Khan's Guard 可汗衛隊 heavy cavalry Magnificently equipped elite troops loyal to the Khan, and willing to protect him at all costs. 可汗衛隊裝備精良,皆為軍中精銳。他們對可汗忠心耿耿,誓死效忠。
Khan's Guard 可汗衛隊 heavy cavalry Magnificently equipped elite troops loyal to the Khan, and willing to protect him at all costs. 可汗衛隊裝備精良,皆為軍中精銳。他們對可汗忠心耿耿,誓死效忠。
Bodyguard 將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men picked for valour and loyalty to protect the general. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Dismounted Heavy Archers 步行重裝弓騎兵 missile infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured archers have dismounted to fight on foot. 重裝弓騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Dismounted Heavy Archers 步行重裝弓騎兵 missile infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured archers have dismounted to fight on foot. 重裝弓騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Mongol Infantry 蒙古步兵 missile infantry Lightly armoured and equipped with swords and their impressive composite bows, these warriors are still formidable without their horses. 蒙古步兵身穿輕甲,裝備長劍和強勁復合弓,頗為驍勇善戰。
Mongol Infantry 蒙古步兵 missile infantry Lightly armoured and equipped with swords and their impressive composite bows, these warriors are still formidable without their horses. 蒙古步兵身穿輕甲,裝備長劍和強勁復合弓,頗為驍勇善戰。
Mongol Foot Archers 蒙古弓箭兵 missile infantry With little or no armour, these archers are best at weakening enemies from a distance with their powerful composite bows. 蒙古弓箭兵輕裝上陣,首先以強弓攢射大量殺傷敵軍,然後衝入敵陣掃蕩殘餘。
Mongol Foot Archers 蒙古弓箭兵 missile infantry With little or no armour, these archers are best at weakening enemies from a distance with their powerful composite bows. 蒙古弓箭兵輕裝上陣,首先以強弓攢射大量殺傷敵軍,然後衝入敵陣掃蕩殘餘。
Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重騎兵 heavy cavalry These Khwarizmi are well equipped and protected heavy cavalry ready to fight for whomever can afford them. 花剌子模重騎兵裝備精良,隨時準備為高價僱主而效命沙場。
Bodyguard 將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men picked for valour and loyalty to protect the general. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Dismounted Archers 步行弓騎兵 missile infantry These light mounted missile troops have dismounted, yet they are still formidable warriors. 弓騎兵即便步行作戰威力仍舊十分驚人。
Dismounted Light Lancers 步行輕槍騎兵 spearmen infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these lightly armoured warriors have dismounted to fight on foot. 輕槍騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Dismounted Heavy Lancers 步行重裝槍騎兵 spearmen infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured warriors have dismounted to fight on foot. 步行重裝槍騎兵裝備長矛和狼牙棒,身穿魚鱗胸甲。
Bombard 攻城炮 missile siege Primitive siege-gun forged of bronze or iron, can shoot solid stone or flaming shot. Inaccurate versus units. 攻城炮為最早的攻城火炮,炮身由青銅或黑鐵鑄成,能發射巨型石彈或火球,對部隊射擊精準程度不高。
Khan's Guard 可汗衛隊 heavy cavalry Magnificently equipped elite troops loyal to the Khan, and willing to protect him at all costs. 可汗衛隊裝備精良,皆為軍中精銳。他們對可汗忠心耿耿,誓死效忠。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Dismounted Heavy Archers 步行重裝弓騎兵 missile infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured archers have dismounted to fight on foot. 重裝弓騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Mongol Infantry 蒙古步兵 missile infantry Lightly armoured and equipped with swords and their impressive composite bows, these warriors are still formidable without their horses. 蒙古步兵身穿輕甲,裝備長劍和強勁復合弓,頗為驍勇善戰。
Mongol Foot Archers 蒙古弓箭兵 missile infantry With little or no armour, these archers are best at weakening enemies from a distance with their powerful composite bows. 蒙古弓箭兵輕裝上陣,首先以強弓攢射大量殺傷敵軍,然後衝入敵陣掃蕩殘餘。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry Accustomed to using their bow for hunting, these peasant archers are armed with a small bow and knife. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,表現平平,不能寄予過高期望。
Naffatun 那法擲油兵 missile infantry These men throw deadly pots of flaming Naphtha that can seep through any armour. 那法擲油兵奮力擲出點燃的那法油罐,其油脂可滲入敵軍盔甲猛烈燃燒。
Levy Spearmen 徵召矛兵 spearmen infantry Levied troops, comprised of people from captured territories and the bottom rung of nomadic society, armed with spears. 徵召矛兵通常來自於征服領土上的平民和遊牧部落的底層牧民,他們使用長矛作戰。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Armed with a long spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their settlement. 長矛民兵不穿盔甲,使用長矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Town Militia 城鎮民兵 spearmen infantry Armed with a spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their town. 城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園。
Peasants 農民 light infantry In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder. 農民經常在戰時被強行徵召入伍,充任廉價炮灰。
Rocket Launcher 火箭炮車 missile siege Rocket Launcher capable of delivering a great, if inaccurate salvo, over a large area. 火箭炮車雖然精度欠缺,但可以進行大範圍殺傷。
Trebuchet 攻城秤車 missile siege Giant rock flinging artillery piece. Capable of flaming and normal shot. Also able to fling diseased cows! 攻城秤車為巨型投擲攻城武器,可投擲巨石、火球和腐爛牛屍。
Catapult 投石車 missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots. 投石車為投擲巨石的木質器械,可投擲巨石和火球。
Ballista 弩炮 missile siege Resembling a giant crossbow, this powerful weapon can fling a javelin to a great range, skewering men with ease. 弩炮即巨型弩弓,可發射類似標槍的粗壯弩箭,射程極遠,能穿透敵陣。
Khan's Guard 可汗衛隊 heavy cavalry Magnificently equipped elite troops loyal to the Khan, and willing to protect him at all costs. 可汗衛隊裝備精良,皆為軍中精銳。他們對可汗忠心耿耿,誓死效忠。
Bodyguard 將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men picked for valour and loyalty to protect the general. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Dismounted Heavy Lancers 步行重裝槍騎兵 spearmen infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured warriors have dismounted to fight on foot. 步行重裝槍騎兵裝備長矛和狼牙棒,身穿魚鱗胸甲。
Dismounted Heavy Lancers 步行重裝槍騎兵 spearmen infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured warriors have dismounted to fight on foot. 步行重裝槍騎兵裝備長矛和狼牙棒,身穿魚鱗胸甲。
Dismounted Light Lancers 步行輕槍騎兵 spearmen infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these lightly armoured warriors have dismounted to fight on foot. 輕槍騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Dismounted Light Lancers 步行輕槍騎兵 spearmen infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these lightly armoured warriors have dismounted to fight on foot. 輕槍騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Dismounted Heavy Archers 步行重裝弓騎兵 missile infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured archers have dismounted to fight on foot. 重裝弓騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Dismounted Heavy Archers 步行重裝弓騎兵 missile infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured archers have dismounted to fight on foot. 重裝弓騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Mongol Infantry 蒙古步兵 missile infantry Lightly armoured and equipped with swords and their impressive composite bows, these warriors are still formidable without their horses. 蒙古步兵身穿輕甲,裝備長劍和強勁復合弓,頗為驍勇善戰。
Mongol Infantry 蒙古步兵 missile infantry Lightly armoured and equipped with swords and their impressive composite bows, these warriors are still formidable without their horses. 蒙古步兵身穿輕甲,裝備長劍和強勁復合弓,頗為驍勇善戰。
Dismounted Archers 步行弓騎兵 missile infantry These light mounted missile troops have dismounted, yet they are still formidable warriors. 弓騎兵即便步行作戰威力仍舊十分驚人。
Mongol Foot Archers 蒙古弓箭兵 missile infantry With little or no armour, these archers are best at weakening enemies from a distance with their powerful composite bows. 蒙古弓箭兵輕裝上陣,首先以強弓攢射大量殺傷敵軍,然後衝入敵陣掃蕩殘餘。
Mongol Foot Archers 蒙古弓箭兵 missile infantry With little or no armour, these archers are best at weakening enemies from a distance with their powerful composite bows. 蒙古弓箭兵輕裝上陣,首先以強弓攢射大量殺傷敵軍,然後衝入敵陣掃蕩殘餘。
Can cause considerable damage to any type of army. before actual collision. Just bombard your opponents with missiles and then let your legendary heavy cavalry take on heavy troops while your light cavalry takes off the lighter un supported troops
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Rocket Launcher 火箭炮車 missile siege Rocket Launcher capable of delivering a great, if inaccurate salvo, over a large area. 火箭炮車雖然精度欠缺,但可以進行大範圍殺傷。
Rocket Launcher 火箭炮車 missile siege Rocket Launcher capable of delivering a great, if inaccurate salvo, over a large area. 火箭炮車雖然精度欠缺,但可以進行大範圍殺傷。
Rocket Launcher 火箭炮車 missile siege Rocket Launcher capable of delivering a great, if inaccurate salvo, over a large area. 火箭炮車雖然精度欠缺,但可以進行大範圍殺傷。
Rocket Launcher 火箭炮車 missile siege Rocket Launcher capable of delivering a great, if inaccurate salvo, over a large area. 火箭炮車雖然精度欠缺,但可以進行大範圍殺傷。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Khan's Guard 可汗衛隊 heavy cavalry Magnificently equipped elite troops loyal to the Khan, and willing to protect him at all costs. 可汗衛隊裝備精良,皆為軍中精銳。他們對可汗忠心耿耿,誓死效忠。
Khan's Guard 可汗衛隊 heavy cavalry Magnificently equipped elite troops loyal to the Khan, and willing to protect him at all costs. 可汗衛隊裝備精良,皆為軍中精銳。他們對可汗忠心耿耿,誓死效忠。
Serbian Knights 塞爾維亞騎士 heavy cavalry These wild Eastern mercenaries are elite troops ready to fight for whoever can afford them. 塞爾維亞騎士是凶殘剽悍的精銳騎兵,隨時願意為支付高價酬勞的僱主浴血廝殺。
Serbian Knights 塞爾維亞騎士 heavy cavalry These wild Eastern mercenaries are elite troops ready to fight for whoever can afford them. 塞爾維亞騎士是凶殘剽悍的精銳騎兵,隨時願意為支付高價酬勞的僱主浴血廝殺。
Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重騎兵 heavy cavalry These Khwarizmi are well equipped and protected heavy cavalry ready to fight for whomever can afford them. 花剌子模重騎兵裝備精良,隨時準備為高價僱主而效命沙場。
Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重騎兵 heavy cavalry These Khwarizmi are well equipped and protected heavy cavalry ready to fight for whomever can afford them. 花剌子模重騎兵裝備精良,隨時準備為高價僱主而效命沙場。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Free Company Men at Arms 自由兵團斧兵 heavy infantry Effective mercenary bands equipped with poleaxes and plate armour. 自由兵團斧兵身穿板甲,是頗為精銳的僱傭部隊。
Free Company Men at Arms 自由兵團斧兵 heavy infantry Effective mercenary bands equipped with poleaxes and plate armour. 自由兵團斧兵身穿板甲,是頗為精銳的僱傭部隊。
Dismounted Heavy Lancers 步行重裝槍騎兵 spearmen infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured warriors have dismounted to fight on foot. 步行重裝槍騎兵裝備長矛和狼牙棒,身穿魚鱗胸甲。
Dismounted Heavy Lancers 步行重裝槍騎兵 spearmen infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured warriors have dismounted to fight on foot. 步行重裝槍騎兵裝備長矛和狼牙棒,身穿魚鱗胸甲。
Dismounted Heavy Lancers 步行重裝槍騎兵 spearmen infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured warriors have dismounted to fight on foot. 步行重裝槍騎兵裝備長矛和狼牙棒,身穿魚鱗胸甲。
Dismounted Heavy Archers 步行重裝弓騎兵 missile infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured archers have dismounted to fight on foot. 重裝弓騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Dismounted Heavy Archers 步行重裝弓騎兵 missile infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured archers have dismounted to fight on foot. 重裝弓騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Mongol Infantry 蒙古步兵 missile infantry Lightly armoured and equipped with swords and their impressive composite bows, these warriors are still formidable without their horses. 蒙古步兵身穿輕甲,裝備長劍和強勁復合弓,頗為驍勇善戰。
Mongol Infantry 蒙古步兵 missile infantry Lightly armoured and equipped with swords and their impressive composite bows, these warriors are still formidable without their horses. 蒙古步兵身穿輕甲,裝備長劍和強勁復合弓,頗為驍勇善戰。
Mongol Infantry 蒙古步兵 missile infantry Lightly armoured and equipped with swords and their impressive composite bows, these warriors are still formidable without their horses. 蒙古步兵身穿輕甲,裝備長劍和強勁復合弓,頗為驍勇善戰。
Khan's Guard 可汗衛隊 heavy cavalry Magnificently equipped elite troops loyal to the Khan, and willing to protect him at all costs. 可汗衛隊裝備精良,皆為軍中精銳。他們對可汗忠心耿耿,誓死效忠。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Armed with a long spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their settlement. 長矛民兵不穿盔甲,使用長矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Armed with a long spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their settlement. 長矛民兵不穿盔甲,使用長矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園,有時亦會外出作戰。
Levy Spearmen 徵召矛兵 spearmen infantry Levied troops, comprised of people from captured territories and the bottom rung of nomadic society, armed with spears. 徵召矛兵通常來自於征服領土上的平民和遊牧部落的底層牧民,他們使用長矛作戰。
Levy Spearmen 徵召矛兵 spearmen infantry Levied troops, comprised of people from captured territories and the bottom rung of nomadic society, armed with spears. 徵召矛兵通常來自於征服領土上的平民和遊牧部落的底層牧民,他們使用長矛作戰。
Town Militia 城鎮民兵 spearmen infantry Armed with a spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their town. 城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園。
Town Militia 城鎮民兵 spearmen infantry Armed with a spear but little armour, these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their town. 城鎮民兵不穿盔甲,使用短矛作戰。他們來自城鎮平民,應征入伍防禦自己的家園。
Dismounted Heavy Archers 步行重裝弓騎兵 missile infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured archers have dismounted to fight on foot. 重裝弓騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Dismounted Heavy Archers 步行重裝弓騎兵 missile infantry Despite preferring to fight on horseback, these heavily armoured archers have dismounted to fight on foot. 重裝弓騎兵儘管鍾愛騎馬廝殺,但有時亦會步行作戰。
Catapult 投石車 missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots. 投石車為投擲巨石的木質器械,可投擲巨石和火球。
Catapult 投石車 missile siege Older style rock-flinging wooden artillery piece. Can throw flaming and normal shots. 投石車為投擲巨石的木質器械,可投擲巨石和火球。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Bodyguard 將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men picked for valour and loyalty to protect the general. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Heavy Lancers 蒙古重裝槍騎兵 heavy cavalry Elite shock troops who exchange mobility for heavier armour. 蒙古重裝槍騎兵無論人馬都身披重鎧,以犧牲機動力換取防護能力,是極為精銳的格鬥騎兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Bodyguard 將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Men picked for valour and loyalty to protect the general. 將領衛隊是保護將領征戰沙場的忠誠護衛,自軍中忠貞勇武者內遴選而出。
Mongol Infantry 蒙古步兵 missile infantry Lightly armoured and equipped with swords and their impressive composite bows, these warriors are still formidable without their horses. 蒙古步兵身穿輕甲,裝備長劍和強勁復合弓,頗為驍勇善戰。
Mongol Infantry 蒙古步兵 missile infantry Lightly armoured and equipped with swords and their impressive composite bows, these warriors are still formidable without their horses. 蒙古步兵身穿輕甲,裝備長劍和強勁復合弓,頗為驍勇善戰。
Mongol Infantry 蒙古步兵 missile infantry Lightly armoured and equipped with swords and their impressive composite bows, these warriors are still formidable without their horses. 蒙古步兵身穿輕甲,裝備長劍和強勁復合弓,頗為驍勇善戰。
Mongol Foot Archers 蒙古弓箭兵 missile infantry With little or no armour, these archers are best at weakening enemies from a distance with their powerful composite bows. 蒙古弓箭兵輕裝上陣,首先以強弓攢射大量殺傷敵軍,然後衝入敵陣掃蕩殘餘。
Mongol Foot Archers 蒙古弓箭兵 missile infantry With little or no armour, these archers are best at weakening enemies from a distance with their powerful composite bows. 蒙古弓箭兵輕裝上陣,首先以強弓攢射大量殺傷敵軍,然後衝入敵陣掃蕩殘餘。
Mongol Foot Archers 蒙古弓箭兵 missile infantry With little or no armour, these archers are best at weakening enemies from a distance with their powerful composite bows. 蒙古弓箭兵輕裝上陣,首先以強弓攢射大量殺傷敵軍,然後衝入敵陣掃蕩殘餘。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Heavy Archers 蒙古重裝弓騎兵 missile cavalry Protected by lamellar armour, giving these horse archers better protection against enemy attacks. 重裝弓騎兵身穿重型鱗甲,提高了近戰搏殺的防護性。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Light Lancers 蒙古輕騎兵 light cavalry Lightly armoured and equipped with lance and hand weapon, these matchless horseman excel at harassing enemy flanks. 蒙古輕騎兵身穿皮甲,裝備騎槍和單手短兵刃,縱橫沙場來去如風,常用於騷擾敵軍側翼或追擊殘兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Mongol Horse Archers 蒙古弓騎兵 missile cavalry The most common troop type amongst the Mongols, these light mounted missile troops combine famed Mongol archery with excellent horsemanship. 弓騎兵在蒙古軍中最為人多勢眾,他們將精湛的騎射技藝融於一身,成為精銳輕裝弓騎兵。
Rocket Launcher 火箭炮車 missile siege Rocket Launcher capable of delivering a great, if inaccurate salvo, over a large area. 火箭炮車雖然精度欠缺,但可以進行大範圍殺傷。
Rocket Launcher 火箭炮車 missile siege Rocket Launcher capable of delivering a great, if inaccurate salvo, over a large area. 火箭炮車雖然精度欠缺,但可以進行大範圍殺傷。
Trebuchet 攻城秤車 missile siege Giant rock flinging artillery piece. Capable of flaming and normal shot. Also able to fling diseased cows! 攻城秤車為巨型投擲攻城武器,可投擲巨石、火球和腐爛牛屍。
Trebuchet 攻城秤車 missile siege Giant rock flinging artillery piece. Capable of flaming and normal shot. Also able to fling diseased cows! 攻城秤車為巨型投擲攻城武器,可投擲巨石、火球和腐爛牛屍。