Constantine is leading an army of armored horse to aid Russia against Hungary. His army is swift, but undisciplined. Can they get there in time to aid in the battle?
Custom battles 自定義費用
Recruit cost 招募成本
Army scale 軍隊規模 :
Kataphractoi 鐵甲聖騎兵 heavy cavalry Very heavily armoured and equipped with a lance and mace, although somewhat outdated they are still formidable troops. 鐵甲聖騎兵手持騎槍和狼牙棒,儘管戰術陳舊,但仍頗為恐怖。
Byzantine Lancers 拜占庭槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined troops used throughout the Byzantine Empire, these Lancers are well armoured and equipped. 拜占庭槍騎兵是訓練有素、軍紀嚴明的職業部隊,裝備精良,屬於拜占庭常備騎兵。
Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Militia Cavalry 希臘騎馬民兵 light cavalry Poorly trained, these units fight with a spear and sword. 希臘騎馬民兵訓練不佳,裝備輕型鏈甲和長矛。
Vardariotai 瓦達瑞泰弓騎兵 missile cavalry Disciplined and highly trained, the Vardariotai wear light armour and fire a composite bow from horseback. 瓦達瑞泰弓騎兵軍紀森嚴,訓練有素,身穿輕型鏈甲或鑲甲,使用強力復合短弓。
Vardariotai 瓦達瑞泰弓騎兵 missile cavalry Disciplined and highly trained, the Vardariotai wear light armour and fire a composite bow from horseback. 瓦達瑞泰弓騎兵軍紀森嚴,訓練有素,身穿輕型鏈甲或鑲甲,使用強力復合短弓。
Byzantine Cavalry 拜占庭弓騎兵 missile cavalry Versatile lightly armoured medium cavalry, equally able shooting their bows, or fighting with their swords. 拜占庭弓騎兵戰術靈活,屬於略微輕裝的中型騎兵部隊,無論遠程射擊還是近身格鬥,戰力都頗為出色。
Byzantine Cavalry 拜占庭弓騎兵 missile cavalry Versatile lightly armoured medium cavalry, equally able shooting their bows, or fighting with their swords. 拜占庭弓騎兵戰術靈活,屬於略微輕裝的中型騎兵部隊,無論遠程射擊還是近身格鬥,戰力都頗為出色。
Skythikon 塞西亞弓騎兵 missile cavalry Asiatic Nomads, who serve the Byzantine Empire as horse archers, wearing little armour and armed with a composite bow. 塞西亞弓騎兵是拜占庭軍中服役的亞洲遊牧弓騎兵,他們身穿輕甲,裝備復合弓和短劍。
Serbian Knights 塞爾維亞騎士 heavy cavalry These wild Eastern mercenaries are elite troops ready to fight for whoever can afford them. 塞爾維亞騎士是凶殘剽悍的精銳騎兵,隨時願意為支付高價酬勞的僱主浴血廝殺。
Serbian Knights 塞爾維亞騎士 heavy cavalry These wild Eastern mercenaries are elite troops ready to fight for whoever can afford them. 塞爾維亞騎士是凶殘剽悍的精銳騎兵,隨時願意為支付高價酬勞的僱主浴血廝殺。
Serbian Hussars 塞爾維亞輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 塞爾維亞輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Serbian Hussars 塞爾維亞輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 塞爾維亞輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Skythikon 塞西亞弓騎兵 missile cavalry Asiatic Nomads, who serve the Byzantine Empire as horse archers, wearing little armour and armed with a composite bow. 塞西亞弓騎兵是拜占庭軍中服役的亞洲遊牧弓騎兵,他們身穿輕甲,裝備復合弓和短劍。
Skythikon 塞西亞弓騎兵 missile cavalry Asiatic Nomads, who serve the Byzantine Empire as horse archers, wearing little armour and armed with a composite bow. 塞西亞弓騎兵是拜占庭軍中服役的亞洲遊牧弓騎兵,他們身穿輕甲,裝備復合弓和短劍。
Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Card 兵種
Name 名稱
Soldiers 兵員數
Melee 肉搏
Charge 衝鋒
Missile 遠程
Defence 防禦
Custom battles 自定義費用
Exp. 經驗
Weapon 武器
Armour 護甲
Punish cost 懲罰費用
Total cost 總成本
Recruit cost 招募成本
Garrison cost 駐防費用
Heavy cavalry 重騎兵(10)
Kataphractoi 鐵甲聖騎兵 heavy cavalry Very heavily armoured and equipped with a lance and mace, although somewhat outdated they are still formidable troops. 鐵甲聖騎兵手持騎槍和狼牙棒,儘管戰術陳舊,但仍頗為恐怖。
Byzantine Lancers 拜占庭槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined troops used throughout the Byzantine Empire, these Lancers are well armoured and equipped. 拜占庭槍騎兵是訓練有素、軍紀嚴明的職業部隊,裝備精良,屬於拜占庭常備騎兵。
Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Serbian Knights 塞爾維亞騎士 heavy cavalry These wild Eastern mercenaries are elite troops ready to fight for whoever can afford them. 塞爾維亞騎士是凶殘剽悍的精銳騎兵,隨時願意為支付高價酬勞的僱主浴血廝殺。
Serbian Knights 塞爾維亞騎士 heavy cavalry These wild Eastern mercenaries are elite troops ready to fight for whoever can afford them. 塞爾維亞騎士是凶殘剽悍的精銳騎兵,隨時願意為支付高價酬勞的僱主浴血廝殺。
Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Latinkon 拉丁騎兵 heavy cavalry Western European troops fighting for the Byzantine Empire, these experienced and well trained fighters are armed with lances and swords. 拉丁騎兵是服役於拜占庭軍中的西歐騎兵,裝備鏈甲和長劍,訓練有素,作戰經驗豐富。
Serbian Hussars 塞爾維亞輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 塞爾維亞輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Serbian Hussars 塞爾維亞輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 塞爾維亞輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Vardariotai 瓦達瑞泰弓騎兵 missile cavalry Disciplined and highly trained, the Vardariotai wear light armour and fire a composite bow from horseback. 瓦達瑞泰弓騎兵軍紀森嚴,訓練有素,身穿輕型鏈甲或鑲甲,使用強力復合短弓。
Vardariotai 瓦達瑞泰弓騎兵 missile cavalry Disciplined and highly trained, the Vardariotai wear light armour and fire a composite bow from horseback. 瓦達瑞泰弓騎兵軍紀森嚴,訓練有素,身穿輕型鏈甲或鑲甲,使用強力復合短弓。
Byzantine Cavalry 拜占庭弓騎兵 missile cavalry Versatile lightly armoured medium cavalry, equally able shooting their bows, or fighting with their swords. 拜占庭弓騎兵戰術靈活,屬於略微輕裝的中型騎兵部隊,無論遠程射擊還是近身格鬥,戰力都頗為出色。
Byzantine Cavalry 拜占庭弓騎兵 missile cavalry Versatile lightly armoured medium cavalry, equally able shooting their bows, or fighting with their swords. 拜占庭弓騎兵戰術靈活,屬於略微輕裝的中型騎兵部隊,無論遠程射擊還是近身格鬥,戰力都頗為出色。
Skythikon 塞西亞弓騎兵 missile cavalry Asiatic Nomads, who serve the Byzantine Empire as horse archers, wearing little armour and armed with a composite bow. 塞西亞弓騎兵是拜占庭軍中服役的亞洲遊牧弓騎兵,他們身穿輕甲,裝備復合弓和短劍。
Skythikon 塞西亞弓騎兵 missile cavalry Asiatic Nomads, who serve the Byzantine Empire as horse archers, wearing little armour and armed with a composite bow. 塞西亞弓騎兵是拜占庭軍中服役的亞洲遊牧弓騎兵,他們身穿輕甲,裝備復合弓和短劍。
Skythikon 塞西亞弓騎兵 missile cavalry Asiatic Nomads, who serve the Byzantine Empire as horse archers, wearing little armour and armed with a composite bow. 塞西亞弓騎兵是拜占庭軍中服役的亞洲遊牧弓騎兵,他們身穿輕甲,裝備復合弓和短劍。