Private art collections have existed for millennia, and although there are artworks on public display in even the most unremarkable hamlets, the advent of the Art Gallery heralds a new age in art appreciation. Not only does the building offer the local citizens a chance to sample fine art, it also attracts an entourage of aspiring artists whose works wind up beautifying the city, if not in the gallery itself.
藝術作品私人收藏之風已延續千年,但極少有名作進行公展,因此,藝術展廳建成宣示著藝術鑒賞全新時代的來臨。展廳不僅令城邑居民得以目睹各種藝術精品,同時亦吸引傑出藝術家攜作品來此參展,這些傑作不僅令展廳流光溢彩,更令整個城市熠熠生輝。 |