Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。
Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。
Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。
Knights Hospitaller 醫院騎士 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
Religious Fanatics 宗教狂熱團 light infantry A motley assortment of zealots and maniacs from amongst the common folk of Europe, travelling to the Holy Land. 宗教狂熱團包括歐洲各色宗教極端分子和平民狂徒,踏上前往聖地旅途。
Religious Fanatics 宗教狂熱團 light infantry A motley assortment of zealots and maniacs from amongst the common folk of Europe, travelling to the Holy Land. 宗教狂熱團包括歐洲各色宗教極端分子和平民狂徒,踏上前往聖地旅途。
Religious Fanatics 宗教狂熱團 light infantry A motley assortment of zealots and maniacs from amongst the common folk of Europe, travelling to the Holy Land. 宗教狂熱團包括歐洲各色宗教極端分子和平民狂徒,踏上前往聖地旅途。
Papal Guard 教皇衛隊 spearmen infantry The Pope's personal loyal guard at home and in battle. These elite troops are armed with spears, mail armour and shield. 教皇衛隊忠誠護衛教皇安危,無論霓下居城靜處或親臨戰陣皆隨侍在側。他們身穿精良鏈甲,手持長矛和盾牌,作戰極為驍勇強悍。
Armoured Sergeants 重裝軍士 spearmen infantry Trained and hardened warriors protected by a large shield and mail. Armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears. 重裝軍士是訓練有素的精銳部隊,手持巨盾和長矛,必要時可列圓陣接敵。
Armoured Sergeants 重裝軍士 spearmen infantry Trained and hardened warriors protected by a large shield and mail. Armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears. 重裝軍士是訓練有素的精銳部隊,手持巨盾和長矛,必要時可列圓陣接敵。
Armoured Sergeants 重裝軍士 spearmen infantry Trained and hardened warriors protected by a large shield and mail. Armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears. 重裝軍士是訓練有素的精銳部隊,手持巨盾和長矛,必要時可列圓陣接敵。
Arquebusiers 火繩槍兵 missile infantry Fired at close range, this noisy, smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。
Arquebusiers 火繩槍兵 missile infantry Fired at close range, this noisy, smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。
Great Cross 十字戰車 light siege Golden cross to inspire the troops, and remind them that they are on God's mission. 十字戰車極大激勵軍隊士氣,以示上帝與他們同在。
Culverin 長管炮 missile siege Able to fire solid or exploding shots, the culverin is devastating against enemy walls and lethal against enemy troops! 長管炮可發射實心或開花炮彈,既能破壞敵軍防禦設施,亦可大量殺傷敵軍有生力量。
Culverin 長管炮 missile siege Able to fire solid or exploding shots, the culverin is devastating against enemy walls and lethal against enemy troops! 長管炮可發射實心或開花炮彈,既能破壞敵軍防禦設施,亦可大量殺傷敵軍有生力量。