Great Cross 十字戰車 light siege Golden cross to inspire the troops, and remind them that they are on God's mission. 十字戰車極大激勵軍隊士氣,以示上帝與他們同在。
General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Elephant Artillery 火炮戰象 heavy cavalry These fearsome beasts have small cannons, comparable to serpentines, mounted on their backs. 這些恐怖巨獸背負著類似蛇炮的小型加農炮。
Elephant Artillery 火炮戰象 heavy cavalry These fearsome beasts have small cannons, comparable to serpentines, mounted on their backs. 這些恐怖巨獸背負著類似蛇炮的小型加農炮。
Sudanese Tribesmen 蘇丹部落劍士 light infantry Tribesmen from Africa armed with swords 蘇丹部落劍士來自非洲部落,作戰極為驍勇。
Sudanese Tribesmen 蘇丹部落劍士 light infantry Tribesmen from Africa armed with swords 蘇丹部落劍士來自非洲部落,作戰極為驍勇。
Retinue Longbowmen 長弓衛隊 missile infantry Well armoured professional soldiers. Confident and deadly. 長弓衛隊是盔甲精良的職業部隊,戰技出色,殺傷驚人。
Retinue Longbowmen 長弓衛隊 missile infantry Well armoured professional soldiers. Confident and deadly. 長弓衛隊是盔甲精良的職業部隊,戰技出色,殺傷驚人。
Retinue Longbowmen 長弓衛隊 missile infantry Well armoured professional soldiers. Confident and deadly. 長弓衛隊是盔甲精良的職業部隊,戰技出色,殺傷驚人。
Retinue Longbowmen 長弓衛隊 missile infantry Well armoured professional soldiers. Confident and deadly. 長弓衛隊是盔甲精良的職業部隊,戰技出色,殺傷驚人。
Retinue Longbowmen 長弓衛隊 missile infantry Well armoured professional soldiers. Confident and deadly. 長弓衛隊是盔甲精良的職業部隊,戰技出色,殺傷驚人。
Retinue Longbowmen 長弓衛隊 missile infantry Well armoured professional soldiers. Confident and deadly. 長弓衛隊是盔甲精良的職業部隊,戰技出色,殺傷驚人。
Retinue Longbowmen 長弓衛隊 missile infantry Well armoured professional soldiers. Confident and deadly. 長弓衛隊是盔甲精良的職業部隊,戰技出色,殺傷驚人。
Retinue Longbowmen 長弓衛隊 missile infantry Well armoured professional soldiers. Confident and deadly. 長弓衛隊是盔甲精良的職業部隊,戰技出色,殺傷驚人。
Retinue Longbowmen 長弓衛隊 missile infantry Well armoured professional soldiers. Confident and deadly. 長弓衛隊是盔甲精良的職業部隊,戰技出色,殺傷驚人。
Ribault 管炮 missile siege A small multi-barrel wagon mounted cannon. A good defensive tool able to fire in a nine-barrel barrage. 管炮是小型自走多管加農炮,其九根炮管齊射,威力十分驚人,是出色的防禦火炮。
Ribault 管炮 missile siege A small multi-barrel wagon mounted cannon. A good defensive tool able to fire in a nine-barrel barrage. 管炮是小型自走多管加農炮,其九根炮管齊射,威力十分驚人,是出色的防禦火炮。
Ribault 管炮 missile siege A small multi-barrel wagon mounted cannon. A good defensive tool able to fire in a nine-barrel barrage. 管炮是小型自走多管加農炮,其九根炮管齊射,威力十分驚人,是出色的防禦火炮。
Ribault 管炮 missile siege A small multi-barrel wagon mounted cannon. A good defensive tool able to fire in a nine-barrel barrage. 管炮是小型自走多管加農炮,其九根炮管齊射,威力十分驚人,是出色的防禦火炮。