Mercenaries 可招募傭兵 |
No. |
Mercenary pool 僱傭池 |
Include regions 包含地區 |
Card 兵種 |
Name 名稱 |
Cost 費用 |
Initial quantity 初始數量 |
Replenish rate 補充率 |
Max quantity 最大數量 |
Experience 經驗值 |
Requires condition 其他僱傭條件 |
1 |
Edessa Region 埃德薩地區 Antioch Region 安條克地區 Aleppo Region 阿勒頗地區 Acre Region 阿克裡地區 Damascus Region 大馬士革地區 Jerusalem Region 耶路撒冷地區 |
Crusader Knights 十字軍騎士 heavy cavalry These experienced knights in heavy mail seek forgiveness of their sins by going on crusade. 十字軍騎士身穿重型鏈甲,為洗清自己的罪孽加入十字軍遠征。
Crusader Knights 十字軍騎士 |
220 |
0 |
0.15 - 0.35 |
4 |
0 |
end_year 1300 religions catholic crusading |
Crusader Sergeants 十字軍長矛軍士 spearmen infantry Professional hardened warriors, protected by good armour, armed with spears and eager to go on Crusade. 長矛軍士為精銳職業部隊,身穿精良盔甲,揮動長矛為十字軍作戰。
Crusader Sergeants 十字軍長矛軍士 |
110 |
0 |
0.15 - 0.35 |
4 |
0 |
end_year 1300 religions catholic crusading |
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 heavy infantry Forced to fight on foot, after losing their steeds in battle. These knights are formidable fighters. 步行十字軍騎士是作戰中失去戰馬被迫步戰的騎士,裝備精良,極為精銳。
Unhorsed Knights 步行十字軍騎士 |
170 |
0 |
0.07 - 0.17 |
2 |
0 |
end_year 1300 religions catholic |
Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重騎兵 heavy cavalry These Khwarizmi are well equipped and protected heavy cavalry ready to fight for whomever can afford them. 花剌子模重騎兵裝備精良,隨時準備為高價僱主而效命沙場。
Kwarizmian Cavalry 花剌子模重騎兵 |
1020 |
0 |
0.08 - 0.25 |
4 |
0 |
end_year 1400 events mongols_invasion_warn |
Mercenary Galley 僱傭加列戰船 light ship A Mercenary Galley. Available to the highest bidder! 僱傭加列戰船,價高者得,童叟無欺。
Mercenary Galley 僱傭加列戰船 |
1040 |
1 |
0.03 - 0.15 |
2 |
0 |
Pilgrims 朝聖團 light infantry Civilians making a pilgrimage to the Holy Lands, armed with simple bludgeoning objects. 朝聖團為踏上朝聖旅途的平民,通常只有簡陋桿棒用於自衛。
Pilgrims 朝聖團 |
35 |
1 |
0.18 - 0.5 |
6 |
0 |
religions catholic crusading |
Religious Fanatics 宗教狂熱團 light infantry A motley assortment of zealots and maniacs from amongst the common folk of Europe, travelling to the Holy Land. 宗教狂熱團包括歐洲各色宗教極端分子和平民狂徒,踏上前往聖地旅途。
Religious Fanatics 宗教狂熱團 |
70 |
1 |
0.12 - 0.33 |
4 |
0 |
religions catholic crusading |
Turkopoles 土耳其輕騎兵 missile cavalry Turkopoles are mercenaries hired by Christian forces in the Holy Lands for light cavalry duties, armed with bow and sword. 土耳其輕騎兵在耶路撒冷的基督教軍隊中執行輕騎兵任務,裝備戰弓和長劍。
Turkopoles 土耳其輕騎兵 |
720 |
1 |
0.06 - 0.18 |
3 |
0 |
religions catholic orthodox |