Bodyguard 將領衛隊 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,裝備精良,極為驍勇善戰。
Dismounted Noble Knights 步行貴族騎士 heavy infantry Made up from France's nobility, these elite warriors are as deadly on foot as when mounted. 這些出身法蘭西貴族的精銳騎士,作戰風格勇猛剽悍,無論騎馬或步行作戰都極為出色。
Dismounted Noble Knights 步行貴族騎士 heavy infantry Made up from France's nobility, these elite warriors are as deadly on foot as when mounted. 這些出身法蘭西貴族的精銳騎士,作戰風格勇猛剽悍,無論騎馬或步行作戰都極為出色。
Dismounted Noble Knights 步行貴族騎士 heavy infantry Made up from France's nobility, these elite warriors are as deadly on foot as when mounted. 這些出身法蘭西貴族的精銳騎士,作戰風格勇猛剽悍,無論騎馬或步行作戰都極為出色。
Armoured Sergeants 重裝軍士 spearmen infantry Trained and hardened warriors protected by a large shield and mail. Armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears. 重裝軍士是訓練有素的精銳部隊,手持巨盾和長矛,必要時可列圓陣接敵。
Armoured Sergeants 重裝軍士 spearmen infantry Trained and hardened warriors protected by a large shield and mail. Armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears. 重裝軍士是訓練有素的精銳部隊,手持巨盾和長矛,必要時可列圓陣接敵。
Town Militia 城鎮民兵 light infantry Town Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with short spears. 城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Town Militia 城鎮民兵 light infantry Town Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with short spears. 城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Town Militia 城鎮民兵 light infantry Town Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with short spears. 城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Town Militia 城鎮民兵 light infantry Town Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with short spears. 城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。