Land Clearance is the first step on the road to establishing organised farming in the countryside, and ensuring that a region will begin to grow and prosper. Though there is little more to land clearance than deforestation and basic tilling of the soil, any area where the local establishment has not taken such measures to make the land workable will struggle to feed its populace.
作為對刀耕火種方式的改進,城邑周圍進行土地平整能夠提供大量耕地,進而刺激城邑發展和人口增長。儘管只是簡單清理地面雜物和填平溝壑,土地平整措施仍十分重要,尚未進行這一舉措的城邑則只能終日辛勤勞作以求果腹。 |