The Master Hashashim's' Guild house is a den of delights and death. Promising young protégés are lured into the order here in ritualistic ceremonies, and turned into lethal weapons for the promise of paradise. It keeps the common folk watching their feet and backs, for fear of losing a friend or loved one to the order, one way or another.
哈薩辛大師行會是獰笑和死亡的淵藪。有天賦之年青人被接引入會,通過儀式後即踏上刺客生涯,以期可進入極樂天堂。窺視著他們陰森的腳步和背影,普通民眾們無不心驚膽戰,生怕自己至親愛朋即將慘遭毒手。 |