Elephant Artillery 火炮戰象 heavy cavalry These fearsome beasts have small cannons, comparable to serpentines, mounted on their backs. 這些恐怖巨獸背負著類似蛇炮的小型加農炮。
Elephant Rocketeer 火箭戰象 heavy cavalry Rockets on Elephants? Madness! 火箭戰象,極為瘋狂的殺戮機器。
Elephants 火槍戰象 heavy cavalry Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust. 戰象可將敵軍人馬踏為肉泥,同時背負的火繩槍兵亦居高臨下對敵人進行致命射擊。
Norman Knights 諾曼騎士 heavy cavalry Exceptionally fierce knights, wearing heavy mail, and equipped with sturdy lances. 諾曼騎士裝備重型鏈甲和沉重騎槍,極為驍勇善戰。
Border Horse 巡邏騎兵 light cavalry Equipped with light mail and spear, this unit is handy for out flanking your opponent and chasing down archers. 巡邏騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和長矛,適合用於側翼包抄和追擊殘兵。
Hobilars 霍比拉游騎兵 light cavalry Light cavalry with spears. Useful for chasing down light infantry, and pursuing fleeing enemy 游騎兵手持長矛,用於對抗輕裝部隊和追擊殘兵。
Transylvanian Peasants 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民 light infantry Fierce peasant volunteers from eastern Europe, armed with halberds that can pull a man off a horse. 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民為強悍好鬥的東歐農民,手揮長戟可輕易將騎兵鉤落馬下。
Religious Fanatics 宗教狂熱團 light infantry A motley assortment of zealots and maniacs from amongst the common folk of Europe, travelling to the Holy Land. 宗教狂熱團包括歐洲各色宗教極端分子和平民狂徒,踏上前往聖地旅途。
Woodsmen 森林斧兵 light infantry Hardy folk from the forests of North Eastern Europe, armed with a large axe. 森林斧兵是來自東北歐黑森林中的強悍戰士,揮動巨斧狂砍猛劈。
Pilgrims 朝聖團 light infantry Civilians making a pilgrimage to the Holy Lands, armed with simple bludgeoning objects. 朝聖團為踏上朝聖旅途的平民,通常只有簡陋桿棒用於自衛。
Highland Rabble 高地民團 light infantry Ill disciplined and fierce peasants from the Highlands armed with a basic hand weapon. 高地民團民團軍紀極差,徒逞蠻勇,以最簡陋武器奮勇作戰。
Peasants 農民 light infantry In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder. 農民經常在戰時被強行徵召入伍,充任廉價炮灰。
Peasants 農民 light infantry In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder. 農民經常在戰時被強行徵召入伍,充任廉價炮灰。
Peasants 農民 light infantry In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder. 農民經常在戰時被強行徵召入伍,充任廉價炮灰。
Mercenary Arquebusiers 僱傭火繩槍兵 missile infantry Fired at close range, this noisy, Smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 僱傭火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。
Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵 missile infantry Crossbow Militia are peasant crossbowmen called up to defend settlements. Very poorly armoured. 持弩民兵是裝備軍弩的農夫,應徵入伍為城邑提供遠程防禦力量,盔甲十分簡陋。
Mercenary Monster Bombard 僱傭怪獸巨炮 missile siege Massive Siege-Gun. Can destroy nearly any wall in one shot. Has very long range but slow reload time. 怪獸巨炮為巨型攻城炮,幾乎一炮既可轟塌任何城牆,其射程極遠,但裝填速度緩慢。
Mercenary Rocket Launcher 僱傭火箭戰車 missile siege Rocket Launcher capable of delivering a great, if inaccurate salvo, over a large area. 僱傭火箭戰車雖然精度欠缺,但可以進行大範圍殺傷。
Mercenary Monster Ribault 僱用怪獸管炮 missile siege 36 Cannon barrels mounted on a wagon frame. Deadly short-ranged defensive gun capable of laying down a tremendous barrage. 怪獸管炮炮身上安置三十六根炮管,可發射短程密集攔阻彈幕。
Mercenary Ribault 僱傭管炮 missile siege A small multi-barrel wagon mounted cannon. A good defensive tool able to fire singly or in a six-barrel barrage. 管炮是小型自走多管加農炮,其九根炮管齊射,威力十分驚人,是出色的防禦火炮。
Elephant Artillery 火炮戰象 heavy cavalry These fearsome beasts have small cannons, comparable to serpentines, mounted on their backs. 這些恐怖巨獸背負著類似蛇炮的小型加農炮。
Elephant Rocketeer 火箭戰象 heavy cavalry Rockets on Elephants? Madness! 火箭戰象,極為瘋狂的殺戮機器。
Elephants 火槍戰象 heavy cavalry Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust. 戰象可將敵軍人馬踏為肉泥,同時背負的火繩槍兵亦居高臨下對敵人進行致命射擊。
Norman Knights 諾曼騎士 heavy cavalry Exceptionally fierce knights, wearing heavy mail, and equipped with sturdy lances. 諾曼騎士裝備重型鏈甲和沉重騎槍,極為驍勇善戰。
Border Horse 巡邏騎兵 light cavalry Equipped with light mail and spear, this unit is handy for out flanking your opponent and chasing down archers. 巡邏騎兵裝備輕型鏈甲和長矛,適合用於側翼包抄和追擊殘兵。
Hobilars 霍比拉游騎兵 light cavalry Light cavalry with spears. Useful for chasing down light infantry, and pursuing fleeing enemy 游騎兵手持長矛,用於對抗輕裝部隊和追擊殘兵。
Transylvanian Peasants 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民 light infantry Fierce peasant volunteers from eastern Europe, armed with halberds that can pull a man off a horse. 特蘭西瓦尼亞農民為強悍好鬥的東歐農民,手揮長戟可輕易將騎兵鉤落馬下。
Religious Fanatics 宗教狂熱團 light infantry A motley assortment of zealots and maniacs from amongst the common folk of Europe, travelling to the Holy Land. 宗教狂熱團包括歐洲各色宗教極端分子和平民狂徒,踏上前往聖地旅途。
Woodsmen 森林斧兵 light infantry Hardy folk from the forests of North Eastern Europe, armed with a large axe. 森林斧兵是來自東北歐黑森林中的強悍戰士,揮動巨斧狂砍猛劈。
Pilgrims 朝聖團 light infantry Civilians making a pilgrimage to the Holy Lands, armed with simple bludgeoning objects. 朝聖團為踏上朝聖旅途的平民,通常只有簡陋桿棒用於自衛。
Highland Rabble 高地民團 light infantry Ill disciplined and fierce peasants from the Highlands armed with a basic hand weapon. 高地民團民團軍紀極差,徒逞蠻勇,以最簡陋武器奮勇作戰。
Peasants 農民 light infantry In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder. 農民經常在戰時被強行徵召入伍,充任廉價炮灰。
Peasants 農民 light infantry In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder. 農民經常在戰時被強行徵召入伍,充任廉價炮灰。
Peasants 農民 light infantry In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder. 農民經常在戰時被強行徵召入伍,充任廉價炮灰。
Mercenary Arquebusiers 僱傭火繩槍兵 missile infantry Fired at close range, this noisy, Smokey and lethal weapon causes morale damage as well as physical hurt. 僱傭火繩槍兵通常近距離齊射,發射時的硝煙和巨響令這種恐怖武器極為震撼人心,無論精神還是肉體上都給敵軍致命打擊。
Crossbow Militia 持弩民兵 missile infantry Crossbow Militia are peasant crossbowmen called up to defend settlements. Very poorly armoured. 持弩民兵是裝備軍弩的農夫,應徵入伍為城邑提供遠程防禦力量,盔甲十分簡陋。
Mercenary Monster Bombard 僱傭怪獸巨炮 missile siege Massive Siege-Gun. Can destroy nearly any wall in one shot. Has very long range but slow reload time. 怪獸巨炮為巨型攻城炮,幾乎一炮既可轟塌任何城牆,其射程極遠,但裝填速度緩慢。
Mercenary Rocket Launcher 僱傭火箭戰車 missile siege Rocket Launcher capable of delivering a great, if inaccurate salvo, over a large area. 僱傭火箭戰車雖然精度欠缺,但可以進行大範圍殺傷。
Mercenary Monster Ribault 僱用怪獸管炮 missile siege 36 Cannon barrels mounted on a wagon frame. Deadly short-ranged defensive gun capable of laying down a tremendous barrage. 怪獸管炮炮身上安置三十六根炮管,可發射短程密集攔阻彈幕。
Mercenary Ribault 僱傭管炮 missile siege A small multi-barrel wagon mounted cannon. A good defensive tool able to fire singly or in a six-barrel barrage. 管炮是小型自走多管加農炮,其九根炮管齊射,威力十分驚人,是出色的防禦火炮。
Albanian Cavalry 阿爾巴尼亞輕騎兵 light cavalry Fierce light cavalry with spear and mace 阿爾巴尼亞騎兵是使用長矛和狼牙棒的出色輕騎兵。
Albanian Cavalry 阿爾巴尼亞輕騎兵 light cavalry Fierce light cavalry with spear and mace 阿爾巴尼亞騎兵是使用長矛和狼牙棒的出色輕騎兵。
Albanian Cavalry 阿爾巴尼亞輕騎兵 light cavalry Fierce light cavalry with spear and mace 阿爾巴尼亞騎兵是使用長矛和狼牙棒的出色輕騎兵。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重騎兵 heavy cavalry These Khwarizmi are well equipped and protected heavy cavalry ready to fight for whomever can afford them. 花剌子模重騎兵裝備精良,隨時準備為高價僱主而效命沙場。
Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重騎兵 heavy cavalry These Khwarizmi are well equipped and protected heavy cavalry ready to fight for whomever can afford them. 花剌子模重騎兵裝備精良,隨時準備為高價僱主而效命沙場。
Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重騎兵 heavy cavalry These Khwarizmi are well equipped and protected heavy cavalry ready to fight for whomever can afford them. 花剌子模重騎兵裝備精良,隨時準備為高價僱主而效命沙場。
Elephants 火槍戰象 heavy cavalry Armed with deadly arquebuses these riders fire from atop these fearsome beasts, which can trample men into the dust. 戰象可將敵軍人馬踏為肉泥,同時背負的火繩槍兵亦居高臨下對敵人進行致命射擊。
Elephant Artillery 火炮戰象 heavy cavalry These fearsome beasts have small cannons, comparable to serpentines, mounted on their backs. 這些恐怖巨獸背負著類似蛇炮的小型加農炮。
Balkan Archers 巴爾幹弓箭兵 missile infantry Poorly trained and equipped archer mercenaries. 巴爾幹弓箭兵是盔甲簡陋,訓練程度低下的僱傭部隊。
Balkan Archers 巴爾幹弓箭兵 missile infantry Poorly trained and equipped archer mercenaries. 巴爾幹弓箭兵是盔甲簡陋,訓練程度低下的僱傭部隊。
Balkan Archers 巴爾幹弓箭兵 missile infantry Poorly trained and equipped archer mercenaries. 巴爾幹弓箭兵是盔甲簡陋,訓練程度低下的僱傭部隊。
Balkan Archers 巴爾幹弓箭兵 missile infantry Poorly trained and equipped archer mercenaries. 巴爾幹弓箭兵是盔甲簡陋,訓練程度低下的僱傭部隊。
Crusader Sergeants 十字軍長矛軍士 spearmen infantry Professional hardened warriors, protected by good armour, armed with spears and eager to go on Crusade. 長矛軍士為精銳職業部隊,身穿精良盔甲,揮動長矛為十字軍作戰。
Crusader Sergeants 十字軍長矛軍士 spearmen infantry Professional hardened warriors, protected by good armour, armed with spears and eager to go on Crusade. 長矛軍士為精銳職業部隊,身穿精良盔甲,揮動長矛為十字軍作戰。
Crusader Sergeants 十字軍長矛軍士 spearmen infantry Professional hardened warriors, protected by good armour, armed with spears and eager to go on Crusade. 長矛軍士為精銳職業部隊,身穿精良盔甲,揮動長矛為十字軍作戰。
Polish Nobles 波蘭貴族騎兵 missile cavalry Able to circle in front their enemies and shoot, these excellent troops hurl their javelins before engaging in melee. 波蘭貴族騎兵慣以圓陣迎敵,率先標槍飛擲,後繼以血腥廝殺。
Norman Knights 諾曼騎士 heavy cavalry Exceptionally fierce knights, wearing heavy mail, and equipped with sturdy lances. 諾曼騎士裝備重型鏈甲和沉重騎槍,極為驍勇善戰。
Bulgarian Brigands 保加利亞盜團 missile infantry Brigands armed with a composite bow, sword, padded armour and shield. 保加利亞盜團成員裝備復合弓、長劍、鑲甲和盾牌。
Highlanders 高地斧兵 light infantry Fierce and wild warriors from the Scottish Highlands fight with little to no armour and are equipped with an axe. 高地斧兵是來自蘇格蘭高地,儘管自身盔甲簡陋,依然揮動戰斧盾牌奮勇搏殺。
Landsknecht Pikemen 朗斯克納長槍兵 spearmen infantry Originally from the Holy Roman Empire, these elite mercenaries are armed with pikes and their distinctive slash and puffy clothing 朗斯克納長槍兵最初來自於神聖羅馬帝國,裝備長槍,身穿獨特的精緻寬鬆上衣和長襪,是極為精銳的僱傭部隊。
Norse Swordsmen 北歐劍士 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped Norse swordsmen. Able to wear chain and plate armour. 北歐劍士裝備極為精良,身穿鏈甲或板甲。
Desert Cavalry 沙漠騎兵 missile cavalry Fast skirmishers with javelins, best used to harass enemy flanks and fend off archers. 沙漠騎兵是裝備標槍的突襲騎兵,擅長側翼騷擾和驅逐遠程部隊。
Turkish Javelinmen 土耳其標槍兵 missile infantry Turkish Javelinmen are light troops used to harass enemy archers and enemy flanks from a distance. 土耳其標槍兵是盔甲簡陋的輕裝部隊,通常用於遠程騷擾敵軍側翼或弓箭部隊。
Mamluks 馬穆魯克重騎兵 heavy cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood and well equipped, these soldiers make formidable heavy cavalry. 馬穆魯克重騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們盔甲精良,為精銳重騎兵。
Jaguar Warriors 猛虎戰士 light infantry A fearsome warrior, who through great skill and courage wears the jaguar uniform. Armoured with ichcahuipilli armour, chimalli shield, and wielding maquahuitl 猛虎戰士是極為精銳的部隊,只有百戰勇士方可獲准身披美洲虎皮戰袍,他們裝備棉質鑲甲、切瑪利皮盾和瑪喀霍特戰棍。
Galloglaich 高地斧兵 heavy infantry Fierce Scottish warriors who have settled in Ireland. Formidable troops armed with large two-handed axes and wearing light armour. 高地斧兵是定居於愛爾蘭的蘇格蘭戰士,身穿輕甲,揮動雙手巨斧進行廝殺,極為驍勇善戰。
Welsh Spearmen 威爾士矛兵 spearmen infantry Fierce Welsh mercenaries, who fight unarmoured, equipped with a spear and capable of forming a defensive ring of spears. 威爾士矛兵盔甲簡陋,裝備長矛,可列刺蝟圓陣。
Sudanese Javelinmen 蘇丹標槍兵 missile infantry Good for weakening units and breaking up formations, but will quickly dissolve if caught in melee. 蘇丹標槍兵遠程殺傷和破壞敵軍陣型非常出色,但近戰肉搏則極為脆弱。
Sudanese Tribesmen 蘇丹部落劍士 light infantry Tribesmen from Africa armed with swords. 蘇丹部落劍士來自非洲部落,作戰極為驍勇。
Lithuanian Cavalry 立陶宛騎兵 missile cavalry Fierce East European horse archers. Lightly armoured, but still enjoy a good hand to hand scrap. 立陶宛騎兵是精銳的東歐弓騎兵,儘管盔甲簡陋,但仍喜近身搏殺。
Magyar Cavalry 馬扎爾弓騎兵 missile cavalry These natural horsemen are armed with a composite bow and wear light armour. 馬扎爾騎兵是天生的弓騎兵,裝備復合弓和輕型鏈甲。
Desert Archers 沙漠弓箭兵 missile infantry Hardy men from the desert, adept with the bow, but lacking the equipment for close combat. 沙漠弓箭兵熟悉沙漠地形,箭法出色,但近身肉搏頗為脆弱。
Saracen Militia 撒拉遜民兵 spearmen infantry Well armoured townsfolk, these spearmen can take care of themselves on the battlefield, and fill out any army. 撒拉遜民兵是裝備極為精良的城鎮民兵,可獨立作戰,亦可協同其他部隊。
Swiss Pikemen 瑞士戟兵 spearmen infantry The most renowned mercenaries of their age. Lightly equipped, but exceptionally brave and fierce 瑞士戟兵是中世紀最負盛名的僱傭兵,儘管盔甲簡陋,但極為驍勇善戰。
Flemish Pikemen 佛蘭芒戟兵 spearmen infantry Hailing from Flanders, these mercenaries are armed with pikes and wear light armour. 佛蘭芒矛兵來自佛蘭德斯地區,裝備輕甲和戟槍。
Scots Pike Militia 蘇格蘭長槍民兵 spearmen infantry Lowland Scots levied into a militia to defend their settlement. Armed with pikes for good defence against cavalry, but lacking in armour. 低地蘇格蘭平民經常被征入本地民兵部隊防禦城邑。他們接受過部分訓練,使用長槍,對抗騎兵頗為出色,但是盔甲簡陋。
Norse Swordsmen 北歐劍士 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped Norse swordsmen. Able to wear chain and plate armour. 北歐劍士裝備極為精良,身穿鏈甲或板甲。
Norse Swordsmen 北歐劍士 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped Norse swordsmen. Able to wear chain and plate armour. 北歐劍士裝備極為精良,身穿鏈甲或板甲。
Norse Swordsmen 北歐劍士 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped Norse swordsmen. Able to wear chain and plate armour. 北歐劍士裝備極為精良,身穿鏈甲或板甲。
Norse Swordsmen 北歐劍士 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped Norse swordsmen. Able to wear chain and plate armour. 北歐劍士裝備極為精良,身穿鏈甲或板甲。
Norse Swordsmen 北歐劍士 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped Norse swordsmen. Able to wear chain and plate armour. 北歐劍士裝備極為精良,身穿鏈甲或板甲。
Norse Swordsmen 北歐劍士 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped Norse swordsmen. Able to wear chain and plate armour. 北歐劍士裝備極為精良,身穿鏈甲或板甲。
Norse Swordsmen 北歐劍士 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped Norse swordsmen. Able to wear chain and plate armour. 北歐劍士裝備極為精良,身穿鏈甲或板甲。
Norse Swordsmen 北歐劍士 heavy infantry Well armed and equipped Norse swordsmen. Able to wear chain and plate armour. 北歐劍士裝備極為精良,身穿鏈甲或板甲。
Sergeant Spearmen 長矛軍士 spearmen infantry Trained and hardened warriors, protected by a large shield, armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears. 長矛軍士是訓練有素的精銳部隊,手持巨盾和長矛,必要時可列圓陣接敵。
Sergeant Spearmen 長矛軍士 spearmen infantry Trained and hardened warriors, protected by a large shield, armed with spears and able to form a defensive ring of spears. 長矛軍士是訓練有素的精銳部隊,手持巨盾和長矛,必要時可列圓陣接敵。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Spear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears. 長矛民兵在歐洲隨處可見,通常為招入本地民兵部隊的平民,負責防禦城鎮、道路或支援主力部隊,裝備長矛和盾牌。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Spear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears. 長矛民兵在歐洲隨處可見,通常為招入本地民兵部隊的平民,負責防禦城鎮、道路或支援主力部隊,裝備長矛和盾牌。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Spear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears. 長矛民兵在歐洲隨處可見,通常為招入本地民兵部隊的平民,負責防禦城鎮、道路或支援主力部隊,裝備長矛和盾牌。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Spear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears. 長矛民兵在歐洲隨處可見,通常為招入本地民兵部隊的平民,負責防禦城鎮、道路或支援主力部隊,裝備長矛和盾牌。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Spear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears. 長矛民兵在歐洲隨處可見,通常為招入本地民兵部隊的平民,負責防禦城鎮、道路或支援主力部隊,裝備長矛和盾牌。
Spear Militia 長矛民兵 spearmen infantry Spear Militia are commoners and peasants levied into local militias to defend settlements and bolster armies, armed with long spears. 長矛民兵在歐洲隨處可見,通常為招入本地民兵部隊的平民,負責防禦城鎮、道路或支援主力部隊,裝備長矛和盾牌。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry A peasant archer is armed with a small bow and knife. Not to be relied upon. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,表現平平,不能寄予過高期望。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry A peasant archer is armed with a small bow and knife. Not to be relied upon. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,表現平平,不能寄予過高期望。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry A peasant archer is armed with a small bow and knife. Not to be relied upon. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,表現平平,不能寄予過高期望。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry A peasant archer is armed with a small bow and knife. Not to be relied upon. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,表現平平,不能寄予過高期望。
Turkomans 土庫曼弓騎兵 missile cavalry Tribal Turkish nomads, accustomed to life in the saddle. These hardy bowmen have a fierce and unruly reputation. 土庫曼弓騎兵是來自土耳其游牧部落的騎兵部隊,以凶殘剽悍著稱於世。
Muslim Archers 穆斯林弓箭兵 missile infantry Troops comprised of Sicilian Muslims fighting for their city, equipped with bows and light armour. 穆斯林弓箭兵來自西西里的穆斯林社區,應徵入伍保衛城市,裝備復合弓和輕甲。
Muslim Archers 穆斯林弓箭兵 missile infantry Troops comprised of Sicilian Muslims fighting for their city, equipped with bows and light armour. 穆斯林弓箭兵來自西西里的穆斯林社區,應徵入伍保衛城市,裝備復合弓和輕甲。
Muslim Archers 穆斯林弓箭兵 missile infantry Troops comprised of Sicilian Muslims fighting for their city, equipped with bows and light armour. 穆斯林弓箭兵來自西西里的穆斯林社區,應徵入伍保衛城市,裝備復合弓和輕甲。
Archer Militia 弓箭民兵 missile infantry A type of trained civilian guard called,' tzakones' responsible for protecting settlements, roads and forts. 弓箭民兵是經過訓練的城鎮守衛武裝,負責防禦城邑、道路和營寨。
Archer Militia 弓箭民兵 missile infantry A type of trained civilian guard called,' tzakones' responsible for protecting settlements, roads and forts. 弓箭民兵是經過訓練的城鎮守衛武裝,負責防禦城邑、道路和營寨。
Archer Militia 弓箭民兵 missile infantry A type of trained civilian guard called,' tzakones' responsible for protecting settlements, roads and forts. 弓箭民兵是經過訓練的城鎮守衛武裝,負責防禦城邑、道路和營寨。
Archer Militia 弓箭民兵 missile infantry A type of trained civilian guard called,' tzakones' responsible for protecting settlements, roads and forts. 弓箭民兵是經過訓練的城鎮守衛武裝,負責防禦城邑、道路和營寨。
Archer Militia 弓箭民兵 missile infantry A type of trained civilian guard called,' tzakones' responsible for protecting settlements, roads and forts. 弓箭民兵是經過訓練的城鎮守衛武裝,負責防禦城邑、道路和營寨。
Trebizond Archers 特拉比松弓箭兵 missile infantry Hailing from the edge of the Black Sea, these well trained archers wear padded armour and use a composite bow. 特拉比松弓箭兵來自黑海沿岸,訓練有素,裝備鑲甲和復合弓。
Trebizond Archers 特拉比松弓箭兵 missile infantry Hailing from the edge of the Black Sea, these well trained archers wear padded armour and use a composite bow. 特拉比松弓箭兵來自黑海沿岸,訓練有素,裝備鑲甲和復合弓。
Trebizond Archers 特拉比松弓箭兵 missile infantry Hailing from the edge of the Black Sea, these well trained archers wear padded armour and use a composite bow. 特拉比松弓箭兵來自黑海沿岸,訓練有素,裝備鑲甲和復合弓。
Trebizond Archers 特拉比松弓箭兵 missile infantry Hailing from the edge of the Black Sea, these well trained archers wear padded armour and use a composite bow. 特拉比松弓箭兵來自黑海沿岸,訓練有素,裝備鑲甲和復合弓。
Trebizond Archers 特拉比松弓箭兵 missile infantry Hailing from the edge of the Black Sea, these well trained archers wear padded armour and use a composite bow. 特拉比松弓箭兵來自黑海沿岸,訓練有素,裝備鑲甲和復合弓。
Trebizond Archers 特拉比松弓箭兵 missile infantry Hailing from the edge of the Black Sea, these well trained archers wear padded armour and use a composite bow. 特拉比松弓箭兵來自黑海沿岸,訓練有素,裝備鑲甲和復合弓。
Turkish Archers 土耳其弓箭兵 missile infantry Used to hunting with a bow these troops are proficient with their bows, but will melt away quickly in melee. 土耳其弓箭兵入伍前以使用弓箭狩獵為生,因此箭法出色,但近身肉搏頗為脆弱。
Turkish Archers 土耳其弓箭兵 missile infantry Used to hunting with a bow these troops are proficient with their bows, but will melt away quickly in melee. 土耳其弓箭兵入伍前以使用弓箭狩獵為生,因此箭法出色,但近身肉搏頗為脆弱。
Turkish Archers 土耳其弓箭兵 missile infantry Used to hunting with a bow these troops are proficient with their bows, but will melt away quickly in melee. 土耳其弓箭兵入伍前以使用弓箭狩獵為生,因此箭法出色,但近身肉搏頗為脆弱。
Turkish Archers 土耳其弓箭兵 missile infantry Used to hunting with a bow these troops are proficient with their bows, but will melt away quickly in melee. 土耳其弓箭兵入伍前以使用弓箭狩獵為生,因此箭法出色,但近身肉搏頗為脆弱。
Turkish Archers 土耳其弓箭兵 missile infantry Used to hunting with a bow these troops are proficient with their bows, but will melt away quickly in melee. 土耳其弓箭兵入伍前以使用弓箭狩獵為生,因此箭法出色,但近身肉搏頗為脆弱。
General's Bodyguard 早期將領衛隊 heavy cavalry Well armed and equipped these elite troops have the task of guarding and fighting alongside the army's general. 將領衛隊裝備精良,是時刻保護將領安危的精銳騎兵。
Crusader Knights 十字軍騎士 heavy cavalry These experienced knights in heavy mail seek forgiveness of their sins by going on crusade. 十字軍騎士身穿重型鏈甲,為洗清自己的罪孽加入十字軍遠征。
Crusader Knights 十字軍騎士 heavy cavalry These experienced knights in heavy mail seek forgiveness of their sins by going on crusade. 十字軍騎士身穿重型鏈甲,為洗清自己的罪孽加入十字軍遠征。
Crusader Knights 十字軍騎士 heavy cavalry These experienced knights in heavy mail seek forgiveness of their sins by going on crusade. 十字軍騎士身穿重型鏈甲,為洗清自己的罪孽加入十字軍遠征。
Crusader Knights 十字軍騎士 heavy cavalry These experienced knights in heavy mail seek forgiveness of their sins by going on crusade. 十字軍騎士身穿重型鏈甲,為洗清自己的罪孽加入十字軍遠征。
Crusader Knights 十字軍騎士 heavy cavalry These experienced knights in heavy mail seek forgiveness of their sins by going on crusade. 十字軍騎士身穿重型鏈甲,為洗清自己的罪孽加入十字軍遠征。
Crusader Sergeants 十字軍長矛軍士 spearmen infantry Professional hardened warriors, protected by good armour, armed with spears and eager to go on Crusade. 長矛軍士為精銳職業部隊,身穿精良盔甲,揮動長矛為十字軍作戰。
Crusader Sergeants 十字軍長矛軍士 spearmen infantry Professional hardened warriors, protected by good armour, armed with spears and eager to go on Crusade. 長矛軍士為精銳職業部隊,身穿精良盔甲,揮動長矛為十字軍作戰。
Crusader Sergeants 十字軍長矛軍士 spearmen infantry Professional hardened warriors, protected by good armour, armed with spears and eager to go on Crusade. 長矛軍士為精銳職業部隊,身穿精良盔甲,揮動長矛為十字軍作戰。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Highland Archers 高地弓箭兵 missile infantry Archers from the highlands armed with a standard bow and a one-handed axe for melee. 高地弓箭兵使用標準戰弓,此外亦配備單手戰斧以備肉搏。
Pavise Crossbowmen 巨盾弩兵 missile infantry These troops are armed with a large shield to protect them during the slow process of reloading their crossbow. 巨盾弩兵背負全身巨盾,以防裝填弩箭途中遭受攻擊。
Mamluk Archers 馬穆魯克弓騎兵 missile cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood, these formidable soldiers excel at archery, but can also hold their own in melee. 馬穆魯克弓騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們箭法如神,近戰搏殺亦頗為出色。
Mamluk Archers 馬穆魯克弓騎兵 missile cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood, these formidable soldiers excel at archery, but can also hold their own in melee. 馬穆魯克弓騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們箭法如神,近戰搏殺亦頗為出色。
Mamluk Archers 馬穆魯克弓騎兵 missile cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood, these formidable soldiers excel at archery, but can also hold their own in melee. 馬穆魯克弓騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們箭法如神,近戰搏殺亦頗為出色。
Mamluk Archers 馬穆魯克弓騎兵 missile cavalry Bought as slaves, and trained from boyhood, these formidable soldiers excel at archery, but can also hold their own in melee. 馬穆魯克弓騎兵以奴隸身份進入埃及,自童年始即接受作戰訓練。他們箭法如神,近戰搏殺亦頗為出色。
Bedouin Camel Riders 貝督因駱駝騎兵 missile cavalry Hardy but lightly equipped desert skirmishers. They're also useful against light cavalry, as horses detest the smell of camels. 貝督因駱駝騎兵是輕裝沙漠突襲騎兵,因為駱駝能令敵軍戰馬驚懼,因此擅長對抗輕裝騎兵。
Bedouin Camel Riders 貝督因駱駝騎兵 missile cavalry Hardy but lightly equipped desert skirmishers. They're also useful against light cavalry, as horses detest the smell of camels. 貝督因駱駝騎兵是輕裝沙漠突襲騎兵,因為駱駝能令敵軍戰馬驚懼,因此擅長對抗輕裝騎兵。
Bedouin Camel Riders 貝督因駱駝騎兵 missile cavalry Hardy but lightly equipped desert skirmishers. They're also useful against light cavalry, as horses detest the smell of camels. 貝督因駱駝騎兵是輕裝沙漠突襲騎兵,因為駱駝能令敵軍戰馬驚懼,因此擅長對抗輕裝騎兵。
Bedouin Camel Riders 貝督因駱駝騎兵 missile cavalry Hardy but lightly equipped desert skirmishers. They're also useful against light cavalry, as horses detest the smell of camels. 貝督因駱駝騎兵是輕裝沙漠突襲騎兵,因為駱駝能令敵軍戰馬驚懼,因此擅長對抗輕裝騎兵。
Longbowmen 長弓兵 missile infantry Armed with the armour piercing longbow, Longbowmen can also plant stakes in front of them to keep cavalry at bay. 長弓兵裝備強勁破甲長弓,作戰時於陣前設置拒馬尖樁以防敵軍騎兵突襲。
Longbowmen 長弓兵 missile infantry Armed with the armour piercing longbow, Longbowmen can also plant stakes in front of them to keep cavalry at bay. 長弓兵裝備強勁破甲長弓,作戰時於陣前設置拒馬尖樁以防敵軍騎兵突襲。
Longbowmen 長弓兵 missile infantry Armed with the armour piercing longbow, Longbowmen can also plant stakes in front of them to keep cavalry at bay. 長弓兵裝備強勁破甲長弓,作戰時於陣前設置拒馬尖樁以防敵軍騎兵突襲。
Longbowmen 長弓兵 missile infantry Armed with the armour piercing longbow, Longbowmen can also plant stakes in front of them to keep cavalry at bay. 長弓兵裝備強勁破甲長弓,作戰時於陣前設置拒馬尖樁以防敵軍騎兵突襲。
Free Company Longbowmen 僱傭長弓兵 missile infantry Mercenary Longbowmen armoured with light mail. Able to lay defensive stakes. 僱傭長弓兵裝備輕型鏈甲,可在陣前設置拒馬尖樁,令敵軍騎兵望而生畏。
Free Company Longbowmen 僱傭長弓兵 missile infantry Mercenary Longbowmen armoured with light mail. Able to lay defensive stakes. 僱傭長弓兵裝備輕型鏈甲,可在陣前設置拒馬尖樁,令敵軍騎兵望而生畏。
Free Company Longbowmen 僱傭長弓兵 missile infantry Mercenary Longbowmen armoured with light mail. Able to lay defensive stakes. 僱傭長弓兵裝備輕型鏈甲,可在陣前設置拒馬尖樁,令敵軍騎兵望而生畏。
Free Company Longbowmen 僱傭長弓兵 missile infantry Mercenary Longbowmen armoured with light mail. Able to lay defensive stakes. 僱傭長弓兵裝備輕型鏈甲,可在陣前設置拒馬尖樁,令敵軍騎兵望而生畏。
Muslim Archers 穆斯林弓箭兵 missile infantry Troops comprised of Sicilian Muslims fighting for their city, equipped with bows and light armour. 穆斯林弓箭兵來自西西里的穆斯林社區,應徵入伍保衛城市,裝備復合弓和輕甲。
Muslim Archers 穆斯林弓箭兵 missile infantry Troops comprised of Sicilian Muslims fighting for their city, equipped with bows and light armour. 穆斯林弓箭兵來自西西里的穆斯林社區,應徵入伍保衛城市,裝備復合弓和輕甲。
Muslim Archers 穆斯林弓箭兵 missile infantry Troops comprised of Sicilian Muslims fighting for their city, equipped with bows and light armour. 穆斯林弓箭兵來自西西里的穆斯林社區,應徵入伍保衛城市,裝備復合弓和輕甲。
Muslim Archers 穆斯林弓箭兵 missile infantry Troops comprised of Sicilian Muslims fighting for their city, equipped with bows and light armour. 穆斯林弓箭兵來自西西里的穆斯林社區,應徵入伍保衛城市,裝備復合弓和輕甲。