Chivalric Knights 俠義騎士 heavy cavalry Elite warriors clad in steel plate armour, these men pack a ferocious charge, while being hard to kill. 俠義騎士裝備全鋼板甲,刀槍不入,衝鋒威力極為恐怖。
Serbian Knights 塞爾維亞騎士 heavy cavalry These wild Eastern mercenaries are elite troops ready to fight for whoever can afford them. 塞爾維亞騎士是凶殘剽悍的精銳騎兵,隨時願意為支付高價酬勞的僱主浴血廝殺。
Norman Knights 諾曼騎士 heavy cavalry Exceptionally fierce knights, wearing heavy mail, and equipped with sturdy lances. 諾曼騎士裝備重型鏈甲和沉重騎槍,極為驍勇善戰。
Chivalric Knights 東方俠義騎士 heavy cavalry Elite cavalry influenced by western techniques, this heavy cavalry is a force to be reckoned with. 東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,極為驍勇善戰。
Crusader Knights 十字軍騎士 heavy cavalry These experienced knights in heavy mail seek forgiveness of their sins by going on crusade. 十字軍騎士身穿重型鏈甲,為洗清自己的罪孽加入十字軍遠征。
English Knights 英格蘭騎士 heavy cavalry Elite warriors clad in steel plate armour, these men pack an effective charge, while being hard to kill. 英格蘭騎士裝備全鋼板甲,刀槍不入,衝鋒威力極為恐怖。
Polish Knights 波蘭騎士 heavy cavalry Well armoured and equipped, and practiced in heavy cavalry tactics these knights make a fearsome addition to any Polish army. 波蘭騎士裝備精良,精熟重騎兵戰術,乃波蘭軍隊之殺手鑭。
Imperial Knights 帝國騎士 heavy cavalry These mace-wielding fighting machines wear plate armour and are equipped with lances for a deadly charge. 這些揮舞狼牙棒的殺戮機器裝備全鋼板甲,衝鋒威力恐怖無比。
Mercenary Frankish Knights 僱傭法蘭克騎士 heavy cavalry These Feudal mercenary knights are powerful troops and invaluable to whomever can afford them. 僱傭法蘭克騎士戰技出色,極為驍勇。
Feudal Knights 封建騎士 heavy cavalry Protected by heavy armour and armed with a lance, these elite warriors crush and ride down their opponents. 在重裝盔甲的防護下,封建騎士們手持沉重騎槍,將敵軍踏為齏粉。
Mailed Knights 鏈甲騎兵 heavy cavalry Encased in mail and equipped with lances and swords these early knights are formidable fighting machines. 鏈甲騎兵屬於早期騎兵,身穿鏈甲,手持騎槍和長劍,是恐怖的殺戮機器。
Mercenary German Knights 僱傭德意志騎士 heavy cavalry Protected by plate armour and equipped with maces, these knights for hire excel at taking on heavily armoured units. 僱傭德意志騎士裝備板甲和狼牙棒,尤為擅長對抗重裝部隊。
Byzantine Lancers 拜占庭槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined troops used throughout the Byzantine Empire, these Lancers are well armoured and equipped. 拜占庭槍騎兵是訓練有素、軍紀嚴明的職業部隊,裝備精良,屬於拜占庭常備騎兵。
Mercenary Knights 僱傭騎士 heavy cavalry Capable of deadly charges and impressive melee combat, these mercenary knights are well worth the money. 僱傭騎士無論衝鋒和近身格鬥都同樣戰技嫻熟,對僱主而言的確物有所值。
Men At Arms 意大利重騎兵 heavy cavalry Well equipped heavy cavalry with plate armour and a lance. 意大利重騎兵是裝備板甲和騎槍的重裝騎兵。
Condottieri 貢多鐵裡騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with a lance and plate armour these trained and experienced mercenaries are well known for their capricious ways. 貢多鐵裡騎兵裝備精良騎槍和板甲,極為驍勇善戰,以詭詐多端反覆無常聞名於世。