Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Croat Axemen 克羅地亞斧兵 light infantry Hardy warriors armed with deadly two-handed axes and protected by light armour. Accustomed to fighting in their rugged native terrain. 克羅地亞斧兵身穿輕甲,雙手揮動致命巨斧,灑出漫天血雨,若在家鄉崎嶇地形作戰則更為恐怖。
Free Company Longbowmen 僱傭長弓兵 missile infantry Mercenary Longbowmen armoured with light mail. Able to lay defensive stakes. 僱傭長弓兵裝備輕型鏈甲,可在陣前設置拒馬尖樁,令敵軍騎兵望而生畏。
Serpentine 蛇炮 missile siege Light cannon designed for use against troops rather than walls. 蛇炮是用於專門殺傷敵軍部隊而非轟擊城牆的輕型加農炮。