General's Bodyguard 早期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Well armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general. 將領衛隊裝備精良,是時刻保護將領安危的精銳騎兵。
Hungarian Nobles 匈牙利貴族騎兵 missile cavalry Well equipped with light armour and composite bows, these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat. 匈牙利貴族騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和復合弓,無論遠程攻擊或近身格鬥都同樣出色。
Hungarian Nobles 匈牙利貴族騎兵 missile cavalry Well equipped with light armour and composite bows, these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat. 匈牙利貴族騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和復合弓,無論遠程攻擊或近身格鬥都同樣出色。
Pavise Spearmen 巨盾矛兵 spearmen infantry Lower gentry serving military duty. Wearing good armour and equipped with a spear, able to form a defensive ring of spears. 巨盾矛兵出身於匈牙利低階貴族,作為步兵在軍中服役。他們裝備長矛,身穿精良盔甲,能夠以圓陣拒敵。
Pavise Spearmen 巨盾矛兵 spearmen infantry Lower gentry serving military duty. Wearing good armour and equipped with a spear, able to form a defensive ring of spears. 巨盾矛兵出身於匈牙利低階貴族,作為步兵在軍中服役。他們裝備長矛,身穿精良盔甲,能夠以圓陣拒敵。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行東方俠義騎士 heavy infantry Elite heavy infantry influenced by western techniques, well armoured and well trained, but can act rashly. 步行東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,盔甲精良,訓練有素,但有時會不遵軍令魯莽出擊。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行東方俠義騎士 heavy infantry Elite heavy infantry influenced by western techniques, well armoured and well trained, but can act rashly. 步行東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,盔甲精良,訓練有素,但有時會不遵軍令魯莽出擊。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Catapult 投石車 missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots. 投石車為投擲巨石的木質器械,可投擲巨石和火球。
Battlefield Assassins 戰場刺客 light infantry Tracing their history to an obscure order of knights, these battlefield assassins are masters of stealth and death. 戰場刺客溯源於神秘騎士團體,精擅潛伏和暗殺。
Pavise Spearmen 巨盾矛兵 spearmen infantry Lower gentry serving military duty. Wearing good armour and equipped with a spear, able to form a defensive ring of spears. 巨盾矛兵出身於匈牙利低階貴族,作為步兵在軍中服役。他們裝備長矛,身穿精良盔甲,能夠以圓陣拒敵。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行東方俠義騎士 heavy infantry Elite heavy infantry influenced by western techniques, well armoured and well trained, but can act rashly. 步行東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,盔甲精良,訓練有素,但有時會不遵軍令魯莽出擊。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Bodyguard 將領衛隊 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,裝備精良,極為驍勇善戰。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Knights Hospitaller 醫院騎士 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Chivalric Knights 東方俠義騎士 heavy cavalry Elite cavalry influenced by western techniques, this heavy cavalry is a force to be reckoned with. 東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,極為驍勇善戰。
Feudal Knights 封建騎士 heavy cavalry Protected by heavy armour and armed with a lance, these elite warriors crush and ride down their opponents. 在重裝盔甲的防護下,封建騎士們手持沉重騎槍,將敵軍踏為齏粉。
General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Pavise Crossbow Militia 巨盾持弩民兵 missile infantry Italian crossbow militia, armoured with mail and a pavise. 巨盾持弩民兵裝備鏈甲和全身巨盾。
Arquebusiers 火繩槍兵 missile infantry Fired at close range, this noisy, smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。
Basilisk 蜥炮 missile siege Very powerful cannon with great range, damage and accuracy. Punishing against defences and units. Can fire solid or explosive shots. 蜥炮的遠程精準轟炸威力極為驚人,對敵軍防禦設施和有生力量都造成重大打擊,可發射實心或開花炮彈。
Catapult 投石車 missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots. 投石車為投擲巨石的木質器械,可投擲巨石和火球。
Mercenary Spearmen 僱傭矛兵 spearmen infantry Mercenaries wearing light armour and equipped with spears, useful for armies lacking sufficient defence against cavalry units. 僱傭矛兵身穿輕甲,使用長矛作戰,可增強軍隊對騎兵的防御能力。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行東方俠義騎士 heavy infantry Elite heavy infantry influenced by western techniques, well armoured and well trained, but can act rashly. 步行東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,盔甲精良,訓練有素,但有時會不遵軍令魯莽出擊。
Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。
General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。
Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。
Chivalric Knights 東方俠義騎士 heavy cavalry Elite cavalry influenced by western techniques, this heavy cavalry is a force to be reckoned with. 東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,極為驍勇善戰。
Chivalric Knights 東方俠義騎士 heavy cavalry Elite cavalry influenced by western techniques, this heavy cavalry is a force to be reckoned with. 東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,極為驍勇善戰。
Knights Hospitaller 醫院騎士 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
Knights Hospitaller 醫院騎士 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行東方俠義騎士 heavy infantry Elite heavy infantry influenced by western techniques, well armoured and well trained, but can act rashly. 步行東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,盔甲精良,訓練有素,但有時會不遵軍令魯莽出擊。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行東方俠義騎士 heavy infantry Elite heavy infantry influenced by western techniques, well armoured and well trained, but can act rashly. 步行東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,盔甲精良,訓練有素,但有時會不遵軍令魯莽出擊。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行東方俠義騎士 heavy infantry Elite heavy infantry influenced by western techniques, well armoured and well trained, but can act rashly. 步行東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,盔甲精良,訓練有素,但有時會不遵軍令魯莽出擊。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Battlefield Assassins 戰場刺客 light infantry Tracing their history to an obscure order of knights, these battlefield assassins are masters of stealth and death. 戰場刺客溯源於神秘騎士團體,精擅潛伏和暗殺。
Battlefield Assassins 戰場刺客 light infantry Tracing their history to an obscure order of knights, these battlefield assassins are masters of stealth and death. 戰場刺客溯源於神秘騎士團體,精擅潛伏和暗殺。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Ballista 弩炮 missile siege Resembling a giant crossbow, this powerful weapon can fling a javelin to a great range, skewering men with ease. 弩炮即巨型弩弓,可發射類似標槍的粗壯弩箭,射程極遠,能穿透敵陣。
Mercenary Pavise Crossbowmen 僱傭巨盾弩兵 missile infantry These troops are armed with a large shield to hide behind during the slow process of reloading the crossbow. 僱傭巨盾弩兵裝備全身巨盾,以防裝填弩箭途中遭受攻擊。
General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Chivalric Knights 東方俠義騎士 heavy cavalry Elite cavalry influenced by western techniques, this heavy cavalry is a force to be reckoned with. 東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,極為驍勇善戰。
Feudal Knights 封建騎士 heavy cavalry Protected by heavy armour and armed with a lance, these elite warriors crush and ride down their opponents. 在重裝盔甲的防護下,封建騎士們手持沉重騎槍,將敵軍踏為齏粉。
Bodyguard 將領衛隊 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,裝備精良,極為驍勇善戰。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行東方俠義騎士 heavy infantry Elite heavy infantry influenced by western techniques, well armoured and well trained, but can act rashly. 步行東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,盔甲精良,訓練有素,但有時會不遵軍令魯莽出擊。
Transylvanian Peasants 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民 light infantry Fierce peasant volunteers from eastern Europe, armed with halberds that can pull a man off a horse. 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民為強悍好鬥的東歐農民,手揮長戟可輕易將騎兵鉤落馬下。
Battlefield Assassins 戰場刺客 light infantry Tracing their history to an obscure order of knights, these battlefield assassins are masters of stealth and death. 戰場刺客溯源於神秘騎士團體,精擅潛伏和暗殺。
Pavise Spearmen 巨盾矛兵 spearmen infantry Lower gentry serving military duty. Wearing good armour and equipped with a spear, able to form a defensive ring of spears. 巨盾矛兵出身於匈牙利低階貴族,作為步兵在軍中服役。他們裝備長矛,身穿精良盔甲,能夠以圓陣拒敵。
Halberd Militia 長戟民兵 heavy infantry Militia units armed with a halberd which can fend off cavalry, and pierce or crush armour. 長戟民兵擅長對抗騎兵,其手中長戟破甲極為有效。
Pavise Spearmen 巨盾矛兵 spearmen infantry Lower gentry serving military duty. Wearing good armour and equipped with a spear, able to form a defensive ring of spears. 巨盾矛兵出身於匈牙利低階貴族,作為步兵在軍中服役。他們裝備長矛,身穿精良盔甲,能夠以圓陣拒敵。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Croat Axemen 克羅地亞斧兵 light infantry Hardy warriors armed with deadly two-handed axes and protected by light armour. Accustomed to fighting in their rugged native terrain. 克羅地亞斧兵身穿輕甲,雙手揮動致命巨斧,灑出漫天血雨,若在家鄉崎嶇地形作戰則更為恐怖。
Battlefield Assassins 戰場刺客 light infantry Tracing their history to an obscure order of knights, these battlefield assassins are masters of stealth and death. 戰場刺客溯源於神秘騎士團體,精擅潛伏和暗殺。
Halberd Militia 長戟民兵 heavy infantry Militia units armed with a halberd which can fend off cavalry, and pierce or crush armour. 長戟民兵擅長對抗騎兵,其手中長戟破甲極為有效。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Pavise Crossbow Militia 巨盾持弩民兵 missile infantry Italian crossbow militia, armoured with mail and a pavise. 巨盾持弩民兵裝備鏈甲和全身巨盾。
Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。
Knights Hospitaller 醫院騎士 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行東方俠義騎士 heavy infantry Elite heavy infantry influenced by western techniques, well armoured and well trained, but can act rashly. 步行東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,盔甲精良,訓練有素,但有時會不遵軍令魯莽出擊。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行東方俠義騎士 heavy infantry Elite heavy infantry influenced by western techniques, well armoured and well trained, but can act rashly. 步行東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,盔甲精良,訓練有素,但有時會不遵軍令魯莽出擊。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Halberd Militia 長戟民兵 heavy infantry Militia units armed with a halberd which can fend off cavalry, and pierce or crush armour. 長戟民兵擅長對抗騎兵,其手中長戟破甲極為有效。
Pavise Spearmen 巨盾矛兵 spearmen infantry Lower gentry serving military duty. Wearing good armour and equipped with a spear, able to form a defensive ring of spears. 巨盾矛兵出身於匈牙利低階貴族,作為步兵在軍中服役。他們裝備長矛,身穿精良盔甲,能夠以圓陣拒敵。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行東方俠義騎士 heavy infantry Elite heavy infantry influenced by western techniques, well armoured and well trained, but can act rashly. 步行東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,盔甲精良,訓練有素,但有時會不遵軍令魯莽出擊。
Halberd Militia 長戟民兵 heavy infantry Militia units armed with a halberd which can fend off cavalry, and pierce or crush armour. 長戟民兵擅長對抗騎兵,其手中長戟破甲極為有效。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Pavise Spearmen 巨盾矛兵 spearmen infantry Lower gentry serving military duty. Wearing good armour and equipped with a spear, able to form a defensive ring of spears. 巨盾矛兵出身於匈牙利低階貴族,作為步兵在軍中服役。他們裝備長矛,身穿精良盔甲,能夠以圓陣拒敵。
Pavise Spearmen 巨盾矛兵 spearmen infantry Lower gentry serving military duty. Wearing good armour and equipped with a spear, able to form a defensive ring of spears. 巨盾矛兵出身於匈牙利低階貴族,作為步兵在軍中服役。他們裝備長矛,身穿精良盔甲,能夠以圓陣拒敵。
Transylvanian Peasants 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民 light infantry Fierce peasant volunteers from eastern Europe, armed with halberds that can pull a man off a horse. 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民為強悍好鬥的東歐農民,手揮長戟可輕易將騎兵鉤落馬下。
Croat Axemen 克羅地亞斧兵 light infantry Hardy warriors armed with deadly two-handed axes and protected by light armour. Accustomed to fighting in their rugged native terrain. 克羅地亞斧兵身穿輕甲,雙手揮動致命巨斧,灑出漫天血雨,若在家鄉崎嶇地形作戰則更為恐怖。
Battlefield Assassins 戰場刺客 light infantry Tracing their history to an obscure order of knights, these battlefield assassins are masters of stealth and death. 戰場刺客溯源於神秘騎士團體,精擅潛伏和暗殺。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行東方俠義騎士 heavy infantry Elite heavy infantry influenced by western techniques, well armoured and well trained, but can act rashly. 步行東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,盔甲精良,訓練有素,但有時會不遵軍令魯莽出擊。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Bodyguard 將領衛隊 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,裝備精良,極為驍勇善戰。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Chivalric Knights 東方俠義騎士 heavy cavalry Elite cavalry influenced by western techniques, this heavy cavalry is a force to be reckoned with. 東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,極為驍勇善戰。
Feudal Knights 封建騎士 heavy cavalry Protected by heavy armour and armed with a lance, these elite warriors crush and ride down their opponents. 在重裝盔甲的防護下,封建騎士們手持沉重騎槍,將敵軍踏為齏粉。
Knights Hospitaller 醫院騎士 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Bodyguard 將領衛隊 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,裝備精良,極為驍勇善戰。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Chivalric Knights 東方俠義騎士 heavy cavalry Elite cavalry influenced by western techniques, this heavy cavalry is a force to be reckoned with. 東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,極為驍勇善戰。
Feudal Knights 封建騎士 heavy cavalry Protected by heavy armour and armed with a lance, these elite warriors crush and ride down their opponents. 在重裝盔甲的防護下,封建騎士們手持沉重騎槍,將敵軍踏為齏粉。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Pavise Crossbow Militia 巨盾持弩民兵 missile infantry Italian crossbow militia, armoured with mail and a pavise. 巨盾持弩民兵裝備鏈甲和全身巨盾。
Hungarian Nobles 匈牙利貴族騎兵 missile cavalry Well equipped with light armour and composite bows, these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat. 匈牙利貴族騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和復合弓,無論遠程攻擊或近身格鬥都同樣出色。
Knights Templar 聖殿騎士 heavy cavalry Elite and some say reckless knights formed to protect Christian pilgrims in the Holy Lands. 聖殿騎士是武裝護衛朝聖者前往聖地朝聖的精銳軍隊。
Knights Hospitaller 醫院騎士 heavy cavalry Well trained and disciplined these knights are amongst the deadliest heavy cavalry in all Christendom. 醫院騎士訓練有素,紀律嚴明,躋身基督世界中最為精銳的騎兵部隊。
Croat Axemen 克羅地亞斧兵 light infantry Hardy warriors armed with deadly two-handed axes and protected by light armour. Accustomed to fighting in their rugged native terrain. 克羅地亞斧兵身穿輕甲,雙手揮動致命巨斧,灑出漫天血雨,若在家鄉崎嶇地形作戰則更為恐怖。
Transylvanian Peasants 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民 light infantry Fierce peasant volunteers from eastern Europe, armed with halberds that can pull a man off a horse. 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民為強悍好鬥的東歐農民,手揮長戟可輕易將騎兵鉤落馬下。
Dismounted Chivalric Knights 步行東方俠義騎士 heavy infantry Elite heavy infantry influenced by western techniques, well armoured and well trained, but can act rashly. 步行東方俠義騎士是深受西方技術影響的精銳騎兵,盔甲精良,訓練有素,但有時會不遵軍令魯莽出擊。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Battlefield Assassins 戰場刺客 light infantry Tracing their history to an obscure order of knights, these battlefield assassins are masters of stealth and death. 戰場刺客溯源於神秘騎士團體,精擅潛伏和暗殺。
Pavise Spearmen 巨盾矛兵 spearmen infantry Lower gentry serving military duty. Wearing good armour and equipped with a spear, able to form a defensive ring of spears. 巨盾矛兵出身於匈牙利低階貴族,作為步兵在軍中服役。他們裝備長矛,身穿精良盔甲,能夠以圓陣拒敵。
Halberd Militia 長戟民兵 heavy infantry Militia units armed with a halberd which can fend off cavalry, and pierce or crush armour. 長戟民兵擅長對抗騎兵,其手中長戟破甲極為有效。
Pavise Spearmen 巨盾矛兵 spearmen infantry Lower gentry serving military duty. Wearing good armour and equipped with a spear, able to form a defensive ring of spears. 巨盾矛兵出身於匈牙利低階貴族,作為步兵在軍中服役。他們裝備長矛,身穿精良盔甲,能夠以圓陣拒敵。
Halberd Militia 長戟民兵 heavy infantry Militia units armed with a halberd which can fend off cavalry, and pierce or crush armour. 長戟民兵擅長對抗騎兵,其手中長戟破甲極為有效。
Battlefield Assassins 戰場刺客 light infantry Tracing their history to an obscure order of knights, these battlefield assassins are masters of stealth and death. 戰場刺客溯源於神秘騎士團體,精擅潛伏和暗殺。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Croat Axemen 克羅地亞斧兵 light infantry Hardy warriors armed with deadly two-handed axes and protected by light armour. Accustomed to fighting in their rugged native terrain. 克羅地亞斧兵身穿輕甲,雙手揮動致命巨斧,灑出漫天血雨,若在家鄉崎嶇地形作戰則更為恐怖。
Free Company Longbowmen 僱傭長弓兵 missile infantry Mercenary Longbowmen armoured with light mail. Able to lay defensive stakes. 僱傭長弓兵裝備輕型鏈甲,可在陣前設置拒馬尖樁,令敵軍騎兵望而生畏。
Serpentine 蛇炮 missile siege Light cannon designed for use against troops rather than walls. 蛇炮是用於專門殺傷敵軍部隊而非轟擊城牆的輕型加農炮。
This army is a under 10000 balenced army for standard rules multiplayer
With levies and peasants as a meatshield the archers are made up of 3 lavished crossbows with 1 Bosnian archers to provide the versatility of composite bow troops the infantry consists of 2 Croat axemen for a cheap offen....
General's Bodyguard 早期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Well armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general. 將領衛隊裝備精良,是時刻保護將領安危的精銳騎兵。
Hungarian Nobles 匈牙利貴族騎兵 missile cavalry Well equipped with light armour and composite bows, these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat. 匈牙利貴族騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和復合弓,無論遠程攻擊或近身格鬥都同樣出色。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Pavise Spearmen 巨盾矛兵 spearmen infantry Lower gentry serving military duty. Wearing good armour and equipped with a spear, able to form a defensive ring of spears. 巨盾矛兵出身於匈牙利低階貴族,作為步兵在軍中服役。他們裝備長矛,身穿精良盔甲,能夠以圓陣拒敵。
Pavise Spearmen 巨盾矛兵 spearmen infantry Lower gentry serving military duty. Wearing good armour and equipped with a spear, able to form a defensive ring of spears. 巨盾矛兵出身於匈牙利低階貴族,作為步兵在軍中服役。他們裝備長矛,身穿精良盔甲,能夠以圓陣拒敵。
Pavise Crossbow Militia 巨盾持弩民兵 missile infantry Italian crossbow militia, armoured with mail and a pavise. 巨盾持弩民兵裝備鏈甲和全身巨盾。
Pavise Crossbow Militia 巨盾持弩民兵 missile infantry Italian crossbow militia, armoured with mail and a pavise. 巨盾持弩民兵裝備鏈甲和全身巨盾。
Pavise Crossbow Militia 巨盾持弩民兵 missile infantry Italian crossbow militia, armoured with mail and a pavise. 巨盾持弩民兵裝備鏈甲和全身巨盾。
Bosnian Archers 波斯尼亞弓箭兵 missile infantry Bosnian archers are lightly armoured, well trained archers with the added protection of a winged shield 波斯尼亞弓箭兵訓練有素,身穿輕甲,裝備大型翼盾。
Croat Axemen 克羅地亞斧兵 light infantry Hardy warriors armed with deadly two-handed axes and protected by light armour. Accustomed to fighting in their rugged native terrain. 克羅地亞斧兵身穿輕甲,雙手揮動致命巨斧,灑出漫天血雨,若在家鄉崎嶇地形作戰則更為恐怖。
Croat Axemen 克羅地亞斧兵 light infantry Hardy warriors armed with deadly two-handed axes and protected by light armour. Accustomed to fighting in their rugged native terrain. 克羅地亞斧兵身穿輕甲,雙手揮動致命巨斧,灑出漫天血雨,若在家鄉崎嶇地形作戰則更為恐怖。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Dismounted Feudal Knights 步行封建騎士 heavy infantry Knights would often dismount and fight on foot when the situation demanded it. Dismounted they make excellent heavy infantry. 當戰局需要時,騎士們經常跨下馬背步戰廝殺,即便如此,依然驍勇異常。
Slav Levies 斯拉夫矛兵 light infantry Comprised of commoners from the lower strata of society, these levied troops are armed with spears and little armour. 斯拉夫矛兵多從社會底層徵召,使用長矛和盾牌作戰。
Slav Levies 斯拉夫矛兵 light infantry Comprised of commoners from the lower strata of society, these levied troops are armed with spears and little armour. 斯拉夫矛兵多從社會底層徵召,使用長矛和盾牌作戰。
Peasants 農民 light infantry In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder. 農民經常在戰時被強行徵召入伍,充任廉價炮灰。
For online match (of course it isn t god for siege)
The horse archers try unstick the enemy army and shock cavalry kill them when they "alone". if the enemy stay and didn't move yust keep the fire and try kill the enemy archer with your heavy cavalry
General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Royal Banderium 男爵親衛騎兵 heavy cavalry Armed with lances and encased in plate armour these loyal warriors act as retinues and bodyguards for royalty. 男爵親衛騎兵是忠誠的貴族衛隊,裝備板甲和騎槍。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hungarian Nobles 匈牙利貴族騎兵 missile cavalry Well equipped with light armour and composite bows, these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat. 匈牙利貴族騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和復合弓,無論遠程攻擊或近身格鬥都同樣出色。
Hungarian Nobles 匈牙利貴族騎兵 missile cavalry Well equipped with light armour and composite bows, these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat. 匈牙利貴族騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和復合弓,無論遠程攻擊或近身格鬥都同樣出色。
Hungarian Nobles 匈牙利貴族騎兵 missile cavalry Well equipped with light armour and composite bows, these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat. 匈牙利貴族騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和復合弓,無論遠程攻擊或近身格鬥都同樣出色。
Hungarian Nobles 匈牙利貴族騎兵 missile cavalry Well equipped with light armour and composite bows, these warriors are good horse archers who are also capable in close combat. 匈牙利貴族騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和復合弓,無論遠程攻擊或近身格鬥都同樣出色。
Magyar Cavalry 馬扎爾弓騎兵 missile cavalry These natural horsemen are armed with a composite bow and wear light armour. 馬扎爾騎兵是天生的弓騎兵,裝備復合弓和輕型鏈甲。
Magyar Cavalry 馬扎爾弓騎兵 missile cavalry These natural horsemen are armed with a composite bow and wear light armour. 馬扎爾騎兵是天生的弓騎兵,裝備復合弓和輕型鏈甲。
Magyar Cavalry 馬扎爾弓騎兵 missile cavalry These natural horsemen are armed with a composite bow and wear light armour. 馬扎爾騎兵是天生的弓騎兵,裝備復合弓和輕型鏈甲。
Magyar Cavalry 馬扎爾弓騎兵 missile cavalry These natural horsemen are armed with a composite bow and wear light armour. 馬扎爾騎兵是天生的弓騎兵,裝備復合弓和輕型鏈甲。
General's Bodyguard 晚期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Elite knights hand picked to protect the general. 將領衛隊自軍中精銳遴選而出,是時刻護衛將領安危的精銳騎兵部隊。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Hussars 胡薩爾輕騎兵 light cavalry Renown for their fast hit and run tactics, Hussars are equipped with light mail, shield, lance and sword. 胡薩爾輕騎兵裝備鏈甲、盾牌、騎槍和長劍,以高度機動游擊戰術聞名於世。
Halberd Militia 長戟民兵 heavy infantry Militia units armed with a halberd which can fend off cavalry, and pierce or crush armour. 長戟民兵擅長對抗騎兵,其手中長戟破甲極為有效。