General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Wagon Fort 障礙戰車 missile infantry Wagons that can be formed into a circular barricade, behind from which the troops armed with crossbows can fire. 障礙戰車能夠圍成環形防禦工事,令弓弩部隊安全位於工事內遠程殺傷敵軍。
Wagon Fort 障礙戰車 missile infantry Wagons that can be formed into a circular barricade, behind from which the troops armed with crossbows can fire. 障礙戰車能夠圍成環形防禦工事,令弓弩部隊安全位於工事內遠程殺傷敵軍。
Wagon Fort 障礙戰車 missile infantry Wagons that can be formed into a circular barricade, behind from which the troops armed with crossbows can fire. 障礙戰車能夠圍成環形防禦工事,令弓弩部隊安全位於工事內遠程殺傷敵軍。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hungarian Nobles 匈牙利貴族騎兵 missile cavalry Well equipped with light armour and composite bows, these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat. 匈牙利貴族騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和復合弓,無論遠程攻擊或近身格鬥都同樣出色。
Hungarian Nobles 匈牙利貴族騎兵 missile cavalry Well equipped with light armour and composite bows, these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat. 匈牙利貴族騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和復合弓,無論遠程攻擊或近身格鬥都同樣出色。
Hungarian Nobles 匈牙利貴族騎兵 missile cavalry Well equipped with light armour and composite bows, these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat. 匈牙利貴族騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和復合弓,無論遠程攻擊或近身格鬥都同樣出色。
Transylvanian Peasants 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民 light infantry Fierce peasant volunteers from eastern Europe, armed with halberds that can pull a man off a horse. 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民為強悍好鬥的東歐農民,手揮長戟可輕易將騎兵鉤落馬下。
Transylvanian Peasants 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民 light infantry Fierce peasant volunteers from eastern Europe, armed with halberds that can pull a man off a horse. 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民為強悍好鬥的東歐農民,手揮長戟可輕易將騎兵鉤落馬下。
Transylvanian Peasants 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民 light infantry Fierce peasant volunteers from eastern Europe, armed with halberds that can pull a man off a horse. 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民為強悍好鬥的東歐農民,手揮長戟可輕易將騎兵鉤落馬下。
Transylvanian Peasants 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民 light infantry Fierce peasant volunteers from eastern Europe, armed with halberds that can pull a man off a horse. 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民為強悍好鬥的東歐農民,手揮長戟可輕易將騎兵鉤落馬下。
Religious Fanatics 宗教狂熱團 light infantry A motley assortment of zealots and maniacs from amongst the common folk of Europe, travelling to the Holy Land. 宗教狂熱團包括歐洲各色宗教極端分子和平民狂徒,踏上前往聖地旅途。
Religious Fanatics 宗教狂熱團 light infantry A motley assortment of zealots and maniacs from amongst the common folk of Europe, travelling to the Holy Land. 宗教狂熱團包括歐洲各色宗教極端分子和平民狂徒,踏上前往聖地旅途。
Religious Fanatics 宗教狂熱團 light infantry A motley assortment of zealots and maniacs from amongst the common folk of Europe, travelling to the Holy Land. 宗教狂熱團包括歐洲各色宗教極端分子和平民狂徒,踏上前往聖地旅途。
Flagellants 苦修團 light infantry Religious fanatics into self-mortification who have banded together to travel to the Holy Lands, armed with a mace. 苦修團為酷愛自虐的宗教狂熱者,裝備簡陋釘頭槌,踏上前往聖地旅途。
Flagellants 苦修團 light infantry Religious fanatics into self-mortification who have banded together to travel to the Holy Lands, armed with a mace. 苦修團為酷愛自虐的宗教狂熱者,裝備簡陋釘頭槌,踏上前往聖地旅途。
Flagellants 苦修團 light infantry Religious fanatics into self-mortification who have banded together to travel to the Holy Lands, armed with a mace. 苦修團為酷愛自虐的宗教狂熱者,裝備簡陋釘頭槌,踏上前往聖地旅途。