A citadel is a huge concentric nest of defences, cunningly designed to support each other and to be abandoned by the defenders in stages so that the attacking force must fight for every square inch of ground. The outer walls and gates are formidable enough, but these are only the first layer of defence. After that, the going for an attacker gets harder! Actively defended, a citadel will hold out for a very long time.
要塞實乃巨型堡壘群,其巧妙設計可令各處火力交叉支援,逐次防禦,來犯敵軍則被分割至若干狹窄區域各自為戰,逐寸爭奪。高聳城牆和牢固城門只是要塞外層防禦,即便將其突破,敵軍仍面臨更為強大的防禦阻擊。若防禦組織得當,要塞可與圍困敵軍長期周旋。 |