General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Cavalry Militia 意大利騎馬民兵 heavy cavalry Encased in mail and equipped with lances and swords these troops are effective fighters. 騎馬民兵裝備鏈甲、騎槍和長劍,是出色的騎兵部隊。
Cavalry Militia 意大利騎馬民兵 heavy cavalry Encased in mail and equipped with lances and swords these troops are effective fighters. 騎馬民兵裝備鏈甲、騎槍和長劍,是出色的騎兵部隊。
Stradiots 巴爾幹騎兵 light cavalry Armed with spear and mace, these unique troops are renowned for their ferocity. 巴爾幹騎兵們手持長矛和狼牙棒,以作戰凶殘聞名於世。
Stradiots 巴爾幹騎兵 light cavalry Armed with spear and mace, these unique troops are renowned for their ferocity. 巴爾幹騎兵們手持長矛和狼牙棒,以作戰凶殘聞名於世。
Mounted Crossbowmen 弩騎兵 missile cavalry Using smaller crossbows than the infantry, these units use their mobility to stay out of trouble while they reload. 弩騎兵使用較步兵弩更為小巧的騎弩,發射後利用騎兵優勢遠避敵軍從容裝填。
Mounted Crossbowmen 弩騎兵 missile cavalry Using smaller crossbows than the infantry, these units use their mobility to stay out of trouble while they reload. 弩騎兵使用較步兵弩更為小巧的騎弩,發射後利用騎兵優勢遠避敵軍從容裝填。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry A peasant archer is armed with a small bow, and a knife. Unreliable, and only moderately effective as archers. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,士氣低落,只能作為遠程部隊使用。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry A peasant archer is armed with a small bow, and a knife. Unreliable, and only moderately effective as archers. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,士氣低落,只能作為遠程部隊使用。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry A peasant archer is armed with a small bow, and a knife. Unreliable, and only moderately effective as archers. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,士氣低落,只能作為遠程部隊使用。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry A peasant archer is armed with a small bow, and a knife. Unreliable, and only moderately effective as archers. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,士氣低落,只能作為遠程部隊使用。
Armoured Sergeants 重裝軍士 spearmen infantry Trained and hardened warriors protected by a large shield and mail. Armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears. 重裝軍士是訓練有素的精銳部隊,手持巨盾和長矛,必要時可列圓陣接敵。
Armoured Sergeants 重裝軍士 spearmen infantry Trained and hardened warriors protected by a large shield and mail. Armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears. 重裝軍士是訓練有素的精銳部隊,手持巨盾和長矛,必要時可列圓陣接敵。
Venetian Heavy Infantry 威尼斯重裝步兵 heavy infantry Armoured and equipped with a war hammer, this unit's task is to protect the far flung outposts of the Venetian empire. 威尼斯重裝步兵盔甲精良,手持戰錘,忠誠捍衛著威尼斯的國家利益。
Venetian Heavy Infantry 威尼斯重裝步兵 heavy infantry Armoured and equipped with a war hammer, this unit's task is to protect the far flung outposts of the Venetian empire. 威尼斯重裝步兵盔甲精良,手持戰錘,忠誠捍衛著威尼斯的國家利益。
Venetian Heavy Infantry 威尼斯重裝步兵 heavy infantry Armoured and equipped with a war hammer, this unit's task is to protect the far flung outposts of the Venetian empire. 威尼斯重裝步兵盔甲精良,手持戰錘,忠誠捍衛著威尼斯的國家利益。
Monster Ribault 怪獸管炮 missile siege 36 cannon barrels mounted on a wagon frame. Deadly short-ranged defensive gun capable of laying down a tremendous barrage. 怪獸管炮炮身上安置三十六根炮管,可發射短程密集攔阻彈幕。
Ribault 管炮 missile siege A small multi-barrel wagon mounted cannon. A good defensive tool able to fire in a nine-barrel barrage. 管炮是小型自走多管加農炮,其九根炮管齊射,威力十分驚人,是出色的防禦火炮。
Ribault 管炮 missile siege A small multi-barrel wagon mounted cannon. A good defensive tool able to fire in a nine-barrel barrage. 管炮是小型自走多管加農炮,其九根炮管齊射,威力十分驚人,是出色的防禦火炮。