The Hashashim are a notorious order of killers who hail from the Alborz mountains, who are infamous for their brutal efficiency at doing away with people, regardless of their station or security. When the Hashashim choose to set up a chapter house in a city, it is a true testimony to the grim cunning and determination of the young men emerging from the streets.
哈薩辛是起源於阿爾波茲山脈惡名遠播的暗殺組織,其成員出手殘忍不擇手段,故而聲名狼藉,儘管其在國家安全方面舉足輕重,仍為大多數民眾所唾棄。任何城市被哈薩辛選中設立行會,對城中的橫行歹徒而言都不啻死神親臨。 |