The Alchemists’ Guild Headquarters is the highest centre of learning in the known world when it comes to material science. Here theology is considered a waste of time, something that opposes the progress of true research – A stance that differentiates it greatly from a University, and makes it incredibly unpopular with local men of the faith. The gunpowder produced here is considered the finest, without exception.
煉金行會總部是世界上對物質成分研究最為權威的機構。該處人們概不顧慮任何教義忌諱,認為其存在阻礙著真正科學進程,正是此點令行會總部與高等學府中研究風氣截然迥異,並令虔誠的城邑居民對此地側目而視。行會總部研發的火藥槍械,莫不精妙絕倫,屬於世界上最先進的武器。 |