In these dark ages is no wonder that many men would turn to drink, and thus also no wonder that a wise man would have the foresight to build a Tavern to cash in on the merriment and misery. Staving off sobriety may not be one of the nobility’s priorities, but placating the peasants usually is, meaning a lord is more likely to finance a tavern than he is to frequent it.
在這個黑暗年代,理所當然會有諸多靈魂欲一醉方休,同樣理所當然亦會有聰明頭腦深懷遠見開設酒館,從人們歡樂和憂愁中賺取叮噹作響的金幣。保持清醒並非貴族美德,安撫民眾才是他們職責所繫,因此貴族們亦會解囊資助酒館生意,甚至偶爾降尊紆貴,與民同醉。 |