A Thieves’ Guild house is more of a training centre devoted to the practice of security and intelligence rather than a criminal collective. However, it is easy to understand as to why there is some confusion on the matter. The guild house offers a way out to those born to a life of petty crime, by honing their skills so that they may serve the nobility legitimately, spying for the throne abroad.
盜賊行會並非雞鳴狗盜之徒的淵藪,而是致力培養情報和安全人員的訓練中心。然而,人們對其產生誤解的緣由亦不難理解,因為行會經常從罪犯中招攬潛在成員,並進一步磨練他們的技藝,令其踏上正途為國家效力。 |