Transylvanian Peasants 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民 light infantry Fierce peasant volunteers from eastern Europe, armed with halberds that can pull a man off a horse. 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民為強悍好鬥的東歐農民,手揮長戟可輕易將騎兵鉤落馬下。
Transylvanian Peasants 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民 light infantry Fierce peasant volunteers from eastern Europe, armed with halberds that can pull a man off a horse. 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民為強悍好鬥的東歐農民,手揮長戟可輕易將騎兵鉤落馬下。
Highland Rabble 高地民團 light infantry Ill disciplined and fierce peasants from the Highlands armed with a basic hand weapon. 高地民團民團軍紀極差,徒逞蠻勇,以最簡陋武器奮勇作戰。
Highlanders 高地斧兵 light infantry Fierce and wild warriors from the Scottish Highlands fight with little to no armour and are equipped with an axe. 高地斧兵是來自蘇格蘭高地,儘管自身盔甲簡陋,依然揮動戰斧盾牌奮勇搏殺。
Highlanders 高地斧兵 light infantry Fierce and wild warriors from the Scottish Highlands fight with little to no armour and are equipped with an axe. 高地斧兵是來自蘇格蘭高地,儘管自身盔甲簡陋,依然揮動戰斧盾牌奮勇搏殺。
Viking Raiders 維京突襲者 light infantry Wild and hardy warriors from the cold north armed with axes and light armour. 維京突襲者來自寒冷北歐,裝備戰斧和輕甲。
Viking Raiders 維京突襲者 light infantry Wild and hardy warriors from the cold north armed with axes and light armour. 維京突襲者來自寒冷北歐,裝備戰斧和輕甲。
Bulgarian Brigands 保加利亞盜團 missile infantry Brigands armed with a composite bow, sword, padded armour and shield. 保加利亞盜團成員裝備復合弓、長劍、鑲甲和盾牌。
Bulgarian Brigands 保加利亞盜團 missile infantry Brigands armed with a composite bow, sword, padded armour and shield. 保加利亞盜團成員裝備復合弓、長劍、鑲甲和盾牌。
Woodsmen 森林斧兵 light infantry Hardy folk from the forests of North Eastern Europe, armed with a large axe. 森林斧兵是來自東北歐黑森林中的強悍戰士,揮動巨斧狂砍猛劈。
Woodsmen 森林斧兵 light infantry Hardy folk from the forests of North Eastern Europe, armed with a large axe. 森林斧兵是來自東北歐黑森林中的強悍戰士,揮動巨斧狂砍猛劈。
Catalans 加泰羅尼亞標槍兵 missile infantry Elite mercenaries, originally from Aragon, armed with javelins and light armour. 加泰羅尼亞標槍兵為精銳僱傭部隊,最初來自阿拉貢,裝備標槍和輕甲。
Catalans 加泰羅尼亞標槍兵 missile infantry Elite mercenaries, originally from Aragon, armed with javelins and light armour. 加泰羅尼亞標槍兵為精銳僱傭部隊,最初來自阿拉貢,裝備標槍和輕甲。
Galloglaich 高地斧兵 heavy infantry Fierce Scottish warriors who have settled in Ireland. Formidable troops armed with large two-handed axes and wearing light armour. 高地斧兵是定居於愛爾蘭的蘇格蘭戰士,身穿輕甲,揮動雙手巨斧進行廝殺,極為驍勇善戰。
Galloglaich 高地斧兵 heavy infantry Fierce Scottish warriors who have settled in Ireland. Formidable troops armed with large two-handed axes and wearing light armour. 高地斧兵是定居於愛爾蘭的蘇格蘭戰士,身穿輕甲,揮動雙手巨斧進行廝殺,極為驍勇善戰。
Border Horse 巡邏騎兵 light cavalry Equipped with light mail and spear, this unit is handy for out flanking your opponent and chasing down archers. 巡邏騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和長矛,適合用於側翼包抄和追擊殘兵。
Hobilars 霍比拉游騎兵 light cavalry Light cavalry with spears. Useful for chasing down light infantry, and pursuing fleeing enemy 游騎兵手持長矛,用於對抗輕裝部隊和追擊殘兵。
Border Horse 巡邏騎兵 light cavalry Equipped with light mail and spear, this unit is handy for out flanking your opponent and chasing down archers. 巡邏騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和長矛,適合用於側翼包抄和追擊殘兵。
Lithuanian Archers 立陶宛弓箭兵 missile infantry Skilled archery unit lightly armoured but equipped with a large shield. Able to lay stakes at start of battle. 立陶宛弓箭兵身穿輕甲,裝備大盾,能夠在陣前設置拒馬尖樁,令敵軍騎兵望而生畏。
General's Bodyguard 早期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Well armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general. 將領衛隊裝備精良,是時刻保護將領安危的精銳騎兵。