A Master Thieves’ Guild house is essentially a sort of intelligence headquarters that works in liege with the noble court. Here, information is centrally gathered and digested from informants near and far, and masters teach aspiring young men tricks of the trade that can pay off in field work abroad. The guild may school in sin, but the improved intelligence it provides is a godsend.
盜賊大師行會本質上是為國家服務的情報中心。在這裡,來自各地密探的情報被集中起來加以分析,大師們向有天賦的年輕成員傳授各種秘密行動實用技巧,以便將來為國效力。這些技藝本身陰險詭詐,但運用技藝的人們心中卻充滿著聖潔愛國光輝。 |