Noble Swordsmen 貴族劍士 heavy infantry Strong Scottish melee unit armed with sword and shield and wearing plate armour. 貴族劍士身穿板甲,手持長劍和盾牌,攻防能力俱佳。
Highland Nobles 高地貴族劍士 heavy infantry Scottish shock troops wielding a large two-handed sword and armoured in chain. 高地貴族劍士為蘇格蘭軍中精銳,身穿鏈甲,揮舞雙手巨劍。
Highland Nobles 高地貴族劍士 heavy infantry Scottish shock troops wielding a large two-handed sword and armoured in chain. 高地貴族劍士為蘇格蘭軍中精銳,身穿鏈甲,揮舞雙手巨劍。
Highlanders 高地斧兵 light infantry Fierce and wild warriors from the Scottish Highlands fight with little to no armour and are equipped with an axe. 高地斧兵是來自蘇格蘭高地,儘管自身盔甲簡陋,依然揮動戰斧盾牌奮勇搏殺。
Highlanders 高地斧兵 light infantry Fierce and wild warriors from the Scottish Highlands fight with little to no armour and are equipped with an axe. 高地斧兵是來自蘇格蘭高地,儘管自身盔甲簡陋,依然揮動戰斧盾牌奮勇搏殺。
Highlanders 高地斧兵 light infantry Fierce and wild warriors from the Scottish Highlands fight with little to no armour and are equipped with an axe. 高地斧兵是來自蘇格蘭高地,儘管自身盔甲簡陋,依然揮動戰斧盾牌奮勇搏殺。
Town Militia 城鎮民兵 light infantry Town Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with short spears. 城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Town Militia 城鎮民兵 light infantry Town Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with short spears. 城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Town Militia 城鎮民兵 light infantry Town Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with short spears. 城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Noble Pikemen 貴族長槍兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured Pikemen made up of Scottish nobles preferring to fight in the infantry. 蘇格蘭貴族組成的槍兵,盔甲精良,為精銳步兵部隊。
Heavy Pike Militia 重裝長槍民兵 spearmen infantry Levied troops equipped with pikes and protected by heavy armour. Good defence against cavalry. 重裝長槍民兵裝備長槍和重裝盔甲,擅長對抗騎兵。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Spear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears. 長矛民兵在歐洲隨處可見,通常為招入本地民兵部隊的平民,負責防禦城鎮、道路或支援主力部隊,裝備長矛和盾牌。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Spear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears. 長矛民兵在歐洲隨處可見,通常為招入本地民兵部隊的平民,負責防禦城鎮、道路或支援主力部隊,裝備長矛和盾牌。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Spear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears. 長矛民兵在歐洲隨處可見,通常為招入本地民兵部隊的平民,負責防禦城鎮、道路或支援主力部隊,裝備長矛和盾牌。
Highland Pikemen 高地長槍兵 spearmen infantry Well trained, but sometimes reckless clansmen armed with pikes, able to form a wall of pikes against cavalry. 高地槍兵儘管來自蠻勇部民,但通常訓練有素,可組成槍陣對抗騎兵。
Highland Archers 高地弓箭兵 missile infantry Archers from the highlands armed with a standard bow and a one-handed axe for melee. 高地弓箭兵使用標準戰弓,此外亦配備單手戰斧以備肉搏。
Highland Archers 高地弓箭兵 missile infantry Archers from the highlands armed with a standard bow and a one-handed axe for melee. 高地弓箭兵使用標準戰弓,此外亦配備單手戰斧以備肉搏。
Highland Archers 高地弓箭兵 missile infantry Archers from the highlands armed with a standard bow and a one-handed axe for melee. 高地弓箭兵使用標準戰弓,此外亦配備單手戰斧以備肉搏。
Highland Archers 高地弓箭兵 missile infantry Archers from the highlands armed with a standard bow and a one-handed axe for melee. 高地弓箭兵使用標準戰弓,此外亦配備單手戰斧以備肉搏。
Noble Highland Archers 高地貴族弓箭兵 missile infantry The best Scottish archers available, armed with a bow, mail and hand axe, these archers are good in a fight. 高地貴族弓箭兵乃蘇格蘭軍中精銳,裝備戰弓、鏈甲和短斧,極為驍勇善戰。