Citadel (Upgrade) 要塞
City/Castle 城市/城堡 |
City levels 城市建築等級 |
Castle levels 城堡建築等級 |
Motte and Bailey (Upgrade) 城寨(可升級) A Motte and Bailey is a simple, defensible outpost, little more than a watchtower and protective fence. 城寨是簡易前沿防禦基地,略強於哨塔和柵欄。
Wooden Palisade (Upgrade) 木柵(可升級) A Wooden Palisade gives a sense of security but is unlikely to delay determined attackers for very long. 城邑周圍用削尖木樁圍成柵欄可以滿足居民的安全需要,但無法抵禦長期進攻。
Wooden Castle (Upgrade) 木堡(可升級) A Wooden Castle gives only basic protection, but allows for the construction of vital training facilities. 木堡是基本防禦設施,可以建造城堡軍營。
Wooden Wall (Upgrade) 木牆(可升級) A Wooden Wall allows defenders to guard from raised battlements, but is still very vulnerable to siege equipment. 木牆令守軍可於護牆後進行防禦,但面對攻城武器則不堪一擊。
Castle (Upgrade) 城堡(可升級) A Castle stamps its owner's authority onto the landscape, making dominion clear for all to see. 城堡是國家實力的象徵,向他人顯示國家對該地區不容置疑的領土主權。
Stone Wall (Upgrade) 石製城牆(可升級) Building a Stone Wall greatly improves a settlement's ability to resist siege weapons over a wooden equivalent. 與木牆相比,石製城牆極大提高了城邑對攻城武器的防禦能力。
Fortress (Upgrade) 堡壘(可升級) A fortress is a permanent statement of ownership, and not something that is easily taken. 堡壘是實力的永恆詮釋,來犯敵軍必須攻破雙層防御體系。
Stone Wall (Upgrade) 石製城牆(可升級) Building a Stone Wall greatly improves a settlement's ability to resist siege weapons over a wooden equivalent. 與木牆相比,石製城牆極大提高了城邑對攻城武器的防禦能力。
Citadel (Upgrade) 要塞 A Citadel is the ultimate defensive structure, its three-ringed stone walls form a strongpoint without compare! 要塞乃終極防禦堡壘,強大的三層防禦體系足以傲視任何強敵。
Building class 建築類型 |
castle core_castle_building
Convert to 轉換建築類型 |
core_building LEVEL 2
Building level 建築等級 |
LEVEL 4 citadel
Material 材料 |
Capability 建築效果 |
wall_level 4 tower_level 1 gate_strength 2 law_bonus bonus 5 recruitment_slots 3
Faction capability 勢力效果 |
Construction 建造時間 |
Cost 建造花費 |
Requires condition 其他建造條件 |
Recruit units 招募兵種 |
No. |
Card 兵種 |
Name 名稱 |
Start quantity 初始數量 |
Replenishment rate 補充率 |
Max quantity 最大數量 |
Experience 經驗值 |
Requires condition 其他招募條件 |
1 |
Dismounted Polish Knights 步行波蘭騎士 heavy infantry Well trained, elite troops, and well equipped with plate armour and sword. Fighting on foot, these knights make capable heavy infantry. 步行波蘭騎士裝備精良板甲和鋒利長劍,是訓練有素的精銳部隊,步戰同樣驍勇強悍。
Dismounted Polish Knights 步行波蘭騎士 |
1 |
0.4 |
3 |
0 |
Well trained, elite troops, and well equipped with plate armour and sword. Fighting on foot, these knights make capable heavy infantry. 步行波蘭騎士裝備精良板甲和鋒利長劍,是訓練有素的精銳部隊,步戰同樣驍勇強悍。 |
2 |
Polish Retainers 波蘭扈從騎兵 heavy cavalry Wearing brigandine armour, and armed with a lance and sword, this unit is capable of devastating charges. 扈從騎兵身穿鑲片皮甲,手持騎槍和長劍,衝鋒威力亦頗為驚人。
Polish Retainers 波蘭扈從騎兵 |
1 |
0.4 |
3 |
0 |
Wearing brigandine armour, and armed with a lance and sword, this unit is capable of devastating charges. 扈從騎兵身穿鑲片皮甲,手持騎槍和長劍,衝鋒威力亦頗為驚人。 |
3 |
Polish Knights 波蘭騎士 heavy cavalry Well armoured and equipped, and practiced in heavy cavalry tactics these knights make a fearsome addition to any Polish army. 波蘭騎士裝備精良,精熟重騎兵戰術,乃波蘭軍隊之殺手鑭。
Polish Knights 波蘭騎士 |
1 |
0.4 |
3 |
0 |
Well armoured and equipped, and practiced in heavy cavalry tactics these knights make a fearsome addition to any Polish army. 波蘭騎士裝備精良,精熟重騎兵戰術,乃波蘭軍隊之殺手鑭。 |
4 |
Dismounted Polish Nobles 步行波蘭貴族騎兵 spearmen infantry Dismounted, they make solid infantry armed with light spears. 步行波蘭貴族騎兵熱衷步戰廝殺,揮舞輕矛作戰。
Dismounted Polish Nobles 步行波蘭貴族騎兵 |
1 |
0.4 |
3 |
0 |
Dismounted, they make solid infantry armed with light spears. 步行波蘭貴族騎兵熱衷步戰廝殺,揮舞輕矛作戰。 |
5 |
Strzelcy 波蘭弩騎兵 missile cavalry Strzelcy, meaning shooter in Polish, are light horse troops protected by light armour using a small crossbow. 波蘭弩騎兵是使用騎弩的輕裝騎兵。
Strzelcy 波蘭弩騎兵 |
1 |
0.4 |
3 |
0 |
Strzelcy, meaning shooter in Polish, are light horse troops protected by light armour using a small crossbow. 波蘭弩騎兵是使用騎弩的輕裝騎兵。 |
6 |
Peasants 農民 light infantry In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder. 農民經常在戰時被強行徵召入伍,充任廉價炮灰。
Peasants 農民 |
0 |
0.000001 |
0.999 |
0 |
In times of war peasants are forced from their farms and drafted into levies. Good cannon fodder. 農民經常在戰時被強行徵召入伍,充任廉價炮灰。 |
7 |
Woodsmen 森林斧兵 light infantry Hardy folk from the forests of North Eastern Europe, armed with a large axe. 森林斧兵是來自東北歐黑森林中的強悍戰士,揮動巨斧狂砍猛劈。
Woodsmen 森林斧兵 |
0 |
0.000001 |
0.999 |
0 |
Hardy folk from the forests of North Eastern Europe, armed with a large axe. 森林斧兵是來自東北歐黑森林中的強悍戰士,揮動巨斧狂砍猛劈。 |
8 |
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 missile infantry A peasant archer is armed with a small bow and knife. Not to be relied upon. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,表現平平,不能寄予過高期望。
Peasant Archers 平民弓箭兵 |
0 |
0.000001 |
0.999 |
0 |
A peasant archer is armed with a small bow and knife. Not to be relied upon. 平民弓箭兵裝備獵弓和短刀,表現平平,不能寄予過高期望。 |
9 |
Polish Nobles 波蘭貴族騎兵 missile cavalry Able to circle in front their enemies and shoot, these excellent troops hurl their javelins before engaging in melee. 波蘭貴族騎兵慣以圓陣迎敵,率先標槍飛擲,後繼以血腥廝殺。
Polish Nobles 波蘭貴族騎兵 |
1 |
0.4 |
3 |
0 |
Able to circle in front their enemies and shoot, these excellent troops hurl their javelins before engaging in melee. 波蘭貴族騎兵慣以圓陣迎敵,率先標槍飛擲,後繼以血腥廝殺。 |