Though painting and sculpting are anything but new forms of art, there is resurgence in the development of art throughout Europe, particularly in Italy. Though the aspiring artists are everywhere to be found, to see some major works produced, the local establishment must invest in an Artists’ Studio. Here, artists worthy of noble support have the space and solitude required to realise their dramatic visions.
儘管繪畫和雕塑仍只是新興藝術形式,但文藝復興風潮已經席捲整個歐洲,特別是意大利。人們一方面四處尋訪傑出藝術大師,以期目睹傳世名作,另方面亦大力支持本地藝術家開設畫室,令得到貴族資助的藝術家們有足夠空間和精力去實現他們的藝術夢想。 |