Bodyguard 早期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men dedicated to protecting the general. Hand-picked for loyalty and valour. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Christian Guard 基督衛隊 heavy cavalry Christians fighting for the Moors, these elite troops resemble the western knights of the time. 基督衛隊是效力於摩爾王室的基督部隊,與其他歐洲騎士相似,皆為軍中精銳。
Christian Guard 基督衛隊 heavy cavalry Christians fighting for the Moors, these elite troops resemble the western knights of the time. 基督衛隊是效力於摩爾王室的基督部隊,與其他歐洲騎士相似,皆為軍中精銳。
Christian Guard 基督衛隊 heavy cavalry Christians fighting for the Moors, these elite troops resemble the western knights of the time. 基督衛隊是效力於摩爾王室的基督部隊,與其他歐洲騎士相似,皆為軍中精銳。
Christian Guard 基督衛隊 heavy cavalry Christians fighting for the Moors, these elite troops resemble the western knights of the time. 基督衛隊是效力於摩爾王室的基督部隊,與其他歐洲騎士相似,皆為軍中精銳。
Dismounted Christian Guard 步行基督衛隊 heavy infantry Christians fighting for the Moors, these elite troops resemble the western knights of the time. 步行基督衛隊是效力於摩爾王室的基督部隊,與其他歐洲騎士相似,皆為軍中精銳。
Dismounted Christian Guard 步行基督衛隊 heavy infantry Christians fighting for the Moors, these elite troops resemble the western knights of the time. 步行基督衛隊是效力於摩爾王室的基督部隊,與其他歐洲騎士相似,皆為軍中精銳。
Dismounted Christian Guard 步行基督衛隊 heavy infantry Christians fighting for the Moors, these elite troops resemble the western knights of the time. 步行基督衛隊是效力於摩爾王室的基督部隊,與其他歐洲騎士相似,皆為軍中精銳。
Urban Militia 城市民兵 heavy infantry Equipped with a sword, well trained and protected by heavy armour these troops are far superior to most militias. 城市民兵訓練有素,裝備長劍和重型盔甲,作戰素質遠超大多數民兵部隊。
Urban Militia 城市民兵 heavy infantry Equipped with a sword, well trained and protected by heavy armour these troops are far superior to most militias. 城市民兵訓練有素,裝備長劍和重型盔甲,作戰素質遠超大多數民兵部隊。
Urban Militia 城市民兵 heavy infantry Equipped with a sword, well trained and protected by heavy armour these troops are far superior to most militias. 城市民兵訓練有素,裝備長劍和重型盔甲,作戰素質遠超大多數民兵部隊。
Urban Militia 城市民兵 heavy infantry Equipped with a sword, well trained and protected by heavy armour these troops are far superior to most militias. 城市民兵訓練有素,裝備長劍和重型盔甲,作戰素質遠超大多數民兵部隊。
Dismounted Arab Cavalry 阿拉伯步行騎兵 spearmen infantry Arabs from the towns and cities throughout the Middle East. 阿拉伯步行騎兵從遍及北非和中東的阿拉伯民族中招募。
Sudanese Tribesmen 蘇丹部落劍士 light infantry Tribesmen from Africa armed with swords 蘇丹部落劍士來自非洲部落,作戰極為驍勇。
Sudanese Tribesmen 蘇丹部落劍士 light infantry Tribesmen from Africa armed with swords 蘇丹部落劍士來自非洲部落,作戰極為驍勇。