Mamluk Archers 馬穆魯克弓騎兵 missile cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood, these formidable soldiers excel at archery, but can also hold their own in melee. 馬穆魯克弓騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們箭法如神,近戰搏殺亦頗為出色。
Mamluk Archers 馬穆魯克弓騎兵 missile cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood, these formidable soldiers excel at archery, but can also hold their own in melee. 馬穆魯克弓騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們箭法如神,近戰搏殺亦頗為出色。
Mamluk Archers 馬穆魯克弓騎兵 missile cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood, these formidable soldiers excel at archery, but can also hold their own in melee. 馬穆魯克弓騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們箭法如神,近戰搏殺亦頗為出色。
Bedouin Camel Riders 貝督因駱駝騎兵 missile cavalry Hardy but lightly equipped desert skirmishers. They're also useful against light cavalry, as horses detest the smell of camels. 貝督因駱駝騎兵是輕裝沙漠突襲騎兵,因為駱駝能令敵軍戰馬驚懼,因此擅長對抗輕裝騎兵。
Bedouin Camel Riders 貝督因駱駝騎兵 missile cavalry Hardy but lightly equipped desert skirmishers. They're also useful against light cavalry, as horses detest the smell of camels. 貝督因駱駝騎兵是輕裝沙漠突襲騎兵,因為駱駝能令敵軍戰馬驚懼,因此擅長對抗輕裝騎兵。
Bedouin Camel Riders 貝督因駱駝騎兵 missile cavalry Hardy but lightly equipped desert skirmishers. They're also useful against light cavalry, as horses detest the smell of camels. 貝督因駱駝騎兵是輕裝沙漠突襲騎兵,因為駱駝能令敵軍戰馬驚懼,因此擅長對抗輕裝騎兵。
Bedouin Camel Riders 貝督因駱駝騎兵 missile cavalry Hardy but lightly equipped desert skirmishers. They're also useful against light cavalry, as horses detest the smell of camels. 貝督因駱駝騎兵是輕裝沙漠突襲騎兵,因為駱駝能令敵軍戰馬驚懼,因此擅長對抗輕裝騎兵。
Desert Cavalry 沙漠騎兵 missile cavalry Fast skirmishers with javelins, best used to harass enemy flanks and fend off archers. 沙漠騎兵是裝備標槍的突襲騎兵,擅長側翼騷擾和驅逐遠程部隊。
Desert Cavalry 沙漠騎兵 missile cavalry Fast skirmishers with javelins, best used to harass enemy flanks and fend off archers. 沙漠騎兵是裝備標槍的突襲騎兵,擅長側翼騷擾和驅逐遠程部隊。
Desert Cavalry 沙漠騎兵 missile cavalry Fast skirmishers with javelins, best used to harass enemy flanks and fend off archers. 沙漠騎兵是裝備標槍的突襲騎兵,擅長側翼騷擾和驅逐遠程部隊。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Armed with a long spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their settlement. 長矛民兵不穿盔甲,使用長矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Armed with a long spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their settlement. 長矛民兵不穿盔甲,使用長矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Armed with a long spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their settlement. 長矛民兵不穿盔甲,使用長矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Kurdish Javelinmen 庫爾德標槍兵 missile infantry Hardy troops who soften the enemy with their javelins, then finish them off with their swords. 庫爾德標槍兵通常率先標槍飛擲,而後揮劍衝入敵陣,浴血廝殺。
Kurdish Javelinmen 庫爾德標槍兵 missile infantry Hardy troops who soften the enemy with their javelins, then finish them off with their swords. 庫爾德標槍兵通常率先標槍飛擲,而後揮劍衝入敵陣,浴血廝殺。
Kurdish Javelinmen 庫爾德標槍兵 missile infantry Hardy troops who soften the enemy with their javelins, then finish them off with their swords. 庫爾德標槍兵通常率先標槍飛擲,而後揮劍衝入敵陣,浴血廝殺。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry Accustomed to using their bow for hunting, these peasant archers are armed with a small bow and knife. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,表現平平,不能寄予過高期望。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry Accustomed to using their bow for hunting, these peasant archers are armed with a small bow and knife. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,表現平平,不能寄予過高期望。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry Accustomed to using their bow for hunting, these peasant archers are armed with a small bow and knife. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,表現平平,不能寄予過高期望。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry Accustomed to using their bow for hunting, these peasant archers are armed with a small bow and knife. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,表現平平,不能寄予過高期望。