Turkish Horse Archers 土耳其弓騎兵 missile cavalry Lightly armoured troops, who can pepper the enemy with arrows and use their speed to stay out of harm's way. 土耳其弓騎兵輕裝上陣,來去如風,面對敵軍箭如雨下,然後策馬遠遁。
Turkish Horse Archers 土耳其弓騎兵 missile cavalry Lightly armoured troops, who can pepper the enemy with arrows and use their speed to stay out of harm's way. 土耳其弓騎兵輕裝上陣,來去如風,面對敵軍箭如雨下,然後策馬遠遁。
Turkish Horse Archers 土耳其弓騎兵 missile cavalry Lightly armoured troops, who can pepper the enemy with arrows and use their speed to stay out of harm's way. 土耳其弓騎兵輕裝上陣,來去如風,面對敵軍箭如雨下,然後策馬遠遁。
Turkish Horse Archers 土耳其弓騎兵 missile cavalry Lightly armoured troops, who can pepper the enemy with arrows and use their speed to stay out of harm's way. 土耳其弓騎兵輕裝上陣,來去如風,面對敵軍箭如雨下,然後策馬遠遁。
Turkomans 土庫曼弓騎兵 missile cavalry Tribal Turkish nomads, accustomed to life in the saddle. These hardy bowmen have a fierce and unruly reputation. 土庫曼弓騎兵是來自土耳其游牧部落的騎兵部隊,以凶殘剽悍著稱於世。
Turkomans 土庫曼弓騎兵 missile cavalry Tribal Turkish nomads, accustomed to life in the saddle. These hardy bowmen have a fierce and unruly reputation. 土庫曼弓騎兵是來自土耳其游牧部落的騎兵部隊,以凶殘剽悍著稱於世。
Turkomans 土庫曼弓騎兵 missile cavalry Tribal Turkish nomads, accustomed to life in the saddle. These hardy bowmen have a fierce and unruly reputation. 土庫曼弓騎兵是來自土耳其游牧部落的騎兵部隊,以凶殘剽悍著稱於世。
Turkomans 土庫曼弓騎兵 missile cavalry Tribal Turkish nomads, accustomed to life in the saddle. These hardy bowmen have a fierce and unruly reputation. 土庫曼弓騎兵是來自土耳其游牧部落的騎兵部隊,以凶殘剽悍著稱於世。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahis 西帕希弓騎兵 missile cavalry Medium armed horse archers, while less mobile than other horse archers, are better suited to hand to hand fighting. 西帕希弓騎兵屬於中型騎兵,儘管機動力稍遜其他弓騎兵,但近身搏殺卻頗為出色。
Sipahi Lancers 西帕希槍騎兵 heavy cavalry A better class of Sipahis, better suited to hand to hand combat than their archers counterparts. 槍騎兵為西帕希部隊精銳,與弓騎兵同儕相比,更為擅長近身搏殺。
Sipahi Lancers 西帕希槍騎兵 heavy cavalry A better class of Sipahis, better suited to hand to hand combat than their archers counterparts. 槍騎兵為西帕希部隊精銳,與弓騎兵同儕相比,更為擅長近身搏殺。
Sipahi Lancers 西帕希槍騎兵 heavy cavalry A better class of Sipahis, better suited to hand to hand combat than their archers counterparts. 槍騎兵為西帕希部隊精銳,與弓騎兵同儕相比,更為擅長近身搏殺。
Sipahi Lancers 西帕希槍騎兵 heavy cavalry A better class of Sipahis, better suited to hand to hand combat than their archers counterparts. 槍騎兵為西帕希部隊精銳,與弓騎兵同儕相比,更為擅長近身搏殺。