As the Orthodox faith continues its journey away from the Roman Catholic church, the need to establish visual points of difference became apparent, and this leads to a call for more ikonic artists. A Master Ikoner’s Studio is essentially an art school, where an old master passes on the knowledge to the next generation of artists that will create the Orthodox church’s imagery.
隨著東正教與羅馬天主教會分歧日深,對創造自身形象體系的需求愈發迫切,故而需要大批聖跡藝術家為之效力。聖跡畫院即為教授聖跡藝術的學院,在這裡大師們向學徒耐心傳授各種繪畫技法,以便令東正教堂更加富麗堂皇。 |