One glance at the towering magnificence of a Cathedral is enough to suggest to many that the Christian Orthodox Church has chosen the house of God itself to be its beacon of irrefutable power and enlightenment. Frankly, few Lords can boast to own a structure remotely so beautiful or architecturally advanced as a cathedral, which tend to dominate the skyline of any city they grace.
大教堂壯觀雄偉的塔樓,向世人暗示這座上帝居所實乃天主威力和榮光的俗世體現。坦率而論,任何貴族住宅都無法如大教堂般工藝精巧,美輪美奐。雄偉教堂傲然屹立於任何信仰天主城邑的天際,凜凜生威。 |