured pikemen, known for their discipline and determination. 西班牙槍兵盔甲精良,是軍紀森嚴的職業部隊,作風極為強悍。
Tercio Pikemen 西班牙長槍兵 spearmen infantry Superior armoured pikemen, known for their discipline and determination. 西班牙槍兵盔甲精良,是軍紀森嚴的職業部隊,作風極為強悍。
Tercio Pikemen 西班牙長槍兵 spearmen infantry Superior armoured pikemen, known for their discipline and determination. 西班牙槍兵盔甲精良,是軍紀森嚴的職業部隊,作風極為強悍。
Tercio Pikemen 西班牙長槍兵 spearmen infantry Superior armoured pikemen, known for their discipline and determination. 西班牙槍兵盔甲精良,是軍紀森嚴的職業部隊,作風極為強悍。
Tercio Pikemen 西班牙長槍兵 spearmen infantry Superior armoured pikemen, known for their discipline and determination. 西班牙槍兵盔甲精良,是軍紀森嚴的職業部隊,作風極為強悍。
Arquebusiers 火繩槍兵 missile infantry Fired at close range, this noisy, smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。
Arquebusiers 火繩槍兵 missile infantry Fired at close range, this noisy, smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。
Arquebusiers 火繩槍兵 missile infantry Fired at close range, this noisy, smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。
Arquebusiers 火繩槍兵 missile infantry Fired at close range, this noisy, smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。
Arquebusiers 火繩槍兵 missile infantry Fired at close range, this noisy, smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。
Great Cross 十字戰車 light siege Golden cross to inspire the troops, and remind them that they are on God's mission. 十字戰車極大激勵軍隊士氣,以示上帝與他們同在。
Basilisk 蜥炮 missile siege Very powerful cannon with great range, damage and accuracy. Punishing against defences and units. Can fire solid or explosive shots. 蜥炮的遠程精準轟炸威力極為驚人,對敵軍防禦設施和有生力量都造成重大打擊,可發射實心或開花炮彈。
Basilisk 蜥炮 missile siege Very powerful cannon with great range, damage and accuracy. Punishing against defences and units. Can fire solid or explosive shots. 蜥炮的遠程精準轟炸威力極為驚人,對敵軍防禦設施和有生力量都造成重大打擊,可發射實心或開花炮彈。
Basilisk 蜥炮 missile siege Very powerful cannon with great range, damage and accuracy. Punishing against defences and units. Can fire solid or explosive shots. 蜥炮的遠程精準轟炸威力極為驚人,對敵軍防禦設施和有生力量都造成重大打擊,可發射實心或開花炮彈。
Basilisk 蜥炮 missile siege Very powerful cannon with great range, damage and accuracy. Punishing against defences and units. Can fire solid or explosive shots. 蜥炮的遠程精準轟炸威力極為驚人,對敵軍防禦設施和有生力量都造成重大打擊,可發射實心或開花炮彈。