The Woodsmen’s Guild is more of an organisation of peasants that maintain skills of living off the land that even most trained soldiers cannot lay claim to. Though most of their skills are trade orientated, virtually all guild members can both string and fire and longbow properly with genuine skill. The guild offers its expertise to lords that support its existence without quarrel.
捨伍德行會絕非樵夫們的烏合之眾,其成員的精湛求生技藝即便職業士兵亦相形見絀。儘管其中多數技能只宜應用於商業領域,但每位成員都具有長弓在手箭不虛發的天賦。為維持與當地貴族的關係,行會經常向城邑軍隊提供箭術教官協助訓練。 |