Druzhina 俄羅斯親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Fierce cavalry warriors wearing mail armour and armed with spear and a wicked axe, acting as bodyguards for Chieftains. 凶殘的親衛騎兵裝備鏈甲、騎槍和戰斧,護衛親王大公。
Tsars Guard 沙皇衛隊 heavy cavalry Household troops of the Tsar, these are formidable, well armoured elite Eastern European heavy cavalry. 沙皇衛隊是王室成員的護衛部隊,裝備精良,極為凶殘,屬於東歐精銳重裝騎兵。
Cavalry Militia 東歐騎馬民兵 heavy cavalry Cavalry militia are poorly trained and equipped, but are still capable of charging down the right enemy 騎馬民兵訓練和裝備都較為薄弱,但若戰術得當,仍可發揮作用。
Boyar Sons 波耶騎兵 missile cavalry These young adventurers wear light mail or light brigandine armour and carry a javelin and an axe . 波耶騎兵身穿輕型鏈甲或鑲甲,手持標槍長斧,極為驍勇善戰。
Dvor Cavalry 德沃親衛騎兵 missile cavalry In the service of the local Prince or high status Boyar, Dvors are amongst the best missile cavalry available. 德沃親衛騎兵為當地王子或高階貴族效力,躋身最為出色的弓騎兵。
Cossack Cavalry 哥薩克騎兵 missile cavalry Fierce and hardy, although lacking in armour, Cossacks are equipped with a sword and composite bow which they use from horseback. 哥薩克騎兵裝備長劍和復合短弓,儘管盔甲簡陋,但極為驍勇善戰。