Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men dedicated to protecting the general. Hand-picked for loyalty and valour. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Sudanese Gunners 蘇丹火繩槍兵 missile infantry Hailing from all over Africa these well trained troops are armed with an arquebus. 蘇丹火繩槍兵來自非洲各處,是訓練有素的火繩槍部隊。
Sudanese Gunners 蘇丹火繩槍兵 missile infantry Hailing from all over Africa these well trained troops are armed with an arquebus. 蘇丹火繩槍兵來自非洲各處,是訓練有素的火繩槍部隊。
Sudanese Gunners 蘇丹火繩槍兵 missile infantry Hailing from all over Africa these well trained troops are armed with an arquebus. 蘇丹火繩槍兵來自非洲各處,是訓練有素的火繩槍部隊。
Sudanese Gunners 蘇丹火繩槍兵 missile infantry Hailing from all over Africa these well trained troops are armed with an arquebus. 蘇丹火繩槍兵來自非洲各處,是訓練有素的火繩槍部隊。
Sudanese Gunners 蘇丹火繩槍兵 missile infantry Hailing from all over Africa these well trained troops are armed with an arquebus. 蘇丹火繩槍兵來自非洲各處,是訓練有素的火繩槍部隊。
Sudanese Gunners 蘇丹火繩槍兵 missile infantry Hailing from all over Africa these well trained troops are armed with an arquebus. 蘇丹火繩槍兵來自非洲各處,是訓練有素的火繩槍部隊。
Hand Gunners 手炮兵 missile infantry Somewhat inaccurate but capable of firing a powerful shot, the noise and smoke from these handguns can demoralise enemy troops. 手炮兵遠距射擊不甚精準,但近距威力極大,其發射時的彌漫硝煙和恐怖巨響令敵軍魂飛魄散。
Hand Gunners 手炮兵 missile infantry Somewhat inaccurate but capable of firing a powerful shot, the noise and smoke from these handguns can demoralise enemy troops. 手炮兵遠距射擊不甚精準,但近距威力極大,其發射時的彌漫硝煙和恐怖巨響令敵軍魂飛魄散。
Hand Gunners 手炮兵 missile infantry Somewhat inaccurate but capable of firing a powerful shot, the noise and smoke from these handguns can demoralise enemy troops. 手炮兵遠距射擊不甚精準,但近距威力極大,其發射時的彌漫硝煙和恐怖巨響令敵軍魂飛魄散。
Hand Gunners 手炮兵 missile infantry Somewhat inaccurate but capable of firing a powerful shot, the noise and smoke from these handguns can demoralise enemy troops. 手炮兵遠距射擊不甚精準,但近距威力極大,其發射時的彌漫硝煙和恐怖巨響令敵軍魂飛魄散。
Hand Gunners 手炮兵 missile infantry Somewhat inaccurate but capable of firing a powerful shot, the noise and smoke from these handguns can demoralise enemy troops. 手炮兵遠距射擊不甚精準,但近距威力極大,其發射時的彌漫硝煙和恐怖巨響令敵軍魂飛魄散。
Camel Gunners 火槍駱駝騎兵 missile cavalry Mounted on a camel this unit fires a powerful musket called a "jezail'. 火槍駱駝騎兵使用長管滑膛火槍,稱為"傑扎爾",威力極為驚人。
Camel Gunners 火槍駱駝騎兵 missile cavalry Mounted on a camel this unit fires a powerful musket called a "jezail'. 火槍駱駝騎兵使用長管滑膛火槍,稱為"傑扎爾",威力極為驚人。
Camel Gunners 火槍駱駝騎兵 missile cavalry Mounted on a camel this unit fires a powerful musket called a "jezail'. 火槍駱駝騎兵使用長管滑膛火槍,稱為"傑扎爾",威力極為驚人。
Hashashim 戰場哈薩辛 heavy infantry The Hashashim are a semi-religious sect of stealthy assassins. On the battlefield they fight with sword and shield. 哈薩辛為半宗教性質刺客團體,精擅潛伏和暗殺,在戰場上以長劍和盾牌作戰。
Hashashim 戰場哈薩辛 heavy infantry The Hashashim are a semi-religious sect of stealthy assassins. On the battlefield they fight with sword and shield. 哈薩辛為半宗教性質刺客團體,精擅潛伏和暗殺,在戰場上以長劍和盾牌作戰。
Urban Militia 城市民兵 heavy infantry Equipped with a sword, well trained and protected by heavy armour these troops are far superior to most militias. 城市民兵訓練有素,裝備長劍和重型盔甲,作戰素質遠超大多數民兵部隊。
Cannon 加農炮 missile siege The typical 'cannon' is powerful and good against both units and defences. Capable of firing solid and explosive shots. 加農炮對敵軍防禦設施和有生力量都能進行致命打擊,可發射實心或開花炮彈。
Grand Bombard 重型攻城炮 missile siege The Grand Bombard has increased range, damage and accuracy compared to the bombard. 與舊式攻城炮相比,重型攻城炮無論射程、威力和精準程度都大為提高。