The Knights of Santiago Headquarters is where the order’s Grand Master resides, and meets with the Trecenezago, a council of thirteen of the order’s veteran members. Because the Knights of Santiago only take a vow of marital chastity, the Trecenezago tend to have had plenty of opportunity to settle locally with their wives and children, which in turn brings a family tradition unto the order.
聖地亞哥騎士總團乃總團長駐節之地,同時設有由十三名資深團員組成的樞密會議。由於騎士團注重婚姻貞節,樞密會議成員們得以將家屬遷至駐地,以便更多時光團聚,同時亦為騎士團注入家族傳統。 |