Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men dedicated to protecting the general. Hand-picked for loyalty and valour. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Mamluks 馬穆魯克重騎兵 heavy cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood and well equipped, these soldiers make formidable heavy cavalry. 馬穆魯克重騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們盔甲精良,為精銳重騎兵。
Mamluks 馬穆魯克重騎兵 heavy cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood and well equipped, these soldiers make formidable heavy cavalry. 馬穆魯克重騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們盔甲精良,為精銳重騎兵。
Mamluks 馬穆魯克重騎兵 heavy cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood and well equipped, these soldiers make formidable heavy cavalry. 馬穆魯克重騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們盔甲精良,為精銳重騎兵。
Mamluks 馬穆魯克重騎兵 heavy cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood and well equipped, these soldiers make formidable heavy cavalry. 馬穆魯克重騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們盔甲精良,為精銳重騎兵。
Nubian Archers 努比亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Coming from all over Africa these light troops are equipped with a bow and hand weapon. 努比亞弓箭兵是來自非洲的輕裝步兵,裝備戰弓和格鬥武器。
Nubian Archers 努比亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Coming from all over Africa these light troops are equipped with a bow and hand weapon. 努比亞弓箭兵是來自非洲的輕裝步兵,裝備戰弓和格鬥武器。
Nubian Archers 努比亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Coming from all over Africa these light troops are equipped with a bow and hand weapon. 努比亞弓箭兵是來自非洲的輕裝步兵,裝備戰弓和格鬥武器。
Nubian Archers 努比亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Coming from all over Africa these light troops are equipped with a bow and hand weapon. 努比亞弓箭兵是來自非洲的輕裝步兵,裝備戰弓和格鬥武器。
Nubian Archers 努比亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Coming from all over Africa these light troops are equipped with a bow and hand weapon. 努比亞弓箭兵是來自非洲的輕裝步兵,裝備戰弓和格鬥武器。
Dismounted Arab Cavalry 阿拉伯步行騎兵 spearmen infantry Arabs from the towns and cities throughout the Middle East. 阿拉伯步行騎兵從遍及北非和中東的阿拉伯民族中招募。
Dismounted Arab Cavalry 阿拉伯步行騎兵 spearmen infantry Arabs from the towns and cities throughout the Middle East. 阿拉伯步行騎兵從遍及北非和中東的阿拉伯民族中招募。
Dismounted Arab Cavalry 阿拉伯步行騎兵 spearmen infantry Arabs from the towns and cities throughout the Middle East. 阿拉伯步行騎兵從遍及北非和中東的阿拉伯民族中招募。
Tabardariyya 蘇丹禁衛軍 heavy infantry Normally found guarding the Sultan's palace, these axe-wielding warriors make excellent fighters. 蘇丹禁衛軍主要職責為保護蘇丹宮殿,他們使用戰斧,作戰極為驍勇。
Tabardariyya 蘇丹禁衛軍 heavy infantry Normally found guarding the Sultan's palace, these axe-wielding warriors make excellent fighters. 蘇丹禁衛軍主要職責為保護蘇丹宮殿,他們使用戰斧,作戰極為驍勇。
Tabardariyya 蘇丹禁衛軍 heavy infantry Normally found guarding the Sultan's palace, these axe-wielding warriors make excellent fighters. 蘇丹禁衛軍主要職責為保護蘇丹宮殿,他們使用戰斧,作戰極為驍勇。
Kurdish Javelinmen 庫爾德標槍兵 missile infantry Hardy troops who soften the enemy with their javelins, then finish them off with their swords. 庫爾德標槍兵通常率先標槍飛擲,而後揮劍衝入敵陣,浴血廝殺。
Kurdish Javelinmen 庫爾德標槍兵 missile infantry Hardy troops who soften the enemy with their javelins, then finish them off with their swords. 庫爾德標槍兵通常率先標槍飛擲,而後揮劍衝入敵陣,浴血廝殺。
Kurdish Javelinmen 庫爾德標槍兵 missile infantry Hardy troops who soften the enemy with their javelins, then finish them off with their swords. 庫爾德標槍兵通常率先標槍飛擲,而後揮劍衝入敵陣,浴血廝殺。
Kurdish Javelinmen 庫爾德標槍兵 missile infantry Hardy troops who soften the enemy with their javelins, then finish them off with their swords. 庫爾德標槍兵通常率先標槍飛擲,而後揮劍衝入敵陣,浴血廝殺。