King Richard 獅心王理查 heavy cavalry King Richard and his bodyguard. 獅心王理查和麾下精銳衛隊。
Great Cross 十字戰車 light siege Golden cross to inspire the troops, and remind them that they are on God's mission. 十字戰車極大激勵軍隊士氣,以示上帝與他們同在。
English Knights 英格蘭騎士 heavy cavalry Elite warriors clad in steel plate armour, these men pack an effective charge, while being hard to kill. 英格蘭騎士裝備全鋼板甲,刀槍不入,衝鋒威力極為恐怖。
English Knights 英格蘭騎士 heavy cavalry Elite warriors clad in steel plate armour, these men pack an effective charge, while being hard to kill. 英格蘭騎士裝備全鋼板甲,刀槍不入,衝鋒威力極為恐怖。
Mounted Longbowmen 長弓騎兵 missile cavalry The advantage of being mounted allows a longbowman to flank his enemies and ride out of danger. Not to be mistaken for true cavalry though. 騎馬作戰令這些長弓兵極為機動靈活,可以從側翼殺傷敵軍,然後迅速策馬遠遁,但絕對不能令其遭遇近身搏殺。
Mounted Longbowmen 長弓騎兵 missile cavalry The advantage of being mounted allows a longbowman to flank his enemies and ride out of danger. Not to be mistaken for true cavalry though. 騎馬作戰令這些長弓兵極為機動靈活,可以從側翼殺傷敵軍,然後迅速策馬遠遁,但絕對不能令其遭遇近身搏殺。
Yeoman Archers 約曼弓箭兵 missile infantry English freeholders are required by the King to be trained in warfare, Yeoman archers are highly skilled ranged troops. 約曼為先進方式進行管理的自耕農,一旦國家有變,他們亦會應徵入伍,成為訓練有素的遠程部隊。
Heavy Billmen 重裝鉤鐮兵 heavy infantry Heavily armoured versatile infantry wielding the billhook. 重裝鉤鐮兵身穿重甲,揮動雪亮鉤鐮,刺砍鉤劈虎虎生風。
Dismounted English Knights 步行英格蘭騎士 heavy infantry English knights often chose to fight dismounted. With their fearsome poleaxes, they can crush enemy infantry as well as cavalry. 英格蘭騎士熱衷步戰肉搏,他們揮舞著長柄戰斧,無論對抗騎兵或步兵都極為驍勇。
Longbowmen 長弓兵 missile infantry Armed with the armour piercing longbow, Longbowmen can also plant stakes in front of them to keep cavalry at bay. 長弓兵裝備強勁破甲長弓,作戰時於陣前設置拒馬尖樁以防敵軍騎兵突襲。
Mercenary Pavise Crossbowmen 僱傭巨盾弩兵 missile infantry These troops are armed with a large shield to hide behind during the slow process of reloading the crossbow. 僱傭巨盾弩兵裝備全身巨盾,以防裝填弩箭途中遭受攻擊。
Mercenary Pavise Crossbowmen 僱傭巨盾弩兵 missile infantry These troops are armed with a large shield to hide behind during the slow process of reloading the crossbow. 僱傭巨盾弩兵裝備全身巨盾,以防裝填弩箭途中遭受攻擊。
Condottieri 貢多鐵裡騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with a lance and plate armour these trained and experienced mercenaries are well known for their capricious ways. 貢多鐵裡騎兵裝備精良騎槍和板甲,極為驍勇善戰,以詭詐多端反覆無常聞名於世。
Condottieri 貢多鐵裡騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with a lance and plate armour these trained and experienced mercenaries are well known for their capricious ways. 貢多鐵裡騎兵裝備精良騎槍和板甲,極為驍勇善戰,以詭詐多端反覆無常聞名於世。
Condottieri 貢多鐵裡騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with a lance and plate armour these trained and experienced mercenaries are well known for their capricious ways. 貢多鐵裡騎兵裝備精良騎槍和板甲,極為驍勇善戰,以詭詐多端反覆無常聞名於世。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。
Knights Hospitaller 醫院騎士 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
Pilgrims 朝聖團 light infantry Civilians making a pilgrimage to the Holy Lands, armed with simple bludgeoning objects. 朝聖團為踏上朝聖旅途的平民,通常只有簡陋桿棒用於自衛。
Pilgrims 朝聖團 light infantry Civilians making a pilgrimage to the Holy Lands, armed with simple bludgeoning objects. 朝聖團為踏上朝聖旅途的平民,通常只有簡陋桿棒用於自衛。