Ikonic art can be found throughout the Orthodox Christian faith to represent the messiah, saints and other holy figures, but it is an exacting art that few men master, let alone dabble in. A city that plays home to an Ikoner’s Studio will attract enough competent artists to beautify any churches in the region, making the effect of attending mass somewhat more profound.
聖跡藝術是東正教用於表現彌賽亞、聖徒形象和聖經事跡的宗教藝術形式,其筆觸細膩精美絕倫,但極少有人能達到深厚造詣,更遑論成為傑出大師。城邑中聖跡畫室的建成,能夠吸引傑出藝術家前來將教堂描飾得美輪美奐,令莊嚴彌撒儀式更為震撼教徒靈魂。 |